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The Gitaxians whisper among themselves of other worlds. If they exist, we must bring Phyrexia's magnificence to them.
~ Elesh Norn

Elesh Norn is one of the main antagonists of the Magic: The Gathering block Scars of Mirrodin and, ultimately, one of the main antagonists of the overall recent story arc, as she became the dominant praetor of New Phyrexia. Part of Phyrexia, a horrifying biomechanical menace that is equal parts civilization of metal and necrotic flesh, and infection that spreads and engulfs all life, she came into being when the world of Mirrodin fell to its corruption, rising as the praetor (i.e. "lord") of the New Phyrexia faction known as The Machine Orthodoxy, aligned with White mana. 


Magic's Storyline[]


Originally known as Argentum, the world of Mirrodin was created by the golem planeswalker Karn and left to the governance of Memnarch. Karn, one of the many parties responsible for the destruction of the original Phyrexia, accidentally left off drops of the glistening oil in Argentum, a black fluid that Yawgmoth had developed as a late war machine for Phyrexia. Memnarch came in contact with the oil, and became utterly insane, desiring to become a planeswalker and changing Argentum into Mirrodin, creating soul traps and kidnapping beings from other worlds, creating a full ecosystem with various sapient races in order to search for a valid spark. The fight of the natives against Memnarch was the plot of the original Mirrodin block, but for all the atrocities he committed, he had one very important benevolent role: to contain the glistening oil.

After he died and his world warping madness ended, the oil was free to expand and fester, reaching Mirrodin's mana core and gaining enough power to infect its inhabitants, containing the blueprints of Phyrexia within it. Generations upon generations, infected Mirrans went to the plane's core, recreating Phyrexia by mutilating and rearranging their own bodies with metal, or by creating vats where dead flesh was thrown into as to have Phyrexian newts spawning and thus increase their ranks. Within a few generations, enough infected Mirrans and new Phyrexian abominations managed to recreate their foul civilization within Mirrodin, digging new layers in order to recreate the original Phyrexian environment and to expand their empire, and eventually take over the world of the Mirrans. 

New Phyrexia, however, did have one key difference from its original incarnation: while the old Phyrexians were aligned almost exclusively with Black mana (the colour associated with death, darkness, selfishness, and ambition, though not necessarily evil, as morality is independent of the colour pie), these new Phyrexians spawned all colours of mana, and as such they were divided into five different factions, with little tolerance for each other but nonetheless begrudgingly working together in order to spread Phyrexia's might. This included Black's enemy colors, Green (the colour of "nature" and life) and White (the color of light and order, often mistaken for "good" but actually just as capable of evil and cruelty, particularly in the form of fascism and xenophobia). Green became The Vicious Swarm, a loose amalgamation of parodies of the natural order, without governance or intelligence behind them, while White gave rise to The Machine Orthodoxy, a theocratic faction that is essential a mockery of organised religion, divided into many sects that worship the scriptures known as The Argent Etchings, seeking to unite all life by removing free will and individuality, usually in the form of downright hellish mutilation and brainwashing.

Each faction of New Phyrexia is guided and governed by a praetor and Elesh Norn is the praetor of The Machine Orthodoxy, the faction of Phyrexians associated with white mana. While her exact origins are unknown, she seems to be a vat-grown Phyrexian, as she can produce a porcelain-like metal "skin" that only native-born White Phyrexians can produce (though indoctrinated organisms have this skin grafted into them, and it quickly spreads like lichens or fungi anyways).

Scars of Mirrodin[]

Elesh Norn seemingly came to be the White praetor before the events of Scars of Mirrodin, and there is the heavy implication that the whole faction has been guided by her from the start, as she dictates (and manipulates) scripture. She and the other predators planned for years to take over the surface of Mirrodin, and by the events of Mirrodin Besieged she has sent her troops, spreading infections on the Razorgrass fields and eventually massacring en masse in enormous, organized armies. A short story in the flash site of the storyline also showcases that the Tangle was also targeted by Elesh Norn's forces, with her priests having subjugated and captured a Sylvok village. Eventually, the sheer strength of her armies was enough to take over Mirrodin's grasslands in a short period of time, scattering the already in-conflict leonin prides and isolating the few loxodon left, easily capturing many of either and infecting, mutilating and physically rearranging them into low ranking members of the Orthodoxy, and reappropriating their infrastructures into new temples. Only the stronghold of Bladehold still stood against the Phyrexian menace, and its ultimate fate is unknown.

