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Ok, sure. Ha! Never. And I’m never going to change my mind either.
~ Francine Carruthers
Francine Carruthers is the main antagonist of the 2009 revival of The Electric Company (often referred as The New Electric Company). She is also a major antagonist of the tie-in game duology, Prankster Planet, appearing as the secondary antagonist of Wordsuckeruppernator, and the main antagonist of its sequel, Reverse-A-Ball. She is a spoiled, arrogant, egotistical teenage girl who serves as the leader of The Pranksters, the Electric Company's arch-rivals. Despite most of her antics serving as little more than just harmless mischief or pranks, she still has a couple of moments where she commits various downright immoral actions and veers into "villain" territory.
Francine is a wealthy teenager in the neighborhood, but she's also extremely selfish, arrogant, and opportunistic. While she has the power to create wordballs like the Electric Company (She's also the only member of the Pranksters capable of doing so, albeit hers are purple with yellow font rather than the Electric Company's blue with white font), she mostly uses her powers for her own selfish ends, and loves to create mischief with her powers. She desperately wants to be beloved, and has a very high opinion of herself, to the point where she may often take the credit for other people's achievements. She has a personal vlog where she demeans various people she views as beneath her. She also has a personal view of "win at all costs", and isn't afraid to cheat and using other immoral tactics if she has to.
Villainous Acts[]
Season 1[]
The series premiere, "Skills", quickly establishes just the type of person Francine is, as she steals Keith's unique power just he's about to get inducted into the Electric Company. (All of the team's members are capable of creating word balls, but whoever joins the company gets an extra unique skill) Keith only gets his power back by convincing Francine that he would betray the company and steal their skills, which she and the other Pranksters intended to use to take over the neighborhood-- and by having Francine trade Keith's skill for the "stolen powers of the company", only for Francine to realize too late that Keith tricked her into giving her his power back, and that Keith didn't steal the company's powers, so Francine couldn't obtain them.
"Lost and Spaced": In a science fair, when Lisa and Dax (a Skeleckian from another planet) created a perfect model of the solar system, complete with a shrinking machine and mini-spaceship, and Francine volunteers to take the tour in the mini-system, she intentionally leaves as Lisa and Dax shrink themselves into the system and disconnects some wires for the enlarger intending to prevent them from returning to normal size.
"Gravity Groove": Francine tricks Shock and Lisa into using Skeleckian Gravity Spray before a dance-off to make their legs very heavy so they can't dance properly.
"War of the Words": Jealous of Hector having a presentation in Jessica's health class instead of her, Francine plans to ruin it.
When she finds out that Hector's powers weaken due to his fatigue, she hires Manny and Annie to track Hector and keep him awake playing loud music.
When that failed, the three try to use a wordball-alphahorn at the classroom window. But it goes wrong when Keith blocks them with a brick wall.
"Out to Launch": Francine notices that Hector is being adored due to his billboard advertisement for the Electric Diner, so she alters the billboard to call Hector a liar in an attempt to ruin his reputation, taunting him over it, and broadcasts live vlogs claiming Hector is a bad role model for people (especially kids) to look up to. Plus, she actively tries to prevent the gang from changing the billboard back and use their failed wordball launches as a cover for making them look like vandals on her vlog. But the gang manages to change it back anyway and Lisa tricks Francine into admitting she had changed the billboard to demonize Hector, knowing he had never lied, which Jessica caught on tape and publishes in her own video, which clears Hector's name and restores his reputation.
"Friends or Aunts": Francine assists Annie in her different plan her beat Hector and Lisa in the titular game show, but she only did so for a piece of the grand prize (especially the money). Then right before the show, Annie's aunt Sandy would hypnotize the manager into standing in a corner and sleeping for the entire show, and Francine would pose as the manager while secretly feeding Annie and Sandy their answers (using wordballs), and giving Hector and Lisa incorrect answers.
"Franscent": Francine steals Lisa's hybrid plant and turns it into perfume all because she accidentally dropped and broke her own due to seeing a dead bug on it. She also claims it to be her own, even when Lisa decides to help her get rid of the horrid smell it left on her after using it.
