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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki
Char jafar
Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality!

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The Eagle Guards are the secondary antagonists of Sony Pictures Animation’s 23rd full-length animated feature film Angry Birds 2.

They are Zeta’s henchmen, who are the guards of eagle island.


After Mighty Eagle abandoned Zeta. She became the commander and made the foundation called “Eagle island” where she hired guards until when the island got destroyed they attended Zeta’s wedding with Mighty Eagle.


           AngryBirdsTitle Villains

Bad Piggies
King Pig | King Leonard Mudbeard | Corporal Pig | Foreman Pig | Chef Pig | Dr. Pig | El Porkador | Ross (Film) | Octopus Pig | Scarecrow Pigs | Goliath | Hambo | Cave Pig | Wizpig | Prince Porky | Fat Pig | Alien Pig | Hektor Porko | Captain Badburger | Porcula | Zombie Pigs | Intergalactic Explorer | Kraken Colossus | The Apocalyptic Hogriders

Eagle Guards
Zeta | Debbie | Glenn | Brad | Axel | Carl | Jerry | Kira | Hank

Star Wars Characters
Emperor Palpatine | Darth Vader | Grand Moff Tarkin | General Veers | Boba Fett | Battle Droids | Stormtroopers | Darth Maul | Tusken Raiders | Sebulba | Count Dooku | Jango Fett | General Grievous | Nute Gunray | Daultay Dofine | Jabba the Hutt | Zam Wesell | The Grand Inquisitor | Agent Kallus | Cikatro Vizago

Gale | King Fork-tongue | Crossbones | Shipwrecker | Eggbots | Unicron | Deceptihogs | Mayor Hogg | Neiderflyer | Lynette | Nigel | Marmosets (Mauro) | Gabi | Duo | "Ray" | The Sword Spirit
