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~ Fassad's distinctive evil laugh.
OH MY PORK!! What is a baby Drago doing here?! You! Baby Drago! Get outta here!
~ Fassad
Look out! Don't fall for New Fassad's new facade! He's bigger and badder than ever!
~ New Fassad's Battle Memory.

Fassad (ヨクバ Yokuba in Japan), formerly known as Locria, is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside the Masked Man) of Mother 3. He was once one of the seven Magypsies, but betrayed his own kind to become one of the top commanders of the Pigmask Army led by Porky Minch.


Fassad is a witty, yet short-tempered person. Some members of the Pigmask Army are annoyed by his antics, especially how he often tosses banana peels off where they shouldn't be. Yet most fear him and his short temper too much to mention the fact, and this fear grows worse when he is turned into a chimera. Fassad sometimes speaks poetically, especially during his species but often even when he's berating Lucas and company. Fassad comes off as especially sadistic, often abusing power to torture Salsa regardless of whether or not Salsa gets tasks right for him. For this, he is especially hated among fans. However, despite his expressed sadism, Itoi has stated that Fassad doesn't actually understand pain, and mainly inflicts it upon others to get what he wants; likely owing to the fact he is a Magypsy.

In public, Fassad portrays himself as somewhat jovial and kind to others. While at the start of the game, villagers describe him as creepy, by various means they all come to praise him throughout Chapter 4 of the game and onward, Jill mentioning that whenever Fassad speaks she wants everything. Contrary to how he treats his soldiers, he rarely ever snaps in public, keeping calm when Wess confronts him. Fassad can still be passive-aggressive to those he despises in public however, still insulting Wess in their confrontation and repeatedly ignoring Lucas until it comes with his own benefit to acknowledge him.

Fassad cares for few people aside from his mouse, yet even the one mouse he cares for understands how some would be creeped out by him. When Fassad is mechanized, he becomes more eccentric in how he talks to the protagonists though this could also be because of his Interpreter failing to properly translate his speech. Fassad is also boastful, giving Salsa ideas as to how he could escape from his abuse after catching him in the act simply to assert how much more intelligent he is than the monkey. This boastfulness isn't backed without genuine intelligence though. It's more than likely he is responsible for a good portion of the Pigmask Army's plans, namely the plan to pull all seven needles and destroy the world, and is at the forefront of their other affairs like brainwashing Tazmily Village.

In chapter 3, where Salsa and Fassad are first introduced, Fassad does seem to show - at best - some contempt for Salsa. Despite Salsa's constant torture at Fassad's hands, there are moments where Fassad is genuinely helpful toward the monkey, though many of these moments are for selfish reasons. In combat, Fassad offers a substantial amount of assistance, as he does high damage to any enemy, greatly helping Salsa defeat them. If Salsa is afflicted with a negative status effect, Fassad will use the punishizer to remove it, albeit at the cost of a bit of health.

He also puts a great amount of trust in Salsa, as he allows the monkey to use technology developed by the Pigmasks, such as the Instant Revitalizing Device, which restores an individual's health in full), and to drive Pork Beans, which are large hovering vehicles in the shape of a bean. Fassad even states that Salsa has no business using the Instant Revitalizing Device, but lets him to use it anyway. Fassad also allows Salsa to collect and use many items to assist himself. In a few instances, if Salsa finds a banana, Fassad will take it for himself.



Fassad was once one of the seven Magypsies. The other Magypsies knew little of him however, and it is implied he was closed off and secretive to them. Fassad's mouse tells the player that some people might've been creeped out by Fassad especially with his evil laugh, but he was nice to them. Fassad cared for the mouse up until Porky Minch began invading Nowhere Islands, where Fassad decided to join him and set his plans to take over and destroy the world by pulling the seven needles for unknown reasons.

Mother 3[]

Chapter 1[]


Fassad makes a deal with Butch.

Fassad is first seen in the first chapter, making a rather small cameo. After Flint is released from jail, the player can go to Butch's farm, and see Fassad making a deal with Butch, which serves as foreshadowing for Chapter 3.

Chapter 2[]

He also makes another small cameo in Chapter 2, where he bumps into Duster and steals the money he gave to Butch. It's later revealed that Fassad was the reason Duster, Kumatora, and Wess were sent ashore after defeating the Oh-So Snake, leading to them losing Duster and the Egg of Light. Duster can go back and talk to the villagers, they'll comment on how Fassad is creepy and how sad Salsa looked with him.