Even during the war, the conflict between the praetors was intense, especially over the "Father of Machines", Karn himself, now hopelessly corrupted and driven mad by the infection. Of the praetors, Elesh Norn was the most adamant in keeping the delusional planeswalker in power, believing him to be a worthy figurehead for Phyrexia and an excellent war leader. The other praetors, however, especially the Blue aligned Jin-Gitaxias and the Black-aligned Sheoldred, thought very little of him at best and tried to murder him in order to take over Phyrexia and become the new Father of Machines (or, in Sheoldred's case, new Mother of Machines). In one of the old flash site's snippets, priests of Elesh Norn attempted to bring Karn to the surface where he'd be safest, as she was aware of Jin-Gitaxias' machinations, but were unsuccessful. Though the Phyrexian factions proved to be mostly divided, a sign of unity appeared when the praetors (except for Urabrask) came together to compleat the powerful angel Atraxa into their voices.

Eventually, the planeswalkers Elspeth, Koth, and Venser rescued Karn and made him immune to the infection, ending his domain over Phyrexia and thus his relevance to the praetors.

The Lost Confession[]

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Elesh Norn destroying her foes

While this could have made a fool out of Elesh Norn, it actually worked best in her favor, as her forces managed to crush Sheoldred's and Urabrask's (the Red praetor, who betrayed the rest of Phyrexia by letting the surviving Mirrans have their refuge in his realm) domains, ensuring her status as the dominant praetor and possibly as the new Mother of Machines. Now as effectually the queen of New Phyrexia, she appears to be waiting for a chance to take over other worlds, as her quote above implies.

Schemes of Compleation[]

Cut A Deal

Elesh Norn uniting most of New Phyrexia under her rule

Now as the dominant praetor, Elesh Norn seeks to make the multiverse into a singularity. This means compleating all life into Phyrexians and having all life under her rule. She managed to bring the Progress Engine, the Vicious Swarm, and many of the Steel Thanes under her rule to achieve her grand vision. With the help of the artificer planeswalker Tezzeret and his improved Planar Bridge, she sent the other praetors to foreign planes so the Phyrexians were better prepared for a multiversal invasion. She promised him a new Darksteel body since his current one is being damaged by the Bridge though she had no intentions of fulfilling her promise.

She easily manipulated Vorinclex into going to Kaldheim in order to obtain a sample of Tyrite since his aspirations are the simplest among the praetors. Tyrite was the substance used to make the Cosmos Elixir that gave Kaldheim's gods(or skoti) near immortality and the ability to control their immense power. She then challenged Jin-Gitaxias to find a way to transform planeswalkers into Phyrexians. This led him and Tezzeret to travel to Kamigawa to study the plane's Kami(or spirits) as well as its dual-realm nature to achieve this task. The fruits of their research resulted in the moonfolk planeswalker Tamiyo being compleated into the first Phyrexian planeswalker.

Elesh Norn tasked Sheoldred with leading an invasion on the plane of Dominaria with the goal of retrieving or destroying all threats to New Phyrexia's dominance. Her main priorities were to destroy the sylex, a bowl that can cause great calamities and to return Karn to New Phyrexia alive. She also had to cause enough chaos and destruction so the Phyrexians could properly conquer the plane during another invasion. The sylex was destroyed by Sheoldred's spy Ajani Goldmane and Karn was delivered as ordered. After he arrived in New Phyrexia, Norn welcomed her father back and wanted him to share in the glory they would make together. She forced him to watch New Phyrexia's invasion tree Realmbreaker which was starting to grow.

Once Realmbreaker, which was infused with Tyrite, had fully grown, it could create portals called Omenpaths which would connect New Phyrexia to the rest of the multiverse allowing the Phyrexians to assault every other plane instantaneously and simultaneously. After New Phyrexia was reconstructed to be structurally similar to the original Phyrexia, Elesh Norn inhabited the Fair Basilica, New Phyrexia's seventh sphere. This sphere is full of monuments and cathedrals all built to glorify Norn's greatness. She has more recently moved the next lowest sphere known as the Mycosynth Gardens and has barred this sphere and the deepest sphere known as the Seedcore to all except those with an invitation from her, even the other praetors.

