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The Mirror Universe counterpart of Elim Garak is a supporting antagonist in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
He was portrayed by Andrew Robinson, who also played Scorpio in Dirty Harry and Frank Cotton while disguised as Larry Cotton in Hellraiser.
Garak was an officer of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance who served as the first officer of Terok Nor under Intendant Kira. He favoured tougher measures against the Terran slaves, wanting them executed if they failed to perform, and also plotted to depose the Intendant. When the Kira and Bashir from the prime universe arrived on the station, Garak came up with a scheme to have the Intendant killed and replaced with her duplicate, who would then hand the station over to him in return for being released. He also exposed the Mirror Universe version of Quark as running an escape chain for slaves, resulting in him being executed. However, Kira and Bashir's actions convinced the universe's versions of Sisko and O'Brien to start a slave revolt and the group escaped the station.
The following year, Garak and Kira worked with Jennifer Sisko to try and find a way to track the resistance down in the Badlands. After Rom appeared to betray the resistance, they captured Sisko and O'Brien, unaware this was actually the prime universe version of Sisko who had replaced his late counterpart. Garak was disgusted when Kira had Sisko brought to her quarters instead of imprisoned and realised Rom was still working for the resistance, having him killed and foiling a breakout. However, Sisko's knowledge of the station allowed him and O'Brien to escape anyway, taking Jennifer and the slaves with them.
When the resistance captured Terok Nor, Garak managed to escape, leaving Intendant Kira to her fate. He found himself at the side of Regent Worf as he commanded an Alliance fleet to retake the station, but was mistrusted and kept chained up at Worf's side. When the attack failed thanks to the resistance having constructed their own version of the Defiant, Garak managed to convince Worf that the Intendant must have betrayed them.
Garak was later a part of Worf's plan to use a captive Grand Nagus Zek to force the prime timeline Quark and Rom to provide them with a cloaking device, although he was dismayed when, on the successful completion of the deal, the Regent had the Intendant freed and restored to his side for suggesting it. Garak was at least given the role of personally executing the three Ferengi, using a hypospray of poison, but was confused when they started telling him that their Garak would interrogate them first. Their attempt to overpower him failed and he came close to killing Quark, only for Ezri Tigan to intervene and kill Garak with the contents of the hypospray.