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The Eyes of the World… The two overseers… What once was held in the hands of the witch clan shall now be held in ours!
~ Fortitudo as he massacres a crowd of civilians.
To deceive humans is but an easy task. They live in chaos. Desire chaos. Now, it is time that you discover death. The witches and sages that rule this realm must be exterminated. The Eyes must return to their rightful place!
Fortitudo, Bringer of the Flame is a major antagonist in the 2009 action-adventure game Bayonetta and its 2014 sequel, Bayonetta 2.
He is a powerful angel and a member of the Auditito, representing the Cardinal Virtue of fortitude. Despite his holy aura and polite manner of speech, Fortitudo is the most despicable of the Angels of Paradiso, having manipulated Balder into instigating the Witch Hunts in order to revive Jubileus the Creator and destroy the universe.
In the games, he was voiced by George Bell. In Bayonetta: Bloody Fate, he was voiced by Dave Fennoy in English and Takahiro Fujiwara in Japanese.
Little is known about the origins of Fortitudo and the Angels of Paradiso, only that they predate mankind and were presumably created by Jubileus the Creator to carry out her will. Due to his nature as the representation of fortitude and bravery, Fortitudo was created with a deliberately frightening and monstrous appearance to inspire courage within the hearts of humans.
The Witch Hunts[]
500 years before the first game, a war broke out between the Lumen Sages, who worshipped the Angels, and the Umbra Witches, who made deals with the Infernal Demons. The war was caused by a Lumen Sage named Balder falling in love with an Umbra Witches named Rosa, with the two of them having a child together. The conception of this child, Cereza, broke the laws of both clans, leading to Balder being exiled from the Lumen Sages and both sides blaming the other for Cereza's existence. Ultimately, the Umbra Witches prevailed, with most of the Lumen Sages being tragically wiped out during the conflict.
However, the Angels of Paradiso sought the Eyes of the World (which were carried by Balder and Cereza) in order to revive Jubileus and decimate the universe. Conspiring with Loptr, Fortitudo manipulates Balder into starting a series of witch hunts in order to exterminate the Umbra Witches and claim their Left Eye of the World. To do this, Fortitudo claimed that the Umbra Witches were plotting an uprising and needed to be wiped out before they took over the world.
However, upon discovering Rosa among the Umbra Witches, Balder realizes that he's been tricked and confronts Fortitudo, who immediately admits to lying and mocks Balder for his gullibility. Enraged, Balder prepares to battle Fortitudo, only for Loptr to enter the room and attempt to assassinate Balder to claim his Right Eye of the World. However, Rosa blocks his spell, leading to her being killed in his place. While a devastated Balder grieves over his lost love, Fortitudo and Loptr make their escapes.
500 years later, Balder has succumbs to madness after being possessed by Loptr, causing him to revert back to worshipping the Angels. Fortitudo, along with the rest of the Auditito, aid Balder in attempting to capture a young Cereza— who has been transported from the past— so they can sacrifice her along with Balder and give the Eyes of the World to Jubileus.
Fortitudo is the first of the Auditito that Bayonetta— the grown-up Cereza— faces on her quest. In the city of Vigrid, Bayonetta has flashbacks to the Witch Hunts, where she witnesses Fortitudo massacring a crowd of civilians and eating her fellow Umbra Witches alive.
When Bayonetta first confronts Fortitudo, the angel writes her off as a non-threat and chooses to leave her alone. However, when she tracks him down, Fortitudo recognizes her as Cereza and proceeds to do battle with her. Upon his defeat, Fortitudo laughs, knowing that Bayonetta is exactly who he and the Auditito had been searching for, reveling in the fact that she is playing into their hands.
Fortitudo shows up several more times throughout the game, acting as a mini boss who attempts to slow down Bayonetta and keep her from preventing Cereza's sacrifice. Eventually, Bayonetta defeats him and banishes him to Inferno.
Bayonetta 2[]
Despite his seeming death in the first game, the past version of Balder is able to summon Fortitudo during his repeated battles against Bayonetta in the present day, implying that either his power still lingers on Earth or he can be temporarily revived by one of his followers.
Later on in the game, Bayonetta is sent back 500 years to the time of the Witch Hunts. There, she faces and defeats all of the Auditito once more, with Fortitudo being the first.