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Villains Wiki

Super Earth. Our home. Prosperity. Liberty. Democracy. Our way of life.
~ Super Earth public service announcement in Helldivers 2.

The Federation of Super Earth, commonly known as Super Earth, are the villainous main protagonists of the Helldivers series. It is an intergalactic, imperialist empire that are at war against groups of aggressive aliens.


Early Days[]

Super Earth was founded in the year 2044 when the nations of Earth united together, forming one massive government. Together, they built a government on the foundation of Managed Democracy, a system that allows minimal choice of who governs by the citizens, while keeping the populace happy and convinced that they are free people. With Earth now fully united, Super Earth sought to spread across the stars.

Over the course of many years, Super Earth spread across the galaxy, colonizing and terraforming a large number of worlds. Time passed, and Managed Democracy spread across the stars like wild fire. Over time, Super Earth became the largest known empire in space. They worked to see to it that nothing got in the way of their Managed Democracy. So much as discussing other forms of governments became a crime, and oppression of other ideals became common place.

Discovery of Other Species[]

Super Earth eventually came to realize that they were not the only species in the galaxy. Two other species were eventually made known.

The first discovery was the Bugs: a species of insectoid aliens commonly appearing amongst Super Earth colonies. The Bugs were relatively passive creatures, showing intelligence and generally keeping to themselves. The second was the Illuminate, or as they referred to themselves the Sq'uith: a technocratic-like species with highly advanced technology. The Illuminate were mostly peaceful and simply sought to coexist with Super Earth, seeking to make contact and establish peace amongst humanity and the Sq'uith. The last one to be 'discovered' was of Super Earth's creation, the Cyborgs. They were originally colonists sent to the planet Cyberstan, a freezing cold and mineral rich planet. To survive, the Cyborgs had to install cybernetics to adapt to the harsh conditions of the world. Eventually they spread to other worlds, and made a communistic sub government.

For years, there was peace. Super Earth and the other species kept to themselves. Overtime however, Super Earth became dissatisfied with what they had, and sought to take from the other races.

First Galactic War[]

In the year 2084, Super Earth set off a chain of events that started the first galactic war. During this time, they began to declare war with the other races for one reason for another. All of these reasons for war were unjust.


Eventually, Super Earth came to the discovery that upon death, the Bugs would decompose into Element-710, or more simply oil. In order to justify the declaration of war on them, Super Earth launched a propaganda campaign portraying the Bugs as murderous fascist insects, who seek to kill them all. Super Earth then began to massacre the bugs and establish E-710 farms to harvest the Bugs for their oil. At first, the Bugs were exceptionally confused as to why humanity was trying to kill them, and ultimately did not fight back in any way. Eventually, the Bugs could not tolerate the abuse any further, and began to violently fight back against humanity.

Eventually the Bugs were defeated. Super Earth would then portray killing the Bugs as unnecessary and impractical, and began to simply farm them. Time and time again, the farming attempts would fail, and the Bugs would break out, starting the cycle anew. After many years of genetic modification, the Bugs were rendered docile for a great many years.


The Cyborgs of Cyberstan were still a part of Super Earth for the longest time. Super Earth however viewed cybernetics as abhorrent, and degrading to the human image. One day, Super Earth detonated a bomb on the planet Super Earth, killing over eight thousand innocent citizens. They then framed the incident as an attack from the Cyborgs. The Cyborgs however had not involvement in the deed. Super Earth declared war on them, which made the Cyborgs secede from Super Earth, forming the Collective Of Cyberstan.

Despite their efforts, the Cyborgs were defeated. Super Earth recolonized Cyberstan, and the Cyborgs were forced to accept Managed Democracy or lose their civil rights. For a time, Cyberstan would remain under Super Earth control, until the Cyborgs grew tired of their oppression. They would then commit a terrorist attack, and secede again. This continued for many years until Super Earth forced all of the Cyborgs into the mines on Cyberstan, ending the war for good.


The Illuminate were the most difficult to declare a war on, as they had no quarrel with Super Earth in the slightest. Ultimately, the Illuminate sought peace with Super Earth and hoped for a future together. The latter envied the former's technology, and wanted it for themselves. To justify a war with them, Super Earth claimed that the Illuminate had weapons of mass destruction, when in reality they did not have anything of the sort. Super Earth then declared war on the Illuminate to steal their technology.

