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Villains Wiki

I like to accept this award on behalf of firefighters everywhere, and I like to give Fireman Sam a special thank you... for getting fired! Hahahahaha!!!
~ Flex, after getting Fireman Sam fired from his job.
World, prepare to meet the new hero next door! and all I had to do was loosen a few bolts, and cut a few safety lines, and get rid of that dude, Fireman Sam, and then look what happened! I'm gonna be no. 1 in the box office!
~ Flex talking to himself, unaware that Mandy, Sarah, and James had exposed him for Sam's firing.

Flex Dexter is the main antagonist in the 2018 film Fireman Sam: Set for Action!

He was voiced by John Barrowman.


Flex Dexter is a Hollywood actor who deems himself superior to the rest, especially to those who aren't involved with the movie industry. He likes getting what he wants and is ready to return to anybody or anything that stands in his way.


Flex Dexter was a famous Hollywood superstar until he started appearing in poorly-received movies, leading to his popularity diminishing movie-per-movie. Tired of appearing in low-budget films, he deems his next film to be his return to the spotlight. However, he soon is told by his boss, Don Sledgehammer, that he won't be playing the lead in his latest film - Fireman Sam's Flaming Inferno; instead, he will be Fireman Sam's co-star, much to his frustration of having to be with someone who knows nothing about acting as he does.

Dexter and Sledgehammer soon introduce themselves to the world of Pontypandy to lead Sam the way to stardom. To everyone, he seemed friendly and was happy to help out Joe and Mike's special effects, but in reality, his true intentions of harming Fireman Sam were revealed when he sabotaged many of the stunts to try and harm him. He altered the fire effects in a bridge scene to the point that the bridge burnt up, shortening Sam's rope and safety harness in a scene resolving a cliff and removing the bolts from the winch that held down Trevor's bus, leading to it falling off the cliffs and almost killing the cast of the movie.

Flex, claiming that Sam failed the safety check and was behind the incidents he purposely caused, ends up getting his wish of becoming the starring role of the movie. The safety check also leads to Sam getting permanently fired from the Fire Service by Chief Fire Officer Boyce. Pleased with his work, Flex thanks himself that he now has the role he wanted.

Meanwhile, while watching Sarah and Mandy's footage of the film's production, James discovers a scene with Flex behind Trevor's Bus and suspects he was the one who sabotaged the scene and led to Sam's firing. With their phones, Sarah and Mandy hid inside Flex's trailer while James stayed outside, overhearing everything. While inside the trailer, Mandy and Sarah discover a dartboard with Sam's picture, which soon proves their assumptions are true. When Flex returns, they record his boasting, which James records himself and sends to Station Officer Steele as evidence.

When Flex returns to the chase scene at the key, the scene appears to go well until Joe and Mike push their special effects button, which causes the entire set to explode into a blaze of glory. Flex, blindsighted that his special effects plan had significantly backfired and scared of harming himself, takes refuge inside the Whole Fish Cafe. Sam soon notices the explosion and goes off to help. When the other firefighters soon notice the out-of-control fire, they don't know what to do - that is, until Fireman Sam appears through the smoke. Station Officer Steele tells him Flex sabotaged the effects, and he thanks James for the evidence. Meanwhile, Bronwyn tells him that Flex is trapped inside the cafe.

Sam tells the other firefighters to play their roles to stop the fire, just like in a film. Sam enters the Whole Fish Cafe to find Flex, who feels scared and apologetic. After Sam rescues him and the fire is put out, a remorseful and guilt-ridden Flex soon admits to everyone that he caused the fire by doubling the combustibles when nobody was looking and for everything else he did - realizing that he's just a pretend hero, and Fireman Sam is a real hero. Sam tells him that he caused tons of property damage and put a lot of people in danger. Flex apologizes to him and everyone else for what he had done and says he'll do anything to make it up, with Sam suggesting that he should help out at the school with him learning about fire safety, which he accepts.

The movie soon premieres in the Fire Station and proves to be a success for everyone, including Flex, with Sam as the main star.


  • His first name represents his "buff" appearance.
  • His character design and rendering are based on that of his English voice actor, John Barrowman.


           Fireman Sam Logo Villains

Buck Douglas | Flex Dexter | Don Sledgehammer | Professor Polonium | Doctor Crumpton
