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Have you forgotten how the planets treats us? How they undermine us? Call us names? Think of us as inferior or I don't know...destroy us with their gravity by "accident" you all think that because the Earth said a few nice things that everything would be different. If only it was so easy.
~ Europa to the moons of the Moon Revolution
Call another moon “babe” again, and I’LL PUSH YOU OUT OF YOUR ORBIT INTO THE VOID OF SPACE.
~ Europa, to Ganymede in 'The Moons of Jupiter - Part 2'
AHHHH!! YOU BIG FOOL! Titan’s not the only one missing! All your moons have left you. Maybe if you and Jupiter stopped having favorites or acting all superior, we wouldn’t all be eager to LEAVE YOU!
~ Europa confronting Saturn in 'Jupiter is Missing!"

Europa is a major character of the internet web series Solar Balls, serving as one of the two main antagonists of the The Moon Revolution Saga, alongside Ganymede. She is a Galilean Moon of Jupiter, and presumed girlfriend of Ganymede. She, along with Ganymede were both banished from the Solar System by the sun, following the events of 'The Solar System Trials'. Until they returned with Planet X.

She is voiced by Maia Luna Cebrelli.


The Battle of the Planets[]

With the initial success of getting moons to join the revolution, Europa explained the plans on getting Venus and Mars onboard with the revolution and hopefully gaining two powerful allies. Europa and Ganymede understood the risks but Europa explained if things backfire she has a plan.

Approaching Venus and Mars, Europa told the two that she heard about what happened with the Earth. With Venus and Mars initial response of hating him, Europa told them of the coincidence as both Europa and Ganymede hate the earth. Ganymede quickly told the planets that they had a plan to defeat the earth, with Mars asking repeatedly of what the plan was. Europa told Mars that the plan was to take him off his pedesal by wrecking his surface wiping his off entire life on earth. With Mars and Venus quickly rejected the offer and told them to go back and know their place, Europa ordered the moons to assemble to attack Mars and Venus. With the defeat of Mars and Venus, Europa and Ganymede asked them one more time if they wanted to take this path. Mars and Venus were sure to protect the Earth even with the severe consequences, realizing that they couldn't change the planets minds they ordered to finish Mars and Venus.

The Moon Revolution - Part 1[]

Europa approaches Ganymede asking if everything was alright, Europa stated that she knew what he was thinking. After Ganymede expressed his thoughts about destroying Venus and Mars, Europa asked if Ganymede had second thoughts proclaiming that she didn't start the revolution but Titan had. They soon realized that they took the revolution to the next level, but Europa quickly shrugged it off stating that the Earth is now fully alone and no one to help him. Europa stated the only two paths is for them to continue the revolution or go back to the planets being toys once again. Ganymede decided it was time to move forward, Europa agrees and orders the moons to assemble together. During the meeting, Europa was approached by Neptune's moons, in which one of the moons, Galatea accidentally mistakes Europa for being their mom, before being reassured by Triton. When the Earth's moon showed up Europa was surprised as he was presumably dead.

The Moon Revolution - Part 2[]

As Europa learns that the Moon is alive, Titan realizes that both Ganymede and Europa were responsible for the attack on Mars. Europa accepts having done the act, claiming they were trying to recruit the two planets before things got out of hand and sparking a fight. Titan than decides to keep the Earth's Moon for his plan to further the Revolution. At the end of the video, Europa helps Titan and Ganymede take the other moons of Jupiter as well as the moon, allowing Titan to start his plan to bait the Earth.

The Moon Revolution - Part 3[]

Alongside Ganymede, Europa waits for the Earth to come back in order to launch the attack, waiting for Titan's signal. As the Earth arrives and apologies to Titan, Europa and Ganymede grew more irritated and annoyed. When Titan called off the attack, Europa took charge of the Revolution alongside Ganymede and decide to continue the attack.