Meeting Ashiok[]

Some time after Theros: Beyond Death and before the New Phyrexian invasion of Dominaria, Elesh Norn attempted to compleat a female Mirran in front of a group of her worshippers. The experiment failed horribly, but after she investigated and found what she believed to be an endlessly growing plant made of human body parts, she realized everything happening to her was a nightmare made by the planeswalker Ashiok. The Nightmare Weaver was pleasantly surprised that these metal monsters could feel fear which shocked the praetor. She attempted to attack them, but they conjured an illusion of her enemy Elspeth Tirel wearing Norn's armor. She responded by summoning her subordinates and turning her hands into blades, but Ashiok left before they could harm them. This encounter infuriated Norn and she vowed to kill Elspeth. Somehow, Urabrask caught wind of their encounter and now believed Elspeth Tirel was the key to igniting the sparks of both the Quiet Furnace and Mirran Resistance to overthrow Norn.

The Brothers' War[]

Elesh Norn Karn's Head

Elesh Norn caressing Karn's head

Norn had some of her priests disassemble Karn and bound him to a certain slab that prevented him from planeswalking. Tezzeret brought Karn to her and she was pleased to see whom she considered her father again. Tezzeret inquired about his new body and though she praised the work he's done and showed the culmination of his assistance in the form of Realmbreaker, he would need to be patient. She then ordered him to travel to Dominaria to act as her herald there and to deal with the Planeswalkers who seek to stop her. She wished for Karn to speak to her since she considered him family, but he rejected her claiming that her friend Jhoira meant more to him for all she's done for him. His response irked her and she figured he was stressed out. Norn hoped that Karn would come to appreciate her once the Multiverese was compleated but was surprised to see that Tezzeret witnessed their conversation. The Seeker left afterwards. Karn would be broken, vivisected, and strapped to across a dais near the base of Realmbreaker, completely rejected as the Father of Machines.

Phyrexia: All Will Be One[]

Icon ONE Preorder news

Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines

A group of Planeswalkers along with the Mirran resistance planned a coordinated assault to destroy Realmbreaker before it could allow the Phyrexians to enter other planes. In anticipation of other planeswalkers traveling to New Phyrexia to stop their expansion thanks to the knowledge shared by Ajani, Norn bolstered the plane's defenses including a barrier that disoriented their travel and weakened them. The group splintered across the plane, but the strike force's mission proceeded as planned but suffered numerous problems. The team never fully united, five planeswalkers on the team were eventually compleated, and once those who remained reached the Seedcore, Realmbreaker already created Omenpaths to other worlds with millions of Phyrexians across each of its branches ready to infiltrate them.

Norn and Tezzeret

Elesh Norn granting Tezzeret an audience

After the intentionally failed assault on Urza's Tower, Tezzeret returned to New Phyrexia in order to once again convince Norn to make good on her promise to give him a new body. Norn greeted him and questioned why he left his station so he lied saying that Sheoldred betrayed them and he and his forces were overwhelmed. Conveniently, Sheoldred did defy Norn by aiding Urabrask in his rebellion so she found Tezzeret's story believable. After asking about the planeswalkers at the tower, he informed her that they all escaped and he didn't follow them to let Norn know about the traitor in her ranks. He also revealed that the planeswalkers were led by Elspeth causing Norn to show visible fear and shared information about her halo-infused weapon Luxior. After convincing Norn that fulfilling her promise would give Tezzeret the power to defend her against Elspeth, she agreed to give the Seeker his new body and sent him to Jin-Gitaxias.

Norn controlling Nissa

Elesh Norn using Nissa to control Realmbreaker

Jace Beleren, who was close to being compleated, offered to detonate the replica sylex at the cost of his own life to destroy the Phyrexians means to invade the multiverse and to prevent the Phyrexians from using himself as a tool, but his allies Kaya Cassir and Kaito Shizuki tried to prevent him from destroying the worlds Realmbreaker already connected to. The two failed to stop him, but Elspeth stabbed Jace with her sword Luxior before taking the sylex and disappearing after suffering the cost of activating it. With Kaya and Kaito fearing the multiverse's demise and Tyvar Kell, who just arrived, still optimistic they could save it, Elesh Norn reached the Seedcore with many of her Phyrexian followers and some of their former allies, the moonfolk Tamiyo, the kor lithomancer Nahiri, and the Zendikari elf Nissa Revane, along with Jace's reanimated corpse all compleated ready to serve as part of her Machine Legion. The Mother of Machines offered to have them all join the Singularity if they submitted but they all declined. Using Nissa as a conduit to control Realmbreaker, Elesh Norn's invasion of the multiverse had begun.

