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I'd have preferred to resolve this elsewise. Stolen the scrolls, thrown you out into the street. Revenge is best served cold, after all. But I don't mind servin' it hot, no...
~ Ewald to his fallen brother

Ewald Borsodi is major antagonist in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt expansion "Hearts of Stone". He crosses the path of Geralt during the latter's search for Max Borsodi's House and, depending on the player's choice, can serve as the main antagonist of this story arc.

He was voiced by Matthew Gravelle.



Ewald was born as the eldest son of two children from the Borsodi family known for being a family of wealthy merchants led by Maximilian. Ewald had difficult ties with his brother Horst, sometimes leading to arguments and quarrels. Ewald was very inconsistent with the money from the family fortune because he spent it on gambling, prostitutes and other stimulants, which Horst knew about all this and did not tell his father. Before his death, Maximilian wrote a clause that both sons had to come to an agreement or their family home would necessarily be sold.

After the death of Maximilian Borsody, despite his written clause, it was not fulfilled. Because Horst, for his own selfish reasons, expelled his brother Ewald because he was inconvenient for him to run the family business and declared himself as the new head of the family. After being expelled by Horst, Ewald tried to report Horst to the city guard, but without success because each time he was refused by the city guard. Ewald lived in a hopeless situation in the sewers and streets without money in extreme poverty for 15 years.

Eventually, Ewald decided to take back what was his. He made a plan to break into the auction house and to steal his father's will to expose Horst as a fraud. However, he needed help.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone[]

When Geralt has been sent by Olgierd van Everec to bring him Maximilian Borsodi's house, he enters the auction house and asks Horst. As the house, in truth a chest, contains the testament, Horst throws him out and orders his men to beat Geralt. Once Geralt has defeated the guards, he is approached by Ewald who proposes a plan. He tells Geralt of his idea of a break-in and convinces him that this would be the only way for Geralt to obtain Max Borsodi's house. However, Ewald does not reveal to Geralt why he wants to break into the auction house nor does he tell Geralt his name. Having no other choice, Geralt agrees to join in with Ewald.

After recruiting two more men, Geralt returns to Ewald. They break into the auction house but the guards are alarmed. Ewald and Geralt manage to enter the vault where they are expected by Horst. Ewald removes his mask and reveals himself as Horst's brother. Both brother's then ask Geralt to help them defeat the other brother. It is up to the player whether he sides with Horst or Ewald.

Side with Horst[]

Should Geralt side with Horst, he fights Ewald and manages to knock him down. Horst then mocks Ewald that even his accomplices have turned against him. He then reveals to Ewald that he is willing to forgive him if Ewald recognizes him as head of the family. Ewald seemingly agrees but then draws a knife. Horst easily disarms him and starts beating him. Geralt intervenes and grabs Horst by the arm to prevent him from killing his brother and, seemingly calmed, Horst stops. However, once Geralt turns around Horst quickly grabs Ewald's dagger and rams it into Ewald's chest, killing him much to Geralt's displeasure.

Side with Ewald[]

Together with Geralt, Ewald kills Horst's men and defeats his brother. Lying on the ground, Horst begs Ewald to spare his life. Ewald agrees on the condition that Horst signs over everything he owns to Geralt and leaves with only the clothes he'S wearing. Horst asks Ewald to allow him something from the vault as a means to start a new life. This pushes Ewald, who due to Horst's scheming had to live as a beggar for fifteen years, over the edge and he takes a golden paperweight and walks towards Horst. Horst, believing that Ewald wants to give it to him, opens his hand but Ewald attacks him and brutally beats him with the paperweight. Geralt grabs Ewald by the arm to prevent him from killing his brother and, seemingly calmed, Ewald drops the paperweight. However, once Geralt turns around Ewald quickly grabs it again and smashes it into Horst's mouth, killing him much to Geralt's displeasure.

Ewald then claims that despite the promises Ewald gave to Geralt, he can't give him the House as it contains his father's testament. Geralt can decide to slay the traitorous Ewald or to make a deal, as Olgierd only said wanted the house but didn't mention its contents.


Seems true what they say-"Swords or no swords, a witcher bring gore.
~ Ewald's first words to Geralt.
Geralt: Not in mood for your paesant wisdom. Who the hell are you?
Ewald: If all goes well, daresay i'm you partner.
Geralt: Don't need any partners.
Ewald: Oh, i don't know about that. No change you'll lay you hands on Max Borsodi's House alone.
~ Ewald persuades Geralt to cooperate in breaking into the Borsodi house.
I was at tha auction. Disguised, of course. That agrument on the topic has hard to miss.
~ Ewald reveals how he knows he wants the Barsodi house.
Ewald: To get his house, you need to get into the Vault. And ther's no way Horst'll let you in the out of the kindness of his heart.
Geralt: A heist? Don't like that idea one bit.
Ewald: Got any others? Find the herbalist lives near Oxenfurt. Ask for some yarrow extract. He'll kwow why you've come.
Geralt: If this a trap of some soft.
Ewald: Be seein' you. I hope.
~ Ewald shows how to get the Borsodi house.
You've come. Good.
~ Ewald meeting Geralt in his hideout.
How do i put this... We share a goal. We both need to get into the Borsodi's Vault. Both want something that's in there. Why not pool or strenght?
~ Ewald convinces Geralt to team up to break into the Borsodi estate.
I've a plan. Spent the last years working on it - on paper. Time to set in motion. You on i can count on?
~ Ewald asks Geralt if he will help rob the Borsodi auction house.
Geralt: Before were go any futher - you even know max Borsodi's house is?
Ewald: I know it's in the voult.
Geralt: Dind't answer my question.
Ewald: Neither have you. Willin'to help with the heist or not?
~ Ewald answers Geralt's question about what is inside the Borsody house.



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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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Hearts of Stone
The Caretaker | Casimir Bassi | Ethereals | Ewald Borsodi | Eveline Gallo | Fallen Knights | Gaunter O'Dimm | Horst Borsodi | Hugo Hoff | Iris von Everec | Olgierd von Everec | Ornesta | The Toad Prince | Thunder | Tuur | Quinto | Ulrich

Blood and Wine
Antoine Straggen | Beann'shies | Cloud Giant | Dracolizards | Dettlaff van der Eretein | Elsa de Longpré | Filibert von Wittan | Golyat | Handsome Jacques | Longlocks | Loth | Marcello Clerici | Orianna | Rapunzel | Redbeard | Roderick | Shaelmaar | Spriggans | Syanna's Gang | Syanna | Unseen Elder | Wicked Witch | Zorg

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
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Netflix TV series
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Nightmare of the Wolf
Dagread | Deglan | Kitsu | Kitsu's Basilisk | Leshy | Mahr | Reidrich | Tetra Gilcrest

Blood Origin
Balor | Eredin | Golden Empire | Merwyn

Sirens of the Deep
