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Villains Wiki

Exodus is an evil organization that acted as major antagonists in Tales of Xillia and its sequel. It was originally founded by Gilland at least 20 years ago.


Tales of Xillia[]

Throughout the game, their motives involved using the power of the Lance of Kresnik. At Fort Galdala, they sought after Teepo for the booster inside of him, as well as keeping a few citizens of Sharliton (including Lord Cline) prisioners at Bermia Gorge for experimenting purposes. Later at Xain Du, in order to kill Milla by any means necessary, they poored a lethal poison in everyones soup, leaving Jude's group as the only survivors. For the match, they made sure the rules were reverted back to the original ones; that they'd be one-on-one and to the death. However, as Milla stepped in alone, a group of soldiers tried killing her instead. Other soldiers were seen in the audience taking away Teepo, with Alvin and Elize in pursuit. At Fezebel Marsh, several ships were seen with Gilland and the Lance of Kresnik. On the S.S. Zanethra, Exodus (briefly) fell after Gilland's death.

Tales of Xillia 2[]

Exodus/Ark Noah survived and made its return in Tales of Xillia 2. They consist of fervent anti-Razie Maxia who often attempt to ruin peaceful negotiations between Razie Maxia and Elympios. Once a militant organization of misguided principal, they are now reduced to leaderless, violent and radical terrorists.


  • In Japan they are called Ark Noah.


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Tales of Phantasia/Narikiri Dungeon series

Tales of Destiny 1 & 2
Barbatos Goetia

Tales of Eternia/Online

Tales of Symphonia/Dawn of the New World
Cruxis (Mithos Yggdrasill | Kratos Aurion | Yuan Ka-Fai | Magnius | Kvar | Rodyle | Forcystus | Pronyma | Remiel | Kilia | Zelos Wilder) | Kuchinawa Azumi | Vharley | Pope of Tethe'alla | Abyssion | Vanguard (Commander Brute | Richter Abend | Lady Alice | Decus | Hawk | Magnar) Centurion Aqua | Pronyma

Tales of the Abyss
Grand Maestro Mohs | Six-God Generals | Arietta | Largo | Dist | Legretta | Sync | Asch) | Van Grants | Mohs | Gelda Nebilim

Radiant Mythology series

Tales of Vesperia
Duke Pantarei | Alexei Dinoia | Schwann Oltorain | Garista Luodur | Blood Alliance (Barbos) | Leviathan's Claw (Yeager | Gauche | Droite | Zagi) | Alexander von Cumore | Ragou | Ohma | Spiral Draco

Tales of Graces (F)
Archduke Cedric | Emeraude | Fendel Army | Lambda | Little Queen | Richard

Tales of Xillia 1 & 2
Alfred Vint Svent | Bisley Karcsi Bakur | Chimeriad (Jiao | Presa) | Agria | Wingul) | Exodus | Gilland | Ivar | King Gaius | King Nachtigal | Rideaux Zek Rugievit Muzét | Gaius | Chronos) | Victor

Tales of Zestiria
Heldalf | Lunarre | Symonne | Maltran | Eizen
Tales of Zestiria X: Lord Bartlow | Prince Konan | Gasparo Reno | Pope Masedra | Gouldman

Tales of Berseria
Innominat the Suppressor | Artorius Collbrande | Teresa Linares | Shigure Rangetsu | Melchior Mayvin | Oscar Dragonia

Tales of Crestoria
Cody Hjuger | Makina

Tales of Arise
Great Spirit of Rena | Helganquil | Vholran Igniseri | Balseph Erwolsey Teldilys | Ganabelt Valkyris | Almeidrea Kaineris
