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Villains Wiki

Did you just assume my gender? Ugh, you cyberbully!
~ Feminist Jones in 50 WAYS TO BREAK A LAPTOP

Feminist Jones is a supporting antagonist in the Plainrock124 YouTube channel. She is a stereotypical extreme feminist who gets upset at the smallest things, such as Smash Bros. and the MacBook Air.

She is portrayed by King Liang, who plays most (if not all) of the other characters in the videos.


Feminist Jones has a T-shirt on her head to represent hair which is similar to King's Mom. In 50 WAYS TO BREAK A MACBOOK, she is shown to have dyed her hair blue, represented by King wearing a blue shirt on his head instead of black or white one.


Feminist Jones is a stereotypical extreme feminist. She is seen to be easily offended by the smallest of things such as Smash Bros and the MacBook Air. She is also addicted to using Tumblr, as seen in videos like 50 WAYS TO BREAK A MACBOOK and 50 WAYS TO BREAK A LAPTOP. She also used to like Nintendo until she saw Super Smash Bros., causing her to throw her laptop and phone into a lake.


Feminist Jones made her debut in WELCOME TO HIGH SCHOOL where she is seen getting triggered at Plainrock124's shirt as it says "#MENINIST". She later had a role in 50 WAYS TO BREAK A LAPTOP where she is in the cyberbullying skit. There, she is showing women how to deal with cyberbullying which ends with her throwing her laptop and phone into a lake. In 50 WAYS TO BREAK A 3DS she is seen talking about women in video games and ends up getting triggered by Super Smash Bros, resulting in her throwing her 3DS into a frozen lake. in 50 WAYS TO BREAK A MACBOOK she is seen watching a video about how women drive and get triggered by it. She tries to find the creator but ends up running over the MacBook while backing out of the driveway. She is later seen throwing the MacBook at someone who is wearing a #MENINIST shirt.

Likes & Dislikes[]


  • Tumblr
  • Feminist Frequency
  • Women
  • Nintendo (formerly)


  • Men
  • Sexism
  • Nintendo
  • MacBook Air 2016 (because it’s too “skinny”)
  • Nick Crompton
  • King Liang


  • She is the second female in Plainrock124 to be an antagonist/villain after King's Mom.
  • It is unknown whether if she will appear in future videos or not.


           Plainrock124Title Villains

Main/Supporting Characters
King Liang | King's Mom | Timmy | Timmy's Mom | Feminist Jones | KoolKid69 | Sonic Fan | PlayStation Fan | Ned A Lyfe | Teacher | TechRax124 | TheH0t0ne | YouTube Copyright

Chef | Dan Schneider | DKOldies | Fat Customer | Plainrock124 L.L.C (Plainrock124's Intern)
(Plainrock124 L.L.C Shooter)
(Plainrock124 L.L.C Pervert)
| Tax Police | Thief King | Taylor Swift | Windows 10 | Robber | Nintendo CEO of Russia | Sony | Soccer Goalie | Asian Video Game Nerd | The Trail | Package Thief | Protesters | Intendo CEO of Japan | Animal Crossing House Ghost | U-Haul | Walmart Shooter

Chris the MacBook | Daddy Xbox | Daddy Duke Controller | iPhone 5s | iPad 5 | MacBook Pro 2011 | MacBook Air | Wii | Wii U | Subaru Impreza | Canon Powershot G7X Mark II | Siri | DS Lite | Android
