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Falsetto is one the two seconday antagonists in the anime series Suite Pretty Cure, alongside Siren.

He is a pink-themed villain who sings in a high pitched and very off-key voice. He is the third member of Trio the Minor and the true second-in-command of Minor Land.

Unlike the others, Falsetto was a willing servant of Noise from the very beginning and conspired against Major Land's royalty before taking his place as Minor Land. After Mephisto is healed from hypnosis, Falsetto becomes Noise's right hand and oversees their group's progress as he turns transforms Bassdrum and Baritone into new monsters. In the end, through he managed to complete the Sorrowful Melody and keep the PreCures from harming his master, Falsetto is absorbed by Noise. He's released and revived after Noise's defeat and turns good. He's forgiven for his crimes and makes peace with former villains and the pretty cures.

He was voiced by Tōru Nara.