The Moon Revolution - Part 4[]

As the Moons hesitate after Ganymede ordered the moons to attack the Earth, Europa intercepts and reminded the moons that the planets thought of them as inferior, managing to get the moons to remember how negatively the planets view them, allowing for them to continue their mission, only for Titan to block the asteroids from hitting the Earth. After Titan took out Ganymede by flinging some asteroids at him, Europa takes charge and commands the moons to attack again, only for Io, Callisto and Luna/Moon to block the asteroids from hitting the Earth. Europa enrages at both Io and Callisto for ruining her plan, attempting to threaten them, only for Callisto to respond by saying that Europa's plans were not working. After Pluto and Charon arrived to settle the Moon Revolution, by persuading the moons to talk to their planets instead of resorting to violence. With Ganymede and Europa alone, they both decided to end the Revolution, sarcastically celebrating the victory. However, Europa still didn't change her at all, choosing to play along.

Jupiter is Missing![]

After Europa along with the other Jovian moons notices that Jupiter is missing from where he usually is, Europa urges the other moons to find where Jupiter is, approaching Saturn nearby and asking where Jupiter is, to which Saturn replies no, and asks them if they have seen Titan. Europa angrily yells at Saturn for not caring about his other moons besides Titan, before she stormed off.

The Moon Club - Part 1[]

Europa along with the other Jovian Moons worry about Jupiter, due to him being weak ever since he started to panic. While Ganymede stared at Jupiter, Europa wonders if they should ask Jupiter what's wrong. Ganymede agrees to Europa's suggestion until Callisto calls him out saying that he feels Jupiter looks weak as he is the biggest moon orbiting the biggest Planet. It wasn't until Luna showed up that got the attention of the Jovian Moons, talking about a new resolution to solve the issues with the moons, inviting all the Jovian moons except for Ganymede and Europa.

The Moon Club - Part 2[]

Jupiter overhears the talk between Europa and Ganymede, asking the two about the 'moon gathering thingy', also stating that No moon should bully another moon. Europa and Ganymede both chose to go to the Asteroid belt and join up to see what the 'Moon Club' was about.

The Moon Club - Part 3[]

As Europa and Ganymede awkwardly show up at the Moon Club and greet the other moons. Titan greets them in turn but Europa is still mad at how Titan did not include the two of them in their group. Titan then explains to the two that he doesn't want them in the Moon Club, prompting Europa and Ganymede to leave. The other moons opposed Titan's action, claiming he was making decisions for the rest of them. It wasn't until when Luna comes back and convinces Europa and Ganymede to stay, in Luna expresses to them the purpose of the Moon Club, and not to make it about themselves.

Europa and Ganymede join the Moons and make the other moons happy with the decision. Titan decides to move on with the meeting, discussing the relationships between the Moons and the Planets. By the time the meeting moved onto the Jovian Moons, Ganymede hesitantly expresses Jupiter's feelings, while Europa tells everyone that Jupiter is hiding a secret and that it is stressing him out. Ganymede attempts to defend Jupiter, but Europa says otherwise given his paranoia and anxiety. As the meeting came to an end, Europa agrees to Ganymede's suggestion of talking to the Sun, which all the moons agrees to his plan. Titan asks Luna, Phobos, and Deimos to take him to the Sun to speak and adjourns the first Moon Club Meeting.

The Solar System Trials - Part 1[]

Europa doesn't have a major appearance in 'The Solar System trials part 1' rather appearing in the preview at the beginning and being mentioned by Titan, stating how he dislikes Ganymede's and Europa's plans.

The Solar System Trials - Part 2[]

Titan complains to Ganymede and Europa how their plan backfired, expressing that the Sun wants to do a trial between the Moons and the Planets. Europa and Ganymede both praise the decision of the trial, arguing that there is a fair chance of discussing their disagreements, along with the other moons agreeing to the decision. Europa along with the other moons agree to nominate Titan and Luna as the representatives of the Moons for the Trial. Europa along with the other moons remained in the background, watching the trial as it goes, until when Titan and Luna go back to their group while the defenses of the planets talk to the Sun. Callisto argues that the case for the moons was not working, arguing that Titan and Luna were just defending the Earth, in which the other moons agreed that there needed to be two new representatives to represent the Moons. The moons choose to nominate Europa and Ganymede to represent the Moons, despite Titan opposing the ideas.