The Illuminate were ultimately defeated, forced into a peace treaty with Super Earth. This treaty disallowed them to produce any kind of weaponry and not host any form of armed forces. Super Earth would then take the Illuminate's tech and develop new FTL technology and, ironically, their own world ending weapons. The Illuminate eventually grew outraged with seeing their shrines desecrated and their once beautiful Technology be used for sinister purposes. They one again rallied and declared war against Super Earth. This happened time and time again until Super Earth forced the Illuminate out of their space for good.

Second Galactic War[]

After their victory over the other races, Super Earth saw peace and colonization without hindrance for over 100 years, expanding further than ever before. This peace lasted until several new threats emerged that destabilized their worlds once more.


For years, the Bugs were kept docile in E-710 farms. Years upon years of genetic manipulation and rapid evolution turned them into the Terminids. One day a massive break out occurred on several E-710 farms all across the galaxy. The Terminids broke free and began to ravenously destroy any and all Super Earth colonies they came across. Eventually, Super Earth fought back, pushing back against the Terminids as best as they could. Time and time again worlds were reclaimed and lost.


From the edge of the galaxy came the Automatons. They appeared on the western front of the galaxy, and began to conquer Super Earth space. The exact goals and origins of the Automatons are not entirely certain, but most agree that they are the descendants of the Cyborgs. The Automatons currently seek to conquer and protect the world of Cyberstan, and destroy Super Earth for good.

Illuminate return[]

After 100 years of being presumed to be extinct, the Illuminate returned. In the southern part of Super Earth Space civilians began to disappear. It was unknown why until the truth was revealed. The Illuminate had returned and were kidnapping citizens to convert them into "The Voteless". Horrific Human-Illuminate hybrids. Leading their new armies of mindless beasts, the Illuminate have returned to seek vengeance for the genocide committed against them.


Super Earth has a large number of individual government bodies, all of which oversee the spread of Managed Democracy throughout their worlds.


The Helldivers are an elite organization of soldiers sent to fight in wars against impossible odds. They are equipped with high quality gear, and then drop podded into the battlefield in squads of 4 or less. The Helldivers participate in a large assortment of missions. These range from the liberation of planets, defending worlds, evacuating civilians, etc. During their spare time, the Helldivers are put into cryostasis to avoid potential dissenting and to keep them alive as long as possible. Helldivers are also assigned a "Super Destroyer", which can store up to 24 helldivers via cryostatis pods, and an additional 20-30 people serve as crew aboard the ship helping to oversee operations and intel. "Super Destroyers" are the primary way of delivering "Stratagems", Helldivers main method of attack. A stratagem can be called in by a helldiver via entering a special input, then throwing a device which will then project co-ordinates for the Super Destroyer to lock onto. Stratagems can range from orbital attacks/defenses, to "Eagle" (fighter jet) co-ordinated attacks/defenses, to special "Support Weapons/Backpacks" that Helldivers can use to take out heavier or a larger amount of enemies than what would be possible with a regular rifle/firearm.

Super Earth Armed Forces[]

The Super Earth Armed Forces, often shortened to SEAF, is the common soldier branch of Super Earth's military. They serve as foot soldiers, and fight the initial battles. They keep peace on worlds and protect the populace. Should the fight become too much for them, the Helldivers are sent in. The SEAF serve as the primary defense behind Super Earth and are responsible for the majority of operations carried out across the galaxy, while the Helldivers serve as "Democracy's Scalpel", helping to liberate/prepare planets for takeover by the SEAF.

Ministry of Truth[]

The Ministry Of Truth oversees propaganda across the galaxy. They work to inspire patriotism and loyalty across Super Earth space, and deal with anyone who sounds "undemocratic" to Super Earth. The Ministry of truth's primary employees are Democracy Officers, who are deployed on every Super Earth Destroyer, as well as every colony and sub-sector of Super Earth. Other employees who may work in this department include employees of Strohmann News (which sounds like "strawman"), such as Coretta Kelly - Super Earth's premiere announcer as well as news anchor.

Ministry of Defense[]

The Ministry of Defense oversees the defense and war efforts across Super Earth space. They organize the Helldivers and SEAF. The Helldivers and SEAF both have branches in which soldiers can be assigned in. For example, the SEAF engineering corps is responsible for the majority of defense and attack technology, as well as supplying Helldivers with "Stratagems", which can range from orbital/fighter jet attack methods to special weapons that Helldivers can use to take out heavier enemies.