March of the Machine[]

Ajani about to execute Shoeldred

Norn witnessing Sheoldred's execution by Ajani

With Realmbreaker set to send the Phyrexians across the multiverse, Norn was left with Kaito, Kaya, and Tyvar who showed despair after their failure. After Jace immediately left already knowing what the Mother of Machines wanted of him, Atraxa, Ajani, and the compleated Lukka arrived with Sheoldred removed of her armor and a mechanical body to use. The three remaining members of the strike team were bound by Nahiri. After a brief exchange about how both felt the other only cared more about themselves as opposed to Phyrexia's goals, Norn had Sheoldred executed by Ajani.

Elesh Norn MOM

With that taken care of, Elesh Norn ordered the compleated planeswalkers to their planes of origin or to planes of importance to aid in the compleation of the multiverse. Nahiri returned to Zendikar to use the Skyclaves to subjugate the plane, Lukka would return to Ikoria to compleat the plane's beasts who would dominate every other living thing(a plan Norn felt Lukka could fairly reasonably fail and would die as a result), Tamiyo returned to Kamigawa to corrupt Boseiju and the city of Towashi by extension but initially remained still after witnessing Kamigawaians attacked by Realmbreaker, Ajani was sent to Theros to have those faithful to the gods compleated so the gods themselves could also join the Singularity, and Atraxa was sent to Capenna to destroy the plane's supply of Halo and to rid all traces of beauty from it (and although she wasn't present, the gorgon planeswalker Vraska lead an army on Ravnica). Being an angel herself, Atraxa should have some resistance to the substance and was ordered to scavenge a ship filled Phyrexian forces if she found it since they failed their mission. With everyone gone, Norn had her priests recite the Argent Etchings to help her temporarily forget the threat of Elspeth. After the three escaped their restraints while Nahiri planeswalked to Zendikar, they returned to Dominaria.

During New Phyrexia's invasion of the multiverse, the invading Phyrexians became the Machine Legion which makes up the core of the Phyrexian armada with the white-aligned Phyrexians forming the Alabaster Host. Her faction is the most fanatical and unrelenting host of the Legion. As they compleat all in their wake, they sing hymns of the Orthodoxy, terrifying the multiverse's inhabitants and invigorating those corrupted. Not long after the Phyrexians began their conquest of the multiverse, the planes of Aranzhur, Ilcae, and Obsidias were added to Norn's Singularity with Mirrankkar and Cabralin close to falling and the rest of the planes being infiltrated. She made it a priority to deal with threats to the Phyrexians. She had her followers defile the temples and monuments of Serra on Dominaria to crush the plane's spirit.

She becomes aware that the planeswalkers Chandra Nalaar and Wrenn along with the heretic praetor Urabrask and the remaining Mirran Resistance were trying to access Realmbreaker so Wrenn could stop it. Norn's forces, led by Nissa, intercepted and overwhelmed them. Urabrask was broken and dismantled while the others were about to be compleated by Jin-Gitaxias and Vorinclex with a broken Karn watching. Before he could, Elsepth reappears as an ascended archangel and fends off the Core Augur. Elesh Norn more determined than ever to destroy Elspeth to the point of lashing out at Jin-Gitaxias for suggesting to retreat and entirely ignoring Melira who freed Karn.

Elspeth stabs Elesh Norn

Elesh Norn being impaled by a resurrected Elspeth

Elesh Norn managed to pull Elspeth to the ground and created a new suit of armor for herself from the fallen Phyrexians. The two clashed both physically and ideologically with each striking with their weapons and philosophies and though the two managed to deal some damage to each other, the battle was interrupted when Jin-Gitaxias returned to suggest that Norn should compleat Elspeth and they should move on. Her disregard for Gitaxias's request showed to Elspeth Norn's hypocrisy as she ignored Phyrexia's orders for her own self interest proving Sheoldred correct. The Mother of Machines sends a flurry of metallic blades to impale Tirel, but she manages unleashes a ray of light to protect her and severely damage Norn. Elesh Norn still lives and wants to continue her battle with Elspeth.

