Edda Gast was an antagonist in the Star Wars Legends novel Solo Command. A human female, she was aligned with Warlord Warlord Zsinj, and worked for Binring Biomedical Product. Gast was a scientist who experimented on multiple alien races to increase their intelligence and other skills as part of an effort to make aliens more "human" like. Gast was a racist who looked down on all non-humans as being inferior to humans.
Gast was captured by Wraith Squadron when they raided Binring's labs on the planet Saffalore and brought back to the New Republic star cruiser Mon Remonda. Zsinj ordered a double agent working on the cruiser to assassinate Gast. While Han Solo, Nawara Ven, and Wedge Antilles allowed news to spread that Gast had been killed, but she survived the attempt by Zsinj to kill her.
She then brokered a defection deal with Ven in which she was given a new identity, immunity for her past crimes while working with Zsinj, and 500,000 credits in exchange for information on the projects she worked on. Gast insisted on being paid in Imperial credits instead of New Republic credits. This led to her downfall as when she and Ven arrived on Coruscant Gast was taken into custody for attempting to smuggle Imperial credits in to the New Republic capital world. Due to the large amount of Imperial credits Gast had, she was also charged with sedition - which carried a long prison sentence. As she was being arrested, Gast spat on Ven, thinking she had been set up.