Drake is the strongest of the Daruga Imperial Army Legendars and a major antagonist in episodes 46 through 48 of Genseishin Justirisers.
He is voiced by Ryuta Izumi, who previously voiced Gorfinian and Algol in Chouseishin Gransazer.
Drake took part in the Hades Army's invasion of Planet Riser during which he slew the princess of the planet, Maia, whom Demon Knight was in love with.
Hundreds of years later, when Majin Daruga set his sights on conquering Earth, Drake was the Legendar he placed in charge of the Zakoal army brought to invade the planet. After arriving on the planet, Drake set out to fight Demon Knight and attacked him while he was with Reika, before withdrawing from the scene with Daruga after he got a taste of Shirogane's power.
Drake would later attack Demon Knight again on order of Daruga in order to draw out his Riser Power, while summoning Megarion to distract the Justirisers and provide support. As Jinno began to fully awaken his power, Daruga suddenly appeared and absorbed it to become Dark Demon God Kurogane. After Kurogane defeated RiseRoss and recalled Megarion, Drake exited the scene with him.
Drake would face Demon Knight one last time when he and Risers Glen and Gant boarded Kurogane's ship to blow it up. During their confrontation, Drake admitted to Demon Knight that he was the one who killed Maia. After Gant blew up the ship using bombs, Drake confronted the Justirisers on Earth and fought them one last time with an army of Zakoal. Drake was destroyed by the Justirisers and Demon Knight, after which his army of Zakoal retreated from the scene.