The Solar System Trials - Part 3[]

The sun approves the replacement of the representatives for the moons with Europa and Ganymede, allowing the trial to continue. The Sun then asks for confirmation about the Earth insulting Titan and plans his revenge, in which Europa denies the statement, causing the Sun to question if Mercury's account of the Moon Revolution was falsified. Ganymede rebuts, claiming that the statement was an oversimplification of the event. Europa mentions that the Moon had the potential to have life, Europa utilizes the comment to say that the ratio of moons to planets that can sustain life is in favor of the moons, as they have 5 moons that can sustain life, while the Earth is the only planet that can sustain life. Europa also comments that the Moon Revolution was not a vengeful act but rather a desperate action. Europa continues by saying that Saturn's moons discovered that his rings were the product of moons being 'destroyed'. After Venus and Mercury objected and Saturn's response to the fact that moons were destroyed. The Sun asks Europa and Ganymede why the Revolution was a desperate act.

Europa answers that most of the moons are smaller than the planets, adding that the planets barely notice their existence at all, and that most planets (apart from Earth, Mars, and now Saturn) know the names of all their moons. Europa then finishes off with a statement on the feeling of confronting a larger celestial body than a moon. Once Europa mentions the topic, Sun pauses and then his face turns to pure fear. Europa responded that he "Somehow understands" their predicament. It wasn't until where Mercury points out to the ambush of Mars and Venus, and the attempt to wipe out life on Earth. The Sun asks who’s responsible for the actions and Mercury says it was Ganymede and Europa. The Sun questions if this is true and Ganymede hesitates to respond but Europa confesses, claiming that there’s no point hiding it since everyone knows. After Ganymede explains his defence, mentioning that he wants to look up to Jupiter, and how he felt insecure. Europa remarks that the planets have been destroying moons with the potential for life which means millions of life forms were also destroyed by them. Ganymede notes that while they can be seen as the villains it was a form of self defense against their planets and Europa follows up by saying why they should think the planets care about them. She begins describing the way their planets treated them; Mercury treated them as inferior, Mars treats his moons like kids, Jupiter and Saturn forgot their moon’s names, Uranus joked about destroying his moons and Neptune hid secrets from them. Europa continues by explaining that she wanted them as allies but when they refused they felt like they had no choice but to attack them. After the Sun demanded to know why their aim was to destroy them but Ganymede scoffs at that notion stating that there’s no way an asteroid could do that. Europa explains that if they were to destroy Mars or Venus, they’d need giant, very fast, and dense asteroids to crash into them and while Ganymede admits that there are a few in the asteroid belt like that, they purposely used small asteroids for their attack and the moons could attest to it.

After Ganymede confronted the Sun by mentioning how he acts like a Dictator and that the Moon Revolution could have a Planet Revolution because of the Sun's behaviour that would happen before the sun turns into a red giant everyone in the solar system would turn their backs on him. The Sun finally decided on a verdict and declared the planets have been rude to their moons and that they will all work to improve their relationships and there will never be another Moon Revolution. Although for Europa and Ganymede, their verdict was to be banished from the Solar System, as the planets and moons watch them leave, while the solar system remained in shock.

Search for Planet X - Part 1[]

Once Ganymede and Europa arrived in the Kuiper Belt, the two of them discussed with Europa bringing up Ganymede's threatening stance against the Sun in the trial, and questioning Ganymede's stability. Their conversation continued until Makemake interrupted them, in which he introduces himself and leads the two to the Dwarf Planets' hideout. Once Ganymede and Europa arrived at the Dwarf Planet hideout, Pluto questions if they were the moons who led the Revolution, and that they came for revenge. Ganymede denies and states that him and Europa were banished from the Solar System. Before the two moons continued their voyage outside the Solar System, Makemake asks them if they could do research on a long lost missing ice planet that the group refer to as "Planet X". In which Europa wants to look for the planet, but Ganymede chooses not to. Europa explains to Ganymede that she believes Jupiter's secret might be related to the massive planet they would be looking for. Makemake then leads the two of them to the outer Kuiper belt. After Makemake, Ganymede, and Europa arrive to the outer Kuiper Belt, Makemake wishing them luck and leaves Ganymede and Europa to reassure themselves as the two head into the abyss.