Chapter 3[]

Fassad takes a larger role in Chapter 3, in where he is seen in Death Desert, along with Salsa the monkey. He is there under the orders of the Pigmask Army to sell Happy Boxes to the people of Tazmily Village. Fassad constantly tortures Salsa with the shock collar ("Punishizer") around his neck for both failing at his tasks, and for succeeding at them. Fassad and Salsa travel through the desert until they reach the entrance to a Pigmask base hidden under Tazmily Village. After defeating the cactus wolf in their way, they use a pork bean to head to the village.

Fassad and Salsa head to the Yado Inn, where Fassad forces Salsa to put up a show for Jackie and everyone else there. He then offers Jackie Money to stay. While Jackie says that Fassad doesn't need to pay, Fassad insists that Jackie keeps the money much to his confusion. Jackie decides that it'll make a good doorstop, as Fassad and Salsa spend the night at the inn. Fassad goes out in the middle of the night, as Salsa tries to run away. While Salsa escapes the inn, he comes to find that Fassad is stealing the money he gave to Butch earlier. Fassad then begins making his way to the inn, as Salsa runs inside and feigns sleeping. Fassad acknowledges this, and comments that the fear of punishment made Salsa a spineless coward before going back to sleep.

Funny Monkey Dance

Fassad makes Salsa do the Osohe dance.

The next day, Fassad goes out and makes a speech to win over Tazmily Village with his Happy Boxes. He uses Salsa to bribe the people, in the end succeeding with some while other villagers either question or see through Fassad's scheme. He claims that he'll reward Salsa if he does well delivering the boxes, yet after making Salsa hand-deliver Happy Boxes to four people, Salsa comes to see Fassad eating the banana he promised Salsa. They then go to Osohe Castle to see what all the commotion is about. It turns out that the Hummingbird Egg, the item that Wess told Duster to look for, was taken by Duster, Wess and Kumatora. Fassad chases after the party, and pulls a lever that, instead of getting him closer to the party, ends up saving them. When heading back to the Inn however after sending two Pigmask captains to corner the trio, Fassad is blocked by a conflict between two bumbling Pigmasks. They argue about their tanks, until Fassad arrives and shuts them both up. Repeatedly insulting them, however despite how fearful the Pigmasks are of him they attempt to turn his insults on each other before Fassad angrily sends them off.

Fassad Shut Up

Fassad enacting his horrible temper on two Pigmasks.

Fassad later comes across a conflict in the village caused by him stealing Butch's money. Salsa gives Kumatora a sad look before they leave the scene, leading Fassad to later use the punishizer on Salsa once they exit. When Fassad and Salsa go to sleep that night, Kumatora and Wess catch onto his plans and try to save Salsa. They are however caught in the act, as Fassad along with several other Pigmasks corner the trio. Fassad taunts Kumatora, claiming to be surprised he'd meet her at such a time implying he had already heard of her in passing. The trio runs for it, but they are cornered once again by the army and forced to fight a Pork Tank. Upon successfully destroying it, the army only continues to close in on them as suddenly Lucas then enters the scene. The Pigmasks insult and tell Lucas off, before a baby drago, likely the child of the drago mechanized by the army, enters. Fassad expresses his annoyance as the Pigmasks then redirect their insults to the baby drago. Then finally a drago enters and tears into the crowd of Pigmasks. Fassad begs for mercy, before Lucas allows Salsa to command the drago into pouncing on Fassad, sending him flying out of the scene.

Chapter 4[]

Fassad Speech

Fassad ignoring Lucas while speaking in the town square.

Despite Fassad being punished himself at the end of Chapter 3, he returns in Chapter 4 as he and the Pigmask Army have taken over Tazmily Village. Fassad lectures the villagers in the town square, as Lucas visits the village and sees how the villagers willingly grew to accept Fassad as a trustworthy person. It's revealed that Fassad has also been buying out land in the islands, including Butch's farm which he turned into a Pigmask training ground. He has managed to convince everyone into putting a Happy Box in their homes. After Lucas talks to Bronson and Jackie at the train station, Wess goes to confront Fassad for his misconduct in the village. Fassad feigns ignorance, before using the rumors that Wess is going bald to poke fun at him meanwhile a Pigmask traps Wess in a butterfly net and forces him back into the nursing home.

Fassad notices Lucas watching the conflict, and heads over to threaten him into staying out of the army's path, before telling him out loud that he simply wishes Lucas would put a Happy Box in his home in order to fool the crowds. While few people question Fassad's treatment of Wess, the majority of the village roots for him.

Chapter 5[]

While the party is chasing after the egg of light, they slip on one of Fassad's banana peels. The Pork Trooper noticed this, and mistakens them for being the Pigmask soldiers at first due to their stolen outfits. He expresses annoyance over Fassad's habit of tossing peels on the floor, but it is ultimately him noticing that the party's Pork Bean slipped on one of Fassad's banana peels that leads them to fight him.


