“ | Crazy? You want crazy? Well, I'll show you crazy. | „ |
~ Eddie Dutra |
Eddie Dutra is the main antagonist of the 1985 suspense film The New Kids.
He is the utterly brutal and merciless ringleader of his gang, who go around threatening and bullying students for the fun of it. When Loren and Abby come to his school, he tries to make the latter his by any means possible; even if others get hurt along the way.
He was portrayed by James Spader, who also played the role of Rip in Less Than Zero, Ultron in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Mr. Black in Shorts, Stewart Swinton in Wolf, Mr. Richards in Mannequin, Robert California in The Office, Lee Woods in 2 Days in the Valley, and Red Reddington in The Blacklist.
Eddie Dutra was the drug-dealing leader of a youth gang in Glenby, Florida. The other core-members of said gang were Gordo, Joe-Bob, Gideon, and Moonie. Dutra is also a vicious bully. Dutra one day harasses Abby McWilliams (who had just moved there alongside her brother Loren due to their parents dying with Uncle Charlie and Aunt Fay) by purposely bumping into her. Dutra later lets his gang attack another teenager and personally threatens another who stands up to him. Dutra plans on having Abby and Moonie fight each other for money and for him. Dutra shows up in his red van and asks her out on the dance Saturday. When Abby respectfully declines, Dutra promises that he’s going to show her who’s crazy. Under Dutra’s orders, he has Gideon Walters leer over her at the library. Dutra reveals his obsession with Abby and attempts to apologize as a distraction to get her to date him but when Abby once again says no, Dutra insults her and her brother Loren stands up to him.
Dutra then trashes Uncle Charlie’s amusement park and has his men vandalize the barn too with a wicked guffaw. Dutra then messes with the Cadillac and comes up with a lie to the Sheriff, Abby, and Loren that two well-dressed and mighty guys did the deed. Loren enters Dutra’s house and warns not to mess with him as he gags his mouth and enters his closet to discover his drugs. Loren demands the money from Dutra, and finds it himself before leaving. Dutra stalks Abby feeding the animals including their dog Molly and has one goon dismember a chicken. When someone asks for a raise, Dutra criticizes his suggestion and shows standards against trashing Funland and brutally grabs his face, saying that he can get out… and stay clear of his path. Dutra tells him to be quiet when he decides not to go through. Sheriff Goodsell arrives to question him, but he dismisses it.
Dutra breaks into Abby’s residence and witnesses her taking a shower. Dutra decides to slaughter a rabbit and tosses it’s corpse into a shower and watches a fight between Loren and another minion the next day, smirking at Loren being beaten up before he gains the upper hand and shoots a threatening glare at Dutra, saying to not toy with his sister or him again. Dutra has Loren assaulted by his gang, giving him a black eye and digging his nails at his forehead. Dutra shows up at the school dance and pervertedly looks at Abby dancing. Dutra has his men throw Abby’s new boyfriend Mark on the floor and attempt to take her for themselves but she rightfully pushes them away.
Dutra has Abby kidnapped, tied to the floor and attempt to sexually assault her. Dutra also pours lighter fluid and begins setting part of her clothes ablaze with a match. Abby frees herself as they go on the run for her. Dutra catches up and slaps her face before intentionally smearing the dog’s blood on Charlie’s face and declares his intent to let his pitbull tear him apart. Charlie gets up and attacks Dutra before he pulls out a shotgun and shoots him. Dutra expresses rage when Charlie picks up Abby and they both flee, now only seeking to murder her and calling her a slur.
Dutra and his squad search out with guns, firing at Loren and Abby repeatedly and declaring his intent to kill them, only to flip the switch and causing a goon to fall off a Ferris wheel to his demise, with him checking his pulse and then moving on, knocking Abby unconscious and planning to light her aflame alongside Loren using the gas station pump. Loren then bests Dutra and points the improvised flamethrower at his face, causing him to agonizingly incinerate until he was dead; ending his reign of terror.