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Ernest Davido also known as Mr. Davido or his surname Davido, is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Maltazard) of Arthur and the Invisibles.

He is a greedy landowner who wants to take back the Suchots' house. Secretly, Davido desires to make the family leave and find for himself the treasure Archibald Suchot told him about.

He was portrayed by Adam LeFevre.


Early life[]

Little is known about Davido's early life. It is said he was a 'friend' of Archibald's after the latter returned from Africa after World War Two, despite Archibald never truly trusting him.

Davido's parents died during World War Two, and given that Arthur's house was actually a gift to Archibald from Davido's parents, it's likely that his parents, too, were powerful landowners in the region, and that Davido likely inherited his parent's business when they died.

At some point (the movies give no exact date but the books claim it was part of a celebration at the end of World War Two), Davido and Archibald were drinking together, and the latter became so intoxicated that he informed Davido of the existence of the rubies the Matassalai had given Archibald.

From that point onward, Davido became obsessed with finding the treasure Archibald had spoken of, and thus began attempting to seize the Suchot's land.

Arthur and the Invisibles[]

Davido first appears on the day of the Tenth Moon, visiting the Suchot household with the eviction papers. He is met by Arthur immediately after arriving in his car, who laughs at Davido after watching him trip on Alfred's ball. Angered and humiliated, Davido picks up Alfred's ball and throws it into the house's water tank, taunting Arthur to go and fetch it.

He then proceeds to go and talk with Daisy about the eviction papers, claiming he was in church as he lists off the necessary signatures he'd acquired for the papers before stating that if Archibald didn't sign the papers within the next forty-eight hours, they would be evicted. After seeing a soaked Arthur who had fallen into the water tank, he claimed Daisy should hang him up to dry as well, before returning to his car. Before leaving, however, he noticed Arthur's toy Ferrari on the ground and, after checking nobody was looking, discreetly kicked it into a nearby gutter before leaving the house.

He is mentioned by Frederick Sinclair during his debt collection at the Suchot household, claiming the services provided to the house that they had failed to pay for were provided by Davido.

He returns during the ending of the movie alongside two police officers to ensure the likely eviction goes smoothly, ecstatic that his deal is seemingly about to come to fruition. However he is met by Archibald, who alongside Daisy manages to delay Davido just long enough for Arthur to retrieve the Bogo Matassalai's rubies from Necropolis. Archibald then removes a single gemstone from the pile and gives it to Davido, claiming their debt was now paid in full.

In the international release, Davido simply takes the ruby and leaves with the police officers, but in the original version, he quickly snatches one of the police officer's guns, holding the Suchots at gunpoint as he attempts to steal the rest of the rubies. As he slowly backs away, he reveals that he had known about the rubies the whole time, as many years ago a drunken Archibald had told him about the Matassalai's gift and since then he had become obsessed with finding them. But before he can make his escape, he is stopped by the Bogo Matassalai and apprehended by the police, who leave with Davido in the back of their car, never to be seen again.


Davido is not mentioned by name in either of the sequels, but his failure to procure the Matassalai rubies allowed Arthur and his family to remain at Archibald's house with no further financial worries. He was likely charged and imprisoned for his threatening of the Suchot family and the accompanying police officers.


  • Davido's role in the books is nearly identical to that of his movie counterpart, with a few small exceptions:
  • In the books, he initially arrives at the Suchot household a day earlier, in the middle of Arthur's birthday celebrations, with a copy of the eviction papers that Daisy pointed out were missing the governor's signature.
  • The gun he uses during the final confrontation of the story is said to be one that he had on his person, rather than one he stole from one of the officers.
  • Additional background information is also revealed about Davido in the books that is not present in the movie, including how Arthur's house was actually a gift from Davido's parents to Archibald for his services to the region, thus adding a third, more personal reason for Davido evicting the Suchots and reclaiming the land (alongside building the apartment blocks and finding Archibald's rubies). It was also revealed that Davido's parents died at some point during World War Two.
  • In the books, Daisy states that Davido was once a 'friend' of Archibald's, hardly ever leaving his side, although it was stated that Archibald never really trusted him. Due to the fact that Archibald only moved to Conneticut after the war, and it was stated that Davido learned of the rubies from the drunken Archibald during the two of them celebrating the end of the war, it's possible that they met on that night or shortly before, and that Davido evidently only stayed close to Archibald to learn more about the treasure.
  • In the books, Davido claims that, whilst drunk, Archibald not only told him about the treasure, but about "Africans, big and small," suggesting that Archibald drunkenly informed Davido of the Minimoys' existence. Although if this is the case, Davido likely dismissed the Minimoys as Archibald's drunken ramblings, as he makes no mention of the Minimoys and shows no desire to stay in Conneticut to search for them after acquiring the treasure.
  • Davido's desire to build apartment blocks is never stated by Davido himself in the movies, only mentioned by Arthur when explaining the impending crisis to Betameche, although it is described as common knowledge to both Arthur and Daisy in the books. Due to the fact it is also stated in the books that Davido "did not need" the land, it's possible that he never actually intended to build apartment blocks on the land at all, and that he only intended to seize it in order to search for the treasure himself.



Emperor Maltazard | Darkos | Seides

Ernest Davido | The Gang