Fassad slips up on his own banana peel and falls off the Thunder Tower.

Fassad himself reappears later at Thunder Tower after the Pork Trooper reveals that Lucas isn't really the Masked Man. Fassad, along with some other Pigmasks, chases the party to the top of the tower. After walking about while talking to the party, his habit of carelessly discarding the peels of the Luxury Bananas he eats leads to his downfall, when he slips over a tossed banana peel and tumbles from Thunder Tower's summit; this is considered one of the most comedic moments of the game.

Chapter 7[]

Although it seems that Fassad has met his demise by this point of the game, this is disproved when the party heads for the fourth needle at Fire Mountain, where it's revealed the Fassad was in charge of the Pigmask invasion in Saturn Valley, and he's back with new horns. This is overheard by the party when two Pigmask Captains express their fear for the situation. When the party finally reaches the needle, Fassad and his new robot translator fly in out of nowhere. Fassad needs this translator because, after the Pigmask Army resurrected him as a cyborg, he had to have musical horns implanted where his mouth was. He makes a speech to the party, before they then fight. The party defeats him and he retreats. Lucas may hallucinate him in Tanetane Island as the hot springs old man as opposed to Ionia being the hot springs woman. This indicates he may still hold a place in the protagonist's minds, and also debatably serves as foreshadowing to his fate in Chapter 8.

Chapter 8[]

Fassad Miracle

Fassad ambushes Lucas.

He returns for the last time in the sewers of New Pork City as Miracle Fassad with even more horns, including some where his rockets should have been. After being defeated, he then goes on to say he is sick of fighting, and that this is all just Porky's game. Shortly afterward, his cybernetic implants explode and he falls into the sewer drain, never to rise again. His fate could have been the same as the other Magypsies, because in his life as Locria, he guarded the last needle. As for his translator, it flies away and tells Lucas and the group not to follow her. Where she goes is unknown. On a floor of the Empire Pork Building, there is a Magypsy house with several banana peels and Luxury Bananas, Fassad's favorite food, and some of his clothing, which is evidence he is the seventh Magypsy. A mouse is also found on this floor who belonged to Fassad. The mouse claimed that Fassad was surprisingly kind to him, despite being cruel to others. When Lucas had pulled the final needle needed to awaken the Dark Dragon, it can be assumed that even though he swam in a watery tomb of his own, he vanished because he himself was one of the Magypsies.


