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Villains Wiki

Emperor Terror Macro is the leader of the Dogma Kingdom and the main antagonist of the first half of Kamen Rider Super-1.

He is an ancient man who surrounds himself with bodyguards. The bells that hang down under his throne ring to announce his arrival and also serve as a means of discipline.

He later transforms into Kaiser Crow to fight Super-1 himself.

He was portrayed by Akira Shioji.


Emperor Terror Macro led the Dogma Kingdom from the Dark Nebula B-26 to Earth with the intention of conquering it and imposing the ideology of Dogma onto humanity. Establishing a headquarters on Earth upon his arrival, Terror Macro would recruit many like-minded humans into Dogma and built up the organization's power in preparation for a takeover of the planet. Among those Terror Macro recruited was General Megirl, a former human who had been disfigured in an experiment at the Space Development Center, whom Terror Macro appointed to be the Dogma Kingdom's field commander.

Aided by intelligence fed to them by a spy in the NASA base Super-1 was at, Terror Macro directed Dogma to attack the base. Terror Macro attempted to convince Super-1 to join Dogma, but Super-1 refused and vowed to fight him.

Terror Macro and General Megirl would formulate a number of plans to impose Dogma's ideology on humanity and take over the world, but they were thwarted each time by Super-1 and his allies. After running out of Dogma Kaijin, Terror Macro would order General Megirl to pray to the Dogma God for power and be transformed by it. However, upon being reunited with his fiancee, Megarl's faith in Dogma began to waver. It was then that Terror Macro activated the obedience chip he had placed in Megarl's head, forcing him to become Death Buffalo again and go on a rampage that claimed the life of his girlfriend before he was defeated by Super-1.

With Megarl slain, Terror Macro decided the time had come for him to fight Super-1 personally and entered the chamber of the Dogma God, Kaiser Crow, to receive a transformation from it. Right before he did so, a crow flew in and perched on Terror Macro's shoulder, which Terror Macro interpreted as a good omen. Terror Macro then pierced the idol of Kaiser Crow and was bathed in its blood, transforming him into its avatar and making his whole body impenetrable save for the spot on his shoulder where the crow had perched.

With his newfound powers, Terror Macro challenged Super-1 once he arrived at the Dogma Kingdom's headquarters and overpowered him. He then wnet after Super-1's allies, succeeding in killing Benkei, Master Genkai, and all the disciples of the Sekishin Shorinken Fist before fighting Super-1 again. Though the powers of the Dogma God had made him seemingly invincible, his pet crow suddenly flew away and revealed the weak spot on his shoulder. Once Super-1 figured out where his weak spot was, he destroyed Terror Macro with his Super Rider Moon Surface Kick after his crow betrays him, flying away to expose the blindspot being revealed to have worked for Marshal Demon all along.



Kaiser Crow[]


           Super1 LogoVillains

Dogma Kingdom
Emperor Terror Macro | General Megirl | Dogma Bodyguards | Dogma Fighters
Dogma Kaijin: Fire Kong | Elekibas | Kamagirigan | ChameleKing | Spiderbaban | ArigiThunder | Snakecobran | Ganigannii | Bakuronger | JawsWani | Raigyon | Gyosutoma | Mukaderiya | LionThunder | Onimengo | Lonely Wolf | Yattaradamas | Cassette Gomoru | Tsutadenma | Bachingaru

Jin Dogma
Marshal Demon | Princess Yōkai | Doctor Ghost | Commander Onibi | Staff Officer Witch | Jin Fighters
Jin Dogma Kaijin: Killer Knife | Jishakugen | Fiery Watch | Glasun Kid | Videon | Amaganser | Sprayder | Tsuribot | Radigorn | Red Danger | IsuGuillotine | HasaminBlood | KomaThunder | Robot Super-1 | Kogoenbee | FrankeLighter | Shabonurun | Keyman Joe | DokuroBall | Goldar | Hashigorn | ShokaKing