Though severely wounded, Elesh Norn was still able to fight. During this time, Realmbreaker was connected to the dryad planeswalker Wrenn who managed to form a link to the pocket plane of Zhalfir allowing its inhabitants to enter New Phyrexia as well as switching the two planes' locations. She slashes the chronomancer planeswalker Teferi and in response, he signals his allies who attack the Mother of Machines with different types of magic. To make things worse, Jin-Gitaxias returned with a new war machine and now wishes to destroy his former superior due to her problematic ego. Ajani returns to protect her master, he himself also injured. Before he could exact his revenge, Gitaxias's fate was sealed when a warhammer destroyed his creation and his offspring devoured him. The once proud and regal Elesh Norn was left crawling, skinless abomination due to having her armor destroyed and her legs removed. This gave the opportunity for Karn to reach her and he asked Teferi for some more time and told his other allies they wouldn't be gone for too long.

Norn's demise

Elesh Norn being erased from existence by Karn

Though Karn is aware that if he leaves Norn here, she would probably die, but her ambition would remain. Remorsefully, but ready to eradicate the threat of the Phyrexians once and for all, Karn used his magic to erase all of Elesh Norn's being till only a red stain was left of her. Because she wired the center of the Phyrexian hivemind through herself, she could not send out orders causing all Phyrexians across the multiverse to shut down. Though the praetors were all dead (except for maybe Urabrask), every Phyrexian was rendered inert, their invasion was a failure, and New Phyrexia was separated from the rest of the multiverse, the Phyrexians caused havoc and devastated much of the other planes. Many beings from far and distant planes were either killed or compleated and the ones who weren't had to work together to rebuild their worlds.


At first glance, Elesh Norn appears to be a demented, delusional religious fanatic, most of her quotes being fairly stereotypical fundamentalist statements ("May our blessing sever the tongues of the forsaken", from the card Priests of Norn), down to highly pretentious chastising of other praetors ("Your creations are effective, Sheoldred, but we must unite the flesh, not merely flay it"). In truth, however, Elesh Norn is a highly deceptive and manipulative individual, deliberately puppeteering other phyrexians, including her own faction, to do exactly as she wishes. Not only is she fully aware of the machinations of her fellow praetors, she seemingly plays into them, as with the episode of her priests trying to get Karn to the surface.

Most importantly, she is fully aware of the implications of her mandates: given that most phyrexians take everything literally, she understands perfectly that a statement as simple as "we must eliminate the self to accomplish unity" will most likely lead to something like physically sewing people together. This awareness of her deeds makes her not only dangerously intelligent and self-aware but also single-handedly responsible for countless acts of genocide and other atrocities her faction has committed.

Elesh Norn's ultimate goal is to unite all life under the banner of The Machine Orthodoxy, indoctrinating and physically mutilating as she sees fit, making her desire become reality. She abides by none of the particulars of the individual sects within her faction, although she seems to at least entertain some of their demands, such as having her skin removed and replaced by white porcelain (that may or may not be natural to her body). Although she fought fervently to impose Karn's rule, she has no love or sincere adoration for him, seeing him only as a necessary figurehead in order to keep Phyrexia as a whole united. She also appears to have a power-hungry streak, not only manipulating the scriptures to suit herself, but also imposing her rule over all of Phyrexia once Karn was no longer available as a figurehead.

Though initially Norn manipulated Karn to advance her schemes while the oil corrupted him, she still reveres him as the Father of Machines and wishes for him to rule with her by his side. She has been shown to care for Karn in a warped way as either a daughter caring for her father or a wife doting for her husband and wants him to appreciate all the Phyrexians have done for him. She considers Karn as family. She eventually deems Karn flawed and a defector of the Phyrexian cause. This convinced Norn that she should lead New Phyrexia's unification of the multiverse.

Interestingly, many of her internal organs have once belonged to mirrans (phyrexians, seeing flesh and metal alike as a commodity, constantly remove and add body parts, often from other phyrexians). "Compleated" (i.e. fully converted into phyrexian) mirrans are seen as lower than pure phyrexians within the Orthodoxy, so this could either imply some sort of lack of prejudice, or boost her own ego via "generosity" (as it is considered an honor to have one's body parts in a praetor).