Ministry of Science[]

The Ministry of Science works on technological development in all kinds. Be it for civilian use, agriculture, FTL travel, or new weapons for the Helldivers, the Ministry of Science covers it all. While the Ministry of Defense is responsible for supplying Helldivers and SEAF with support, the Ministry of Science assists in developing the necessary technology.

Ministry of Expansion[]

The Ministry of Expansion oversees the colonization of worlds and their management. The Ministry of Expansion equips Super Earth Citizens/Colonists on planets liberated by the Helldivers/SEAF by supplying appropriate equipment. The Ministry of Expansion's primary employees are Overseers, people who are responsible for misgoverning a certain area of a planet, or an entire planet. Colonial Overseers, assigned to every colony. Colonial Overseers are responsible for making sure that these colonies not only prosper, but also adhere to the Ministry of Truth's guidelines, working in collaboration with the Democracy Officer(s) assigned to their colonies. Planetary Overseers not only manage Colonial Overseers, but are also responsible for managing a planet's resources and ensuring that each colony is distributed a basic kit to help them get started. Unlike Colonial Overseers, Planetary Overseers are "democratically" elected into office with Managed Democracy's voting algorithm.

Ministry of Humanity[]

The Ministry of Humanity watches over the government and sees to it that humanity lives to see another dawn. The Ministry of Humanity helps oversee social services, such as managing roads, healthcare, education, and gene management. The Ministry of humanity uses eugenics and gene management in order to ensure that the next line of humans are physically and mentally stronger than the previous. In order for Super Earth Citizens to have families, they must fill out a special form called a "C-01" form, which must be manually reviewed and approved by a Democracy Officer.

Ministry of Unity[]

The Ministry of Unity keeps society stable, and suppresses any non democratic ideas.

Politics and Ideals[]

Super Earth is governed with Managed Democracy. Citizens vote by answering several basic questions to get an idea of their ideals. The algorithm then applies a vote to the candidate that best matches their answers. Citizens are not allowed to manually vote on their candidate, and wanting to do so can result in being labeled a dissident.

Super Earth is shown to be exceptionally oppressive. They do not allow anything that may stray them away from Managed Democracy. So much as suggesting change, wanting to manually select a vote, or even questioning the government can result in the perpetrator being sent off to a freedom camp to be reeducated, assassinated, or even publicly executed.

Super Earth enforces patriotism to a fanatical level. The term freedom is said constantly in all forms of propaganda, as is the word liberty. Not saluting and pledging to the Super Earth flag can result in being executed. So much as associating or sympathizing with aliens can result in being executed.



  • Numerous land marks from our era still exist on Super Earth.
    • The Pyramids of Giza still stand on Earth. (However, they have since been modified into an apartment complex mixing Super Earth and old Earth architecture.)
    • The Great Wall of China still stands, but has been renamed to "the Great Wall of Democracy."
    • Yellowstone Park still exists, now renamed to Superstone Park, but likely modified to more modern standards by Super Earth.
  • Every year, Super Earth celebrates on October 26th Liberty Day, which is a celebration dedicated to the founding of Super Earth.
    • The Ship Master (whose name is dependent) can be talked to on the Ship. She talks about how she grants her crew members a half-day off every liberty day.
    • Some citizen levels, such as Class B and Below do not get Liberty day Off, instead having to work. Classes whose citizens are B and above can request to have an hour off of work for Liberty day to see the celebrations, however they must reimburse their employer.
      • 2184's activities for Liberty Day included A Strohmann News 24 hour livestream, Reciting of the Super Earth Anthem, Dissident Executions, a Liberty Day Parade, an orbital bombardment of the moon, a synchronized salute and oath of citizenship, the season finale of Super Earth's Next Top Helldiver, further Dissident executions, a General Brasch Film Premiere about Automotons, followed by closing ceremonies and a further reciting of the Super Earth anthem.
    • On January 6, 2025, a Helldivers movie was announced to be in the works from Sony's CES panel.


           Helldivers Villains

Federation of Super Earth

Enemy Factions
Bugs | Terminids | The Collective of Cyberstan (Cyborgs | Automatons | Jet Brigade) | The Illuminate

Stahl Arms
