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Edmund Wickenthorp is the titular main protagonist in the Crossed: Badlands story "Yellow Belly". He was a former high-school student who lost his family because of the Crossed, he's also one of (if not the) biggest cowards in the series.
First and foremost, Edmund Wickenthorp is known by basically everyone he knows as one of the biggest cowards on Earth, being scared of almost everything under the sun and has been known to wet himself when he's scared. It wasn't until C-Day came along when his true levels of cowardice were revealed when he murdered one of his former classmates in cold blood simply because he didn't want to stay with their group to fight The Crossed right behind them. Despite this however, Edmund did force himself to warn the town about the invading Crossed, even when no one initially believed him.
Edward is also a known pervert, having sexual fantasies about most of the women he meets or even just sees, even having dreams about crawling inside a giant woman's rear for the safety and comfort.
Edward is also notably very naïve, easily being tricked by the psychotic manipulator Harold Lorre into having sex with a dead women he just accidentally murdered, when in reality there was no reason at all to do it since all he had to do was make it look like one of The Crossed had killed her.
Issue #1[]
Edmund Wickenthorp introduces himself as a notorious coward, often called "Yellow Belly" by many of the people he knows, as well as a bit of a pervert. After graduating high school, Edmund is taken to a traveling circus as a reward with his father and his brother Eli. Once of the first things they do is go and see a circus freak which Edmund is initially reluctant to see, and the man inside the cage acts completely feral as he "bites" a venomous snake to death. Backstage, the man's name is actually Henry and he was simply using a hidden knife to kill the snake. His partner Barry is worried that some people are noticing he's actually killing the snake with a hidden knife and his boss Boris is having thoughts of replacing him. Suddenly, a Crossed man enters their tent and kills Barry by ripping his neck out with his teeth, and then infects Henry.
As Edmund and his family enjoy the act of a woman ballet dancing on top of horses, a large group of The Crossed suddenly rush inside and kill everyone they come across, and everyone who can quickly evacuates. Edmund's father leads him and Eli close to the exit until they're cornered by a Crossed clown and both sons hide inside barrels as he tries to defend them, but he's quickly overpowered and repeatedly raped by other infected clowns. The last thing Edmund hears before he passes out from the fear is his infected father raping Eli, and when Edmund wakes up several hours later, he discovers the massacre that The Crossed had left behind. Edmund quickly makes his way to the car he had gotten as a reward for his graduation and rushes back all the way home, ignoring his mother when she asks where his father and Eli are to lock himself in his room and hide inside of his closet.
Issue #2[]
Once Edmund managed to calm himself down, Edmund finally calls a police officer and tells him about what had happened at the travelling circus, though the officer is skeptical about whether or not he's telling the truth since Edmund is the only survivor of the massacre and Edmund's mother believes he's lying about it all since he won't tell her what had happened to her husband and Eli. Meanwhile, all of The Crossed from the circus have gathered in their cars they use to travel from town to town in order to find and kill more people.
The next morning, the town of Palmer is attacked by The Crossed and the students of Edmund's high school begin to round each other up in order to fight the infected. Edmund finally reveals to his mother that The Crossed murdered both his father, Eli, and everyone else at the fair and calls himself a coward for doing nothing to help. Edmund's mother comforts him by saying he's brave enough for coming back home to tell everyone of what's going to happen, but as The Crossed arrive at that moment, she has Edmund hide in the closet as The Crossed rape and kill her, making Edmund pass out once again.
Hours later, Edmund is woken up by four football players from his school and they take him to a local hunting shop to gather supplies and the leader of the football team apologizes to Edmund for calling him a coward when they were still in high school together, cheering him up. Only moments later however, The Crossed drive a truck through the front of the store to begin their attack and Edmund runs away once again, even resorting to killing a man in cold blood who tells him to go back and fight or "die like a man" before leaving the store.
Issue #3[]
After passing out once again in the woods, Edmund forces himself to return to the hunting shop to face the reality of what his cowardice did to those who were trapped inside, then takes the car of the man he killed in order to drive to the town of Lakeside forty miles away from his home in order to try and warn people of the oncoming Crossed but almost everybody doesn't believe him. Edmund thinks about telling the police at first until he comes across a biker gang and tells them what happened at the circus, so the leader of the gang known as Ricky humors him and drives to the edge of the circus, where they all see Edmund was telling the truth.
In order to fight The Crossed, Ricky calls for several other nearby biker gangs in order to go to war, but the bikers first have a party where Edmund has sex with Nicole, a girlfriend of the biker named Nico, and then becomes an honorary member by getting a tattoo on his arm. After riding out into the battle however, Nico crashes his motorcycle while Edmund was riding with him and he falls down into a river and finds Nicole being chased by a Crossed clown that knocks her to the ground to try and rape her. Edmund forces himself to face one of his many fears and discovers the clown that was chasing Nicole was none other than Joe Rigg, one of his classmates he abandoned at the hunting shop, and kills him.
When Edmund goes to check on Nicole to see if she's infected or not, she suddenly turns around screaming in terror and Edmund accidentally shoots her in the head, blowing off a small chunk of her skull. Feeling more guilt than ever before, Edmund puts the barrel of his shotgun into his mouth and just as he's about to pull the trigger, Harold Lorre suddenly appears to tell him he has some advice for him that could one day make him "rule the world".
Issue #4[]
Harold Lorre tells Edmund that he's seen people fight The Crossed countless times and it almost always ends badly, though he believes the bikers are more than likely going to win this battle and they're going to be furious with Edmund if they find out he killed one of their own, even on accident. Edmund asks Harold what he should do and Harold tells him that he has to have sex with Nicole's dead body and without any convincing, Edmund joins Harold in the necrophilia, then is told by Harold that they didn't actually have to defile Nicole's body at all but to make it look like a Crossed did anyways and shoot off the rest of her skull to leave her unrecognizable.
After the battle, Edmund and the rest of the bikers return to their clubhouse where Nicole's sister Donna brings Edmund into a private room to reward him with sex for "being a hero", but Edmund admits what he had done to Nicole and then ties her up when she tries to leave to tell everyone. Edmund goes outside and confesses what he did to the bikers in hopes they'll forgive him, but they immediately plan on executing him instead and they nearly kill Edmund until a group of The Crossed ambush the bikers, allowing Edmund to save Donna and escape.
Finally feeling brave enough to be proud of himself, Edmund brings Donna into the nearby woods to hide from The Crossed like Harold had told him was the smart thing to do and Donna has sex with Edmund as a way of thanking him for saving her. However, this was only a ruse to catch Edmund off guard as the moment he falls asleep, Donna crushes Edmund's skull with a rock to avenge her sister.
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