After encountering Ashiok, the two learned that Norn and Phyrexians can experience fear. Though she initially tries to deny it, she wishes to destroy this feeling and the source of it; Elspeth Tirel. She vowed to kill Elspeth so she will never be afraid again and though she wished to keep this a secret, Urabrask somehow learned this and wished to find Tirel personally. The idea of Phyrexia failing to perfect the multiverse unnerves her and the benefits of flesh are incomprehensible to her.

As a ruler, she appears to be mostly off-hands, spending her time in Phyrexia's lower spheres and delegating most tasks to Atraxa. She honors those who embody the Phyrexian ideals by being solely made of porcelain metal. Those whom Norn shows the most esteem for are ossified to her throne as a part of her Flesh Singularity.

Powers and Abilities[]

Little has been seen of her magical abilities, though it is clear that she is a powerful sorceress. Being White-aligned she uses White mana (the Magic color of order), her card mechanics manifesting as boosting creatures under your control and withering creatures your opponents control, implying some sort of evil light that strengthens other phyrexians and damages "heretics" (curiously, an older White card, Holy Light, produced a similar effect). Cards that depict her actually in combat include Marrow Shards (which depicts sharp shards of her porcelain skin stripping themselves from her arm and being fired at an opponent), Due Respect (where she uses a "holy" light beam to make all other phyrexians bow to her) and Rout (where she blasts the mirran resistance with holy light)

Thus, one can infer her magic centers about some photokinetic abilities and ferrokinesis (manipulating her own porcelain metal skin).


Abondon your selfish ambitions and become one with the Flesh Singularity.
~ Elesh Norn
End this. What I seek is far greater.
~ Elesh Norn
May our blessings sever the tongues of the forsaken.
~ Elesh Norn
It is as if this world has been expecting our blessings.
~ Elesh Norn
We are a single entity. Dissenters must be sutured into the Orthodoxy.
~ Elesh Norn



  • The judge promo card for Elesh Norn was written in Phyrexian.
  • Elesh Norn modified Yawgmoth's name in Phyrexian to more suit her title as the Mother of Machines.


           Magic-The-Gathering-logo-800x279 Villains

Nicol Bolas | Urza | Ashiok | Azor | Dovin Baan | Domri Rade | Liliana Vess | Nahiri | Ob Nixilis | Oko | Tezzeret | Tibalt | Vraska | Xenagos | Lukka | Ravidel | Tevesh Szat | Geyadrone Dihada | Leshrac | Sifa Grent | Tamiyo | Ajani Goldmane | Nissa Revane | Jace Beleren | Baltrice |

Phyrexians | Yawgmoth | Mishra | Gix | K'rrik | Volrath | Crovax | Ertai | Tsabo Tavoc | Elesh Norn | Jin-Gitaxias | Sheoldred | Vorinclex | Geth (Magic: the Gathering) | Roxith | Azax-Azog | Kraynox | Thrissik | Vraan | Ezuri | Atraxa |

Multiversal Threats
Eldrazi | Slivers | Marit Lage | Sengir |

Villains by Plane
Lim-Dûl | Mairsil | Kaervek | Laquatus | Karona | The Cabal | Heidar | Weaver King | Rona | Society of Mishra |

Mirrodin/New Phyrexia

Takeshi Konda

Oba | Szadek | Lazav | House Dimir | Rakdos | Cult of Rakdos | Momir Vig | Savra | Svogthir | Augustin IV | Orzhov Syndicate | Zomaj Hauc | Mazirek |

Oona | Nath | Gaddock Teeg |

Malfegor | Marisi | Rakka Mar | Order of the Skyward Eye | Gwafa Hazid | Seekers of Carmot |

Anowan | Kalitas |

Gisa and Geralf | Avacyn | Griselbrand | Skirsdag | Olivia Voldaren | Tovolar | Ormendahl | Henrika Domnathi |

Heliod | Erebos | Phenax | Mogis |

Zurgo | Sidisi | Tasigur |


Gods of Destruction | Bontu | Razaketh | Eternals |

Kumena | Vona |



Extus Narr

