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People go to school to get smarter so they can get a job. You already have a job. So it's like skipping a step.
~ Fiona's view on education and employment.
There's something I've always wanted to tell you, and I think you're ready to hear it: you're not very pretty, and you're not very bright. Oh, I'm so glad we had that talk.
~ Fiona ridiculing her stepdaughter Sam.
Fiona Montgomery is the main antagonist in the 2004 Warner Bros. film A Cinderella Story.
Fiona is shown to be a vain, greedy and selfish woman who wants everything for herself. Despite briefly appearing nice to Hal, she treats Sam terribly once she becomes her legal guardian following Hal's death. Upon Hal's death, her stolen money gave her a sense of entitlement, leading to Fiona becoming unstable, rude and aggressive towards anyone in her way, especially her workers.
She is also lazy, treating Sam like a servant in the diner by making her do all the work while spoiling herself and her biological daughters. She is also manipulative towards Sam, often insulting her with the initial guise of concerned advice as a way to keep her under control.
Despite her indolence, Fiona is very ambitious. Once there is a chance for the girls to be with Austin, she immediately jumps at the opportunity for her own selfish desires of acquiring more money, and begins grooming them with the goal of marrying a good-looking rich guy.
Fiona married Hal Montgomery (the manager of a sports-themed diner called Hal's), eventually becoming the stepmother to Hal's daughter Sam. Fiona also has twin daughters named Brianna and Gabriella prior to marrying Hal. Eventually, Hal died in an earthquake and since he never left a will, Fiona inherited all of Hal's estate, including the diner (which she turned into a 1950's-themed diner renamed Fiona's to suit her taste and had everything be all pink including the employee uniforms).
Fiona treats Sam like a slave and makes her sleep in the attic. While Sam grew up and turned 17, she was treated like dirt and Fiona uses the inheritance to live as if they were insanely rich, including spending on cosmetic surgeries and even refuses to save water during the ongoing drought. She even takes Sam's earnings for herself. Sam had to work really hard to graduate early and go to her dream college Princeton University like she and her father talked about before his death. Sam attended her school's Halloween dance at her high school with their football team's quarterback Austin Ames.
Surprisingly, the event went well, despite the fact a thunderstorm moved in near the end. When Fiona found a letter from Princeton in the mail telling Sam she had been accepted, she threw the letter into a trash can and gave Sam a fake rejection letter. When Sam was fooled by it, Fiona pretended to be sympathetic while commenting that she still has a job. It eventually turns out that Fiona intends to prevent Sam from going to college so that she can stay and continue working at the diner and as her slave for the rest of her life.
Things change when Sam finally stands up to Fiona, having had enough of her abuse and quitting the diner and leaving with all the other employees, who also quit, having put up with years of abuse for Sam's sake. While taking out all her things from her father's house, Sam finds Hal's will hidden in her childhood fairy tale book, stating that all of his money, the diner and possessions actually belong to her. Since this leaves her as the rightful and legal owner, Sam contacts the local district attorney and sells Fiona, Brianna and Gabriella's fancy cars so that she can pay for her college tuition. As Fiona signed the will as a witness but claims to have never seen it before, Fiona gets arrested by the district attorney for financial fraud and violating child labor laws for all the times she made Sam work long hours at the diner. Brianna and Gabriella are then forced to retrieve her acceptance letter that Fiona threw in the garbage.
Before Sam goes off to Princeton with Austin, she reverts her father's diner back to its former glory while promoting Rhonda as its new manager. In the meantime, Fiona makes a deal with the district attorney that she won’t go to jail if she works off the debt and pays Sam the money back that she stole from her. She works under Rhonda's watchful eye and her two daughters, Brianna and Gabriella are also forced to work at the diner as bus girls much to their dismay.
I am very, very, very, very upset about this.
~ Fiona to her daughters after their disastrous dance date with the Prince because of Sam.
Oh, it's the Botox. I can't show emotion for another hour and a half.
~ Fiona explaining to her daughters why she doesn't look angry, even though she’s angry.
No honey, leave those on! The lawn's looking a little brown.
~ Fiona to Sam when her stepdaughter attempts to turn off the sprinklers just to help save water.
Droughts are for poor people, you think J-Lo has a brown lawn? People who use extra water have extra class.
~ Fiona's selfish demand for Sam, explaining why she prefers to 'waste water'.
Hey! Hey! I can pay for those parking tickets. (Sam Montgomery: Actually, I'm selling your cars, Fiona. For college tuition money.)
~ Fiona to the LAPD when her and her daughters' cars are repossessed.
(Gabriella Montgomery: What?) Now what gives you the idea you can sell our cars?
~ Fiona to Sam when her car and daughter’s cars are being sold for Sam's college money.
Where are your skates? They're part of the uniform.
~ Fiona addressing Rhonda's uniform when she refuses to wear skates.
If you were part of my circus, I'd have you wiping the elephant butts with a "wet one."
~ Fiona's threat to Rhonda when Rhonda talks back to her.
Is this the Norwegian salmon I asked for? Because I need my omega-3s.
~ Fiona asking about her salmon.
Mmm. I can tell. You know it costs a fortune to fly that stuff in from Norwegia.
~ Fiona to her stepdaughter Sam about the price of salmon and also showing her lack of intelligence.
Sam? Some little brat got into my salmon and ate it all! I need more salmon! So pick up my dry cleaning. And wash the Jag!
~ Fiona's forcing Sam to do errands over the phone while Sam's in school.
All right. Well, I'm going off to get some more lipo. Come on, girls. Sam, we need you to clean the pool tonight.
~ Fiona demanding that Sam clean the pool again just before Sam finally stands up to her.
You can't just walk out on me. (Sam Montgomery: You know what, Fiona? You can mess with your hair and your nose and your face, and you can even mess up with my dad's diner, but you're through messing with me.)
~ Fiona to Sam as she quits.
You take one more step and you're fired!
~ Fiona threatening to fire Rhonda before Rhonda quits to.
Oh, come on, no. Not my face. It's much newer than the girls. Go for the girls! (Gabriella Montgomery: Mom!) (Brianna Montgomery: No, don't!)
~ Fiona's cowardly reaction when Rhonda threatens to beat her up.
(District Attorney: Have you ever seen this before, Mrs. Montgomery?) I have NEVER seen that before! (District Attorney: Isn't this your signature on the witness line?) I have NEVER seen my husband's hidden will before! (District Attorney: I'm afraid you're gonna have to come downtown with me, ma'am.) [screaming around]
~ Fiona's last words and she's lying that she never saw or signed Hal's will as a witness, which leads to her defeat and arrest.
Fiona relaxing while Sam is working.
Fiona insulting Sam while "baking" in her tanning bed.
Fiona, in her arrogance, angry at Rhonda for calling her "unappealing."
Fiona, now with botox, picking up her daughters from Homecoming.
Fiona eating cookies.
Fiona bullying Sam after she attempts to stand up for herself.
Fiona with their daughters after being exposed for their heinous crimes.