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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

She fills me with jealousy. 嫉妬
~ Enzukai after the player touches the red skull in The Witch Trials.
You're pathetic Isamu... You're the reason your brother became this way. Have you no sense of guilt or shame? You can't bring him back. Senzai is gone. Did you ever consider him your brother? I was the only one there for him.
~ Enzukai to Isamu Uchiumi.

Enzukai is the main antagonist of the second chapter of the 2021 Roblox horror game The Mimic "Jealousy's Book".

It is the beast of Jealousy and a creation of a bored eldritch God who wanted to have puppets/tools. It, alongside Kintoru, Netamo and Yuma, became one of the The Four Beasts that rampaged across Earth before being sealed off by Kusonoki Masashige. It is also the deity of the Kiiroibara Cult.



A bored eldritch God created Kintoru, Enzukai, Netamo and Yuma due to wanting to have puppets/tools. They became the Four Beasts, with Sama being the Beast of Control. For ten nights, they fought against their gilded cage to be free, and for ten nights the samurai, Kusonoki Masashige, fought against them, his back unturned. Soon, he came to rise above them, and sealed these beasts all around our Earth. Control was sent to the east, where she was trapped in a cage, unable to feast. Jealousy was sent to the bottom of the sea, a part of a forgotten legacy. Rage was kept in his strongest cage, seething with wrath and counting his days. Rebirth was forced to the bottom of the Earth, forced to watch the world in reverse.

Jealousy's Book[]

Jealousy: Chapter I[]

Enzukai makes a brief appearance after Isamu Uchiumi escapes the Broken Ship, where it is seen caged up, and staring at Isamu.

Jealousy: Chapter II[]

Enzukai makes another appearance after Senzai Uchiumi kidnaps Isamu and takes him to its lair. After making a speech, Enzukai appears from out of the water and telekinetically brings Isamu towards it, before ripping his heart out and crushing it. Isamu then wakes up in Jigoku, with a building in front of him, as well as a root with eyes connecting to the building. This chapter confirms that Enzukai is indeed the deity of the Kiiroibara Cult.

Jealousy: Chapter III[]

Twisted lake[]

In Jealousy: Chapter III, Enzukai first appears in the twisted lake where it will appear from underneath the water and attempt to drag Isamu down into the sea. Isamu must push it away whenever it pops up until Enzukai eventually gives up on trying to kill the detective.

The City[]

Enzukai appears again at the end of Jealousy: Chapter III, it is seen in the sky surrounded by a blob of black goo before transforming into its second form. In the end credits card Enzukai and the Kiiroibara Cult are seen together destroying Tokyo.

Jealousy: Chapter IV[]

Although Jealousy: Chapter IV is not out yet, it is likely Enzukai will appear as the final chapter of its book. Like how Yasu Masashige slayed Kintoru in Control's Book, it is possible Isamu may slay Enzukai in Jealousy: Chapter IV.


Enzukai has crimson red skin with yellow eyes and long yellow horns. It wears a tattered long skirt with a black beady necklace and no shirt, it has broad shoulders with a small stomach. Its hair is black and spiky, and it also has multiple teeth coming from each side of its mouth. In Enzukai's second form, its only black and white, it has a long tail, visible rib cage, two white masks (one on the face and half of a mask on each side), tall horns, and white hair. It has been confirmed that Enzukai has a third form, possibly appearing on Jealousy: Chapter IV.



  • Its name was originally Hannya but was later renamed to Enzukai.
  • As of now, Enzukai is the only character to have yellow eyes.
  • In the official teaser, Enzukai was still sealed. However, in the official trailer, Enzukai had broken out of its seal, it's unknown how though.
  • Enzukai used to wear a Hannya mask, which is used in Japanese Noh Theatres to represent a demon born of jealousy.
  • The Kanji for the name "Enzukai" (炎図界) means "world of flames".
  • Enzukai is confirmed to be genderless, using any pronouns.

External links[]



Rulers of Jigoku
Shinigami | Evil God

The Four Beasts
Kintoru | Enzukai | Yuma | Netamo

The Masashige Family
Biwaki Masashige | Daku Masashige | Futaba Masashige | Hiachi Masashige | Kaito Masashige | Keiko Masashige | Kuriko Masashige | Megumi Masashige | Mihari Masashige | Hirosa Masashige | Shizu Masashige | Kazeko Masashige | Hanzu Masashige

Kiiroibara Cult
Enzukai | Senzai Uchiumi | Rin and Mio Tsushima | Nagisa | Shosai | Tsukiya | Takane | Kyogi | Zuboshi | Kurayami | Dodomeki

Halloween Trials
Kabocha | Nagemi | Taiyo

Nightmare Circus
Ronnie | Ringmaster

Demons of Jigoku
Yurei | Nejibishoma| Akihito Uchiumi | Shinchu | Hakamori | Statues | Bugi | Mimic Isamu | Dodomeki | Haishaku | Train Monster

Aka Manto | Fleshbags | Hyakume | Kishin | Krampus | Tokitos | Umibozus | Jikininkis | Ryoshi | Kuishinbo | Teiryu | Gashadokuros
