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Just a brave traveler, who has finally come home.
~ Vera after returning in the post-credits scene of season 3.

Fernando Vera is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Mr. Robot) of the USA Network drama television series Mr. Robot.

He was portrayed by Elliot Villar.


People walk around, act like they know what hate means. Nah. No one does, until you hate yourself… I mean truly hate yourself, that's power.
~ Fernando Vera about how much he hates himself.

Vera states that when he was a young man, he was depressed and attempted to commit suicide. He started hating himself more and more as time went by, but after a while, instead of seeing it as a weakness as any person, including him, would usually see it as he started seeing it as his own power. He saw it as a power because, in the way he sees it, everyone thinks they know what hate means, but no one does it unless they hate themselves. Strangely enough, this motivated him into stopping his attempts at suicide and instead, he became a drug dealer. One day, he met Shayla Nico. Shayla wanted a drug named suboxone, which almost no one had. Vera had it and he became Shayla's drug supplier.

Vera asks Shayla if she wants to go on a date, to which she responds that she isn't in the mood to go on a date. Vera, disappointed, orders his gang to take her inside of a car. Elliot manages to see this and instantly goes and checks inside of her apartment. He doesn't see Shayla, but instead, he sees Vera on her bed. This obviously confuses Elliot, and Elliot asks where Shayla is. He answers where she is, and makes a speech about how he thinks that Elliot is similar to how he once was when he was younger. Once Vera walks away, Elliot investigates the apartment and finds Shayla where Vera said that she was. Elliot is terrified, seeing one of his closest friends in a near-dead state. Vera had drugged and raped Shayla, but she didn't want to escape from him since he would eventually find out where she escaped and possibly make things even worse. She asks Elliot if he can stay in their apartment overnight, which he says yes to.

Elliot, angry at Vera for raping Shayla, tips the police about Vera and his gang. He finds out about Vera's Twitter/X account, where he frequently boasts about sadistically raping Shayla. The tip goes through, with Vera and his gang getting arrested. However, Vera is convinced that Elliot is the one behind the tip, and blackmails Elliot into using his hacking skills to orchestrate an escape for him by threatening to murder Shayla if he doesn't comply with his orders. The reason for this is that someone is plotting on murdering him in the prison. Elliot helps them, and the escape is a success. Once Vera is out, Elliot, Vera's brother Isaac Vera, and Vera's homie D.J wait outside. When they meet, Vera orders D.J to shoot Isaac as it turned out that Isaac was behind the plan of murdering Vera. Vera gives Elliot the keys to a car and walks away with D.J, but when Elliot opens the trunk of the car he sees Shayla's dead body, confirming that she was dead all along and that Isaac had her murdered way before the escape.

Vera reappears in the post-credits scene of the final episode of season 3, "shutdown -r". He drives a car with some of his homies and is more powerful and wealthy than in his last appearance. He greets Darlene, knowing that she is Elliot's sister.

In the third episode of season 4, Vera is revealed to own a restaurant that sells chicken with drugs in it, a way of masquerading his drug business. He has come up with the idea of having Elliot help him to grow his criminal empire even more, and sends D.J to spy on him. D.J manages to capture Elliot having a conversation with his former therapist Krista Gordon in a photo. Once D.J comes back to tell him what he's seen, he thinks that Vera is wasting his time on Elliot, but Vera convinces him to continue. D.J shows Vera the photo he's taken, in which Vera asks D.J what he thinks is happening in the photo. D.J has no idea, so Vera asks a child at the restaurant what he thinks is happening. The child answers that Elliot is sad because Krista is angry at him. Vera grabs a gun and coldly shoots D.J to death, showing his disappointment by stating that even the child knows what is happening in the photo and that he needs someone more "detailed oriented".

Drawing the conclusion that Krista has valuable information, Vera has his homie Peanuts kidnap her on Christmas in her own home. They tie her to a chair making her unable to move. Vera then tells the story of a "Little Bitch" who managed to torture his bully with a bat which he got as a Christmas present. Vera later states that it's a true story and that he's the "Little Bitch". But Krista denies that the story is real and notes why it's a made up story made so that Vera can feel more powerful. Vera laughs at the fact that Krista dares to talk back to him, but says that he enjoys that someone dares to do it. He tries to get more information from Krista, but she tells him that she really doesn't have any information and doing this to her will not do anything. In the end though, Vera does get some information; the way to get Elliot to do what he wants is to evoke his split personality Mr. Robot, a more wrathful and vicious personality than the regular Elliot.


Fernando Vera was a wildly unpredictable, aggressive, and violent drug dealer. He committed violent crimes such as murder and rape for seemingly little to no reasons, such as when he shot his homie D.J for not being "detail-oriented" without any hesitation, despite the man being loyal. Vera’s behavior could seemingly go from friendly and funny to violent at the drop of a hat.

Vera is also a deeply disturbed and psychotic drug-addict with a complete lack of empathy. He showed no sadness over having to kill his brother Isaac (though his brother did betray/snitch him) and showed no consideration for the loyalty of his homie, D.J, when he murdered him.

If they weren’t the object of his twisted affection, Vera didn’t hesitate in murdering them. Even then, he showed no problem in abusing, psychologically tormenting, and threatening the loved ones of those he "liked". Despite claiming to have loved Shayla, Vera was shown to have raped her; after Elliot gets him sent to prison, he doesn’t hesitate to have Shayla killed, as Vera had moved on from Shayla and had found Elliot to be the new object of his desires. Even then, he kidnapped Elliot, threatened his therapist Krista, and forced him to relive traumatic memories.

Vera was a highly philosophical man, who believed in destiny and that fate had brought him and Elliot together. He also claimed that nobody truly knew what hate means until they hated themselves, and that hate was power. He often spoke in metaphors and allusions. However, given his drug-addiction and clear mental instability, these words could simply be the ramblings of a lunatic.

Despite his insanity, Vera was highly intelligent, cunning, manipulative and perceptive. He was able to deduce that it was Elliot that had leaked his Twitter/X account to the police and had landed him in prison. Vera was also able to realize that his younger brother, Isaac, had betrayed him by convincing him to post his highly illegal business online. Furthermore, Vera was able to blackmail and threaten Elliot into hacking him free from prison, holding the threat of Shayla's life over his head (who Elliot didn’t know had already been killed.) The plan was successful, and Vera was able to escape and return to his home in the Dominican Republic, where he established a criminal empire that took control of the country. Eventually, he returned to New York to take over and become king, wanting to recruit Elliot as the "architect".

Vera, upon returning to New York, wanted to break Elliot in order to gaslight, manipulate, and charm him into believing Vera was his savior. Upon forcing Elliot to relieve the trauma of his father molesting him, Vera empathized with Elliot and claimed that he had also been molested as a child. He claimed that now, Elliot could become his real self; that Elliot would "become the storm". However, given that he admitted he wanted to "wound his soul so that he could be the one to heal it", it is possible Vera faked emotions and lied to fool Elliot and appear vulnerable.


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           Mr. Robot Logo Villains

Mr. Robot

Dark Army
Whiterose | Grant | Leon | Otto Irving | Janice

Phillip Price | Tyrell Wellick | Angela Moss

Vera's Gang
Fernando Vera | Isaac Vera | D.J | Peanuts | Javi

Ray Heyworth | "Lone Star" Lockwood | Neo-Nazis (Kevin, Hammerhead)

Ernesto Santiago | Edward Alderson | Joanna Wellick