Faucet Hildon is a tap and leech-themed Jamen Beast of the Dark Empire Yodonheim and a minor antagonist in Mashin Sentai Kiramager, appearing as the main antagonist of the 1st episode.
The Faucet Hildon made his first appearance in his flight form as the civilians ran in terror as the beast do some destruction in the city.
A while later it appeared on the surface in his monster form creating a huge circle with its murky water, but Juru who piloting the car interrupted the beast. Once the Faucet Hildon regained consciousness it began to proceed to attack the two students who were trapped on the building, but Juru quickly drawn an image of a fire truck as the red mashin transformed into MashinFire and saved the civilians.
So with his imaginative idea Juru drawn more vehicles for the team to pilot and battle the Faucet Hildon. After that it was then destroyed by this finisher called Kiramai Stone Bomber.