Search for Planet X - Part 2[]

Europa and Ganymede begin their journey to search for Planet X, with Ganymede shouting out for Planet X before being told to quiet down from Europa in her worry of Exo Planets or Black Holes hearing them. Ganymede assures Europa that the nearest black hole is 1,500 light-years away. After Ganymede mentions about them leaving the solar system, Europa interrupts stating they aren't out completely still having to pass the empty space and the Oort Cloud. Ganymede then asks Europa if she has any regrets for the decision they're making, Europa responds by saying she doesn't, which Ganymede has the same thoughts. Europa and Ganymede both said their goodbyes to the solar system before drifting off into the abyss. After some time, Europa and Ganymede wake up to find themselves located far out from where they were before, Europa states they had drifted out while asleep which causes them to notice the odd gravity influences happening. The two of them noticed an ice giant asleep in the middle of the gravitation influence. Ganymede asks Europa if that's "him", Europa asks the odd entity who it is as he begins to speak, stating that he has been alone for millions of years alone. The two of them are shocked to find out the odd entity is Planet X, the planet they were tasked to search for.

Search for Planet X - Part 3[]

After Europa and Ganymede find Planet X, the moons couldn't believe themselves they actually found the urban legend of the unknown Planet X, which Planet X questions if the moons found him or were they pulled by his gravity. After Planet X asks a question to the moons, Europa questioned how he knew their names, which Planet X describes who they are and stating that he's been watching and listening to every single event in the Solar System. Planet X demands the Moons if they're on the side of Jupiter, which Ganymede responded with a 'yes', leaving Planet X disappointed and disappearing once again. After the two moons go out searching for Planet X once again, Planet X interrupts the two when they were in a conversation before taking Ganymede and Europa to 'his hideout', a space with a view of the Solar System.

Planet X Returns! - Part 1[]



Europa is mostly confident and usually agrees with anything that Ganymede says. When annoyed, she talks in a sarcastic tone or a mocking tone. Europa seems to have a good amount of bravery shown as she doesn't hesitate to share her thoughts and opinions even if it could have potential consequences. It is implied that she is upset by the fact that Jupiter indirectly looks down on her due to his large size. When hearing on Titan's ideals of the Moon Revolution, she was interested at first, likely due to the fact that she could be more powerful. Due to this, she, alongside Ganymede, attempted to convince Titan to be more ruthless in the Revolution when hearing he was merely planning a strike.

In the episode The Army of the Moons, she is shown to be very manipulative and charismatic shown when she managed to convince Saturn's Moons to destroy the Earth even when some remain hesitant. She is also shown to be ruthless and heartless as shown when Venus and Mars refused to join the Moon Revolution, after which she ordered the moons to immediately attack the two, causing them to be severely injured and their surfaces crumbled.

Even though Europa and Ganymede failed to destroy the Earth, she still showed to be cruel, merciless, and ambitious even after they were forced to surrender, holding desires to regain her power alongside Ganymede when the opportunity arises. Despite this, Europa did seem to have a change of heart yet it's unknown if it's just a coverup. Despite her crucial and manipulative actions, she is shown to have care for fellow Jovian Moons, and care for Jupiter himself.


  • She is the first character to be drawn with eyelashes in SolarBalls.
  • She is one of the many characters who have an atmosphere but is not shown in the web series itself. Other characters include; Triton, Venus, Rhea, and many more.

External Links[]


           link=:Category: Villains

Members: Europa | Ganymede | Titan

The Sun | S.A.R | Planet X | Ceres | Houston