Wow! Just wow! Such magnificent, marvelous pigs!
~ Fassad's first line.
Alright, monkey! Listen up! If you don't do your job... ...then this girlie monkey is as good as dead. Do what you're supposed to, and you'll get to have a nice happy reunion later. Understand?! Both you... ...and this girlie monkey can wind up dead if you're not careful!
~ Fassad's introduction in Chapter 3.
Well? How do you like it? That lovely thing around your neck is no ordinary collar. It's so advanced that even if you ran to the ends of the desert, punishing you would still be a snap.
~ Fassad threatening Salsa with the punishizer.
Alright, stupid monkey! Salsa! I'll only say this once, so listen close. If you wanna enjoy your little journey with me, just remember these two things. You and I are buddies. ...Don't you dare try to run away from me. Always behave and act nice and friendly. Got that?
~ Fassad going over his demands for Salsa.
Hey, you stupid monkey! You only get to cry when I tell you to! No crying on your own! It's punishment time!
~ Fassad's response to Salsa's grief.
Oh! That's a Luxury Banana! Hey, you! Stupid monkey! If you think you've earned that Luxury Banana, you better think again! Gimme that!
~ Fassad greedily stealing a Luxury Banana from Salsa.
Listen, monkey! That's a Cactus Wolf, the meanest thing in the desert. But we can't get inside with him standing there. Go beat him up. Lose, and I'll have an extra serving of punishment ready just for you!
~ Fassad shoving Salsa to fight his battle.
Did you think...! could run away from me?! That's why...!'re such a stupid monkey!! Don't make me say it anymore... Go back to the room and sleep! Don't bother me anymore! What's with that look...? Laugh! (...) But, you know, if you were going to run away, I'm sure there were more intelligent ways you could've done it. Like trying to disguise yourself, or trying to walk without making any sound. ...But I guess monkeys just aren't intelligent enough for things like that! Nwehehehehe!
~ Fassad if Salsa tries to escape.
Come! Gather around! Come, one and all, fair denizens of Tazmily! Congratulations are in order for the hard work you put into every single day! I've come here today to give you all wonderful news... about happiness! ...Blue skies. White clouds. Bountiful crops. Stout livestock. Happy families and kindhearted neighbors... This village is filled with so many wondrous things! But, there's still something missing. A tiny speck of uncertainty that steals into each bright day. Is this really how things should be? Shouldn't we be living much more comfortable, enjoyable lives?! It's only natural to harbor a few such suspicions. Odd animals that have never been seen before now lurk in our forests, and giant balloon-like objects soar our skies! What's going on?! What's happening to the world we live in?! And that's not all! Not by a long shot! The word on the wind says that in the very near future, lightning powerful enough to burn down forests and woods will rain down on us almost daily! (...) Oh! You laughed at that, didn't you? You thought to yourself, "Get real! Something like that would never happen!" But I truly believe this will soon be a reality. And in times like this, isn't it human nature to want to be happy? To live with a smile on your face? But I have good news for you! Today is your lucky day! You can obtain happiness very easily. Just look here! Even my cute, adorable Salsa is dancing so happily... The reason for this, you see... that this monkey has gotten a head start on obtaining happiness! How exactly did little Salsa here manage to find happiness? All those who are interested, please raise your hand boisterously.
~ Fassad's grand speech about happiness.
Alright, monkey! Listen up! The Happy Boxes are hidden in the cemetery. Go deliver them to everyone whose names you took earlier. Abbot. Abbey. Biff. Isaac. Those four people. Where do they live? How should I know?! Go find them yourself! And when you're finished delivering them, don't even think about trying to run away. You'll come straight back to this room. If you can't do it in under 23 minutes or so, your punishment'll be even more severe! You'll be much more than charred if that happens. ...If you try to run from me or disobey me, I'll make sure to punish that girlie monkey, too! Got it?! (...) Then get to it already! If you can finish delivering them in under 22 minutes, I'll give you a banana or something. I'm making this offer from the kindness of my heart, because I feel just terrible that you're not allowed to eat or drink anything. So be grateful! Nwehehehehehe!
~ Fassad feigning kindness to Salsa.
25 minutes... Nope! Too bad! I was planning to give you a Special Banana if you had delivered them all in under 3 minutes. But I guess you don't really want one. You insolent monkey! Nwehehehehehe!
~ Fassad going back on his promise to Salsa.
Oh! Well done! Alright! Here's your reward!
~ Fassad before zapping Salsa for correctly doing the Osohe dance.
Bah! There's not a single useful person here!
~ Fassad on the Pigmasks after he accidentally frees Kumatora, Duster, and Wess.
SHUT UP!! I don't give a damn about any of that! BOTH of you get out of my way, now!!
~ Fassad's short temper getting hold of him when two bumbling Pigmask Captains block his way.
My goodness! I simply can't believe that anyone would steal the money I so humbly gave you! ...Perhaps it's, true then. Perhaps this village really is starting to become cursed... We can't allow Tazmily to become a dismal hive for evildoers to run amok. We must all seek happiness... ...or this village will be in grave danger!
~ Fassad's mongering.
Oh, did you call for me? I happen to be that screwed-up, cheap bastard you speak of! To think I would get to meet you here of all places, Princess Kumatora... Nwehehehehe.
~ Fassad taunting the protagonists.
Heh heh heh... There's no escape from me. Nwehe-nwehehehehe!
~ Fassad taunting the player.
Who're you?! Get outta here, you stupid kid!
~ Fassad meeting Lucas.
No... Stop... Stop! Don't! Please!
~ Fassad begs for the Drago's mercy.
Why, hello there, Mr. Wess. If you keep making the veins on your forehead pop out like that, happiness will only escape you. By which I mean your hair in this case. In any case, I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. Well, it's been fun. Please be careful not to trip, get hurt, or go bald on your way home.
~ Fassad dealing with Wess in public.
(Lucas! Quit snooping around me! Don't get in my way!) ...I really wish you would put a happy box in your home already so you could be happy just like everyone else here. I'm always hoping for that day.
~ Fassad scolding Lucas after dealing with Wess.
Nwehehehehe! You may think you're a good impersonator, but you can't fool my eyes! You're the very definition of the phrase "like a moron flying into a flame", Lucas! The pain and woe I went through after that Drago sent me flying... I really must repay that favor in full. Nwehehehehe!!
~ Fassad meets with Lucas and friends again.
Do you honestly think you can escape?! Nwehehehehe...!
~ Fassad taunting the player once again at Thunder Tower.
Nwehehehehe! You pathetic fools! There's nowhere to run now! Nwehehehehe! You've been a real thorn in our side, you know that? What's funniest of all is that happiness could've been yours had you simply stayed in Tazmily and lived quietly without a care in the world. (Alright. It's all set, then? I'll be done here soon, so leave the Mother Porkship on standby up above.) Thunder Tower is no longer usable. But this is the perfect chance to eliminate the whole lot of you in one fell swoop. It's a bit much for three lousy rats, but our king just loves being flashy. So I've decided that you and Thunder Tower can disappear flashily together. Well, looks like my ride is here. Later days, pals! (Okay, all set! Destroy Thunder Tower!) Well, Lucas. We haven't known each other for long, but it's been fun! I'll never forget about you guys! Nwehehehehe! Nweeeeeeehehehehe! ...heh?! ...Wha..?!
~ Fassad's last words before falling off Thunder Tower.
I found you. I finally found you. Nwehehehe! Because of you, I feel more beautiful, newer, and more wonderful than ever before, but I will not thank you. You threw me off Thunder Tower... The resulting shame, pain, and woe are humiliating. VERY humiliating. Therefore I would like to return the favor in full. Today will be the day I make you cry... I will make you cry uncle. I do not believe I will ever lose to the likes of you again... Nwehehehehe! Now let us begin, kind sirs. I will show a mature, grownup terribleness. And that terribleness is a very mature, grownup terribleness. Nwehehehehehe!
~ Fassad's return as New Fassad. (nil the Interpreter's comments).
Nwehehehehe! Hehehe! Nwehhehehehehe! I will humbly make you pay for this.
~ Fassad angrily retreating from his defeat by Lucas and co's hands.
Long time, no see. I say nwehehehehe to you, for I will now give you thoroughly destructive damage. I have been remade into an incredible, fiercely powerful, and dangerous ultimate weapon. Therefore, I will absolutely, unquestionably be victorious over you. What's more, I will put an end to your tale. I will give you damage, and then provide you with even more damage until you are soundly defeated. Now, then. Here I come. Nwehehehe nwehehehe nwehehehehehe.
~ Fassad meeting Lucas once again after being remade into Miracle Fassad.
Gah! Oww ow owww. (...) You have bested me, kind sirs. Actually, no, you did not best me. You are merely detestable. I am sick of all this fighting. Very, extremely sick of it. This is all just a game. You could call it Master Porky's game. You people are still stuck inside the game. As for me, I may have been removed from it. But, I am still not sure. The flames of my life are in danger now. I do not think we will ever meet again. And not just in battle. Nwehehe!
~ Fassad's last words before his final demise.



