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Entek is the main antagonist of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Second Skin".
He was portrayed by the late Gregory Sierra, who also played Terence Wheeler in Honey, I Blew Up the Kid.
Entek was a member of the Cardassian Obsidian Order. At one point, he recruited Iliana Ghemor as a deep cover agent, having her brainwashed into believing she was a Bajoran and given an appearance to match, with the intention that she would eventually be retrieved and given her own memories back. Ten years later, Entek began to suspect Iliana's father, Legate Tekeny Ghemor, of being a dissident and conceived an elaborate plan to expose him.
Taking advantage of a resemblance between Iliana and Major Kira, Entek had Kira kidnapped and taken to Cardassia, where she was surgically altered to appear Cardassian. He then told her that she was Iliana and her true memories would soon return. Although Kira was unconvinced by his claims, Ghemor believed she was Iliana. Entek presented Kira with what appeared to be her own corpse (supposedly the "real" Kira) and with knowledge of a time she killed a hara cat thinking it was a Cardassian, claiming to have given her the memory. Since Kira wasn't Iliana, her "real" memories never returned so Entek insisted on interrogating her anyway, demanding information about the Starfleet personnel on Deep Space 9 and deployment of ships along the border. Ghemor shut down the interrogation, prompting Entek to declare that next time he would take Kira to the Obsidian Order headquarters to be interrogated.
Ghemor contacted Ari, a friend in the underground, to try and get Kira off planet. Kira belatedly realised this was what Entek had been planning: If he'd retrieved the real Iliana, her memories would have returned and she'd have co-operated, so he took Kira so Ghemor would incriminate himself by trying to smuggle her off Cardassia. Entek arrived with his guards and killed Ari, intending to have Ghemor tried for treason and believing doing so would end the dissident movement. At that moment, however, Commander Sisko and Constable Odo arrived with disgraced former Order member Garak, an old acquaintance of Entek, and Entek and his men were quickly disarmed. Entek debated with Garak about the Order's actions before the newcomers prepared to take Kira and Ghemor to safety. Entek drew a concealed weapon and Garak immediately shot and killed him.
The character's first name was given as Corbin in behind the scenes material.
A number of novels feature Entek in scenes set prior to the episode, revealing he groomed Iliana by arranging for her lover to be killed by Bajorans and that he initially did intend for her to replace Kira but Dukat forced him to release Kira and leave Iliana in his custody.