"A Whole New Francine": Francine pretends to have turned over a new leaf and become nice, even volunteering in the appropriately-titled "Big Show For Kids", when in reality, it was a ploy to gain the Electric Company's trust. Also, she had Manny mess up the company's act in the show with his word zapper so Francine could step in and "catch" him, all so she could join the Electric Company and gain the extra unique skill that comes with the membership, going as far as to sing a song about her wondering what her power would be and being a God Wannabe. The plan fails as the company was suspicious of her sudden change of heart from the get-go and offered her a position in the company in 2 years, knowing she'd be unable to wait that long and would reveal her true nature on stage in front of the kids.
Season 2[]
"Goodnight Robot": Francine and her mother planned to tear the centuries-old Bookbinder House, and put in its place an expensive hotel that Francine would name after herself, even though the Bookbinder House was a landmark among the neighborhood that served as the family home for a famous late children's book author (Jerome Bookbinder) and the inspiration for his most famous story.
Then when she finds out the Electric Company was getting signatures from the neighborhood for their petition to keep the Bookbinder house standing, she'd sabotage the petition by giving them fake signatures in an attempt to slow them down long enough for the deadline to pass for her and mother to be able to build their hotel. Her plan would have worked had she not decided to grow a conscience after seeing a reenactment/read-out of the late author's beloved story, which as it turns out she herself loved. She then give the company's petition the final signature needed to take action and save the Bookbinder house
"The Great Compromise": The episode opens to Francine altering 153rd Street to read "Francine's Way", which Keith repeatedly changes back, only for Inga Quigly, Deputy Commissioner of Traffic, to get distracted by the two changing the street sign, damage the back of her car by mistake, and blame Keith and Francine for the damage, ordering Keith and Francine to separate hearings to explain why they were or weren't the problem. Then Francine and Annie would overhear Keith and Lisa trying to claim the Pranksters were the problem and barge in unannounced to try and defend themselves, leading to Quigly scheduling an association meeting about the usage of powers that both the Electric Company and the Pranksters would have to attend and work together to present a case of why they should be allowed to keep using their powers under certain conditions
Season 3[]
"Off Target": When informed by her assistant Gilda Flip that Marcus Barnes (or "Marty Farms" as she calls him) had wordball powers and had to learn how to throw the balls straight before he could join The Electric Company, Francine tries to prevent Marcus from joining the team, by having Manny create a machine that would mess up Manny's wordballs.
"The Incredible Return-a-Ball": Francine (with help from Gilda) creates an advertisement for some balls that would supposedly return to whoever threw said ball, but in reality, the balls were just regular balls, and a cheap ploy that scammed various kids, including Marcus, out of their money. When the Electric Company discovers how Francine faked her commercial, catches Francine and Gilda, and makes her give Marcus his money back, she refuses to learn her lesson and creates another Return-a-Ball advertisement claiming it was "new and improved", not only tricking Marcus out of his money once more, but also continuing to con the children of the neighborhood.
Prankster Planet[]
In a long lost online video game, Francine and the rest of the Pranksters have a lair of their own called Prankster Planet.
Manny's titular gadget, the Wordsuckeruppernator, is used to suck up all the words on Earth. The only way to shut it down is by pressing all 13 off buttons all over the planet.
"Mission 2": TBA
"Mission 6": TBA
"Mission 10": TBA
"Mission 12": TBA
Francine uses eight machines to launch Reverse-A-Balls to Earth, reversing every word they touch.
The Electric Company (Sometimes)
Sandra Sandersonian
Appearances on The Show
Season 1[]
Lights, Camera, Beetles!
Lost and Spaced
War of the Words
Gravity Groove
Out to Launch
Friends or Aunts
A Whole New Francine
Oh Danny, Boy
Season 2[]
One Smart Cookie
Madame President
Goodnight, Robot
The Great Compromise
Season 3[]
Off Target
A Fistful of Confetti
The Wordball Games
The Incredible Return-a-Ball
Tip it or Dip It
The Junior Assistant
It's my Reverse-A-Balls! No one can stop me!
~ Francine Carruthers
On Prankster Planet, no one can stop me! Will you even dare to try Electric Company?
~ Francine Carruthers
Hello, royal fans!
~ Francine Carruthers
Let's take a look at three examples of my reverse-a-balls on Earth.
~ Francine Carruthers showing when some reverse-a-balls have landed in rereleased episodes.
Let's check on the "progress" of our little "heroes", Jessica and Marcus as they try to stop my reverse-a-balls. Hehe. As if.
~ Francine Carruthers
Well it's not looking good for the Electric Company. So, why don't I make it worse?
~ Francine Carruthers
~ Francine Carruthers after Jessica and Marcus make it through her traps.