  • Although throughout the game Fassad is referred to as a male, Magypsies are actually genderless beings. This is due to him wearing more masculine clothing, unlike the other Magypsies who dress in a more gender neutral way.
  • Fassad might be the strongest Magypsy, as stated by Itoi in an interview that normally people of his status are the people with most power.
  • Despite not being a permanent party member, Fassad can level up, and this variable is changeable in the game's Debug Room.
  • He's one of the very few characters in the game to have a recorded voice clip. The other two being Lucas and OJ.
  • The Locrian mode in music is dissonant, unlike the other modes which is likely why "Locria" was chosen as Fassad's name.
  • It's possible that Fassad knew the Osohe dance and simply didn't want to be humiliated, as he takes his finger away from the punishizer when he realizes Salsa is doing it right.
  • In Tanetane Island, when Lucas is hallucinating and enters the hot springs, the hot springs Old Man can appear and he'll show up as Fassad.
  • It's possible that Fassad's house was formerly located in Death Desert before Porky Minch moved it to Empire Porky Building. His first major role in the game starting at Death Desert could serve to foreshadow this, as well as how the floor his house is located in is decorated with sand and hills resembling that of Death Desert.
  • By technicality, he's the first Magypsy to appear in the game.


            Mother Logo Villains

Giygas's Army
Giygas (2 Novelization | Manga) | Starmen (Starman Junior | Starman Deluxe) | Mooks (Dept. Store Spook) | Evil Mani Mani | Master Belch | Mini Barf | Octobots

Pigmask Army
Porky Minch (Novelization) | Masked Man | Fassad | Pigmasks | Natural Killer Cyborg | Pork Trooper | Li'l Miss Marshmallow | Mr. Genetor | King Statue | Mecha-Drago | Claymen | Chimeras (Ultimate Chimera)

Minch Family
Aloysius Minch (Novelization) | Lardna Minch

Giygas's Race | Sharks (Frank Fly) | Onett Police Force (Captain Strong) | Everdred | Happy Happyists (Mr. Carpainter) | Mr. Poochyfud | Ms. Fake | Guardian Diggers | Geldegarde Monotoli | Krakens | Sanctuary Guardians | Jealous Bass | Mr. Passion | Oh-So-Snake
