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This villain was proposed but was rejected by the community for not being heinous enough or lacks what is necessary to be a Pure Evil villain. Therefore, this villain shall be added to our "Never Again List", where proposed villains rejected by the community shall be placed to prevent future proposals of the same evil-doer. They can be proposed again (with the permission of an administrator) if new elements appear in their series that can change their status as non-PE villains. Any act of adding this villain to the Pure Evil category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban. |
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“ | For your crime. You will die like vermin. I will hunt you down. At the end of the earth I will find you. Your skin charred and your fats rendered. Your kind exterminated. In the end, I will feed your flesh…to the furnace. | „ |
~ Frau Engel to B.J. during the Camp Belica riot. |
“ | You think you're a hero, William Joseph Blazkowicz? Pull the cripple up! Let me tell you... you're not. Only the degenerate rats of the slum admire you. The filthy dregs festering in the ghetto. But once they see you... this will change. I shall put you on international television. Look everybody... Is... Is this how a hero looks like? A crippled wretch of a man... peeing in a tube? Everyone will see what a useless joke you are. | „ |
~ Frau Engel addressing B.J. upon their first encounter in The New Colossus. |
Frau Irene Engel is the secondary antagonist of Wolfenstein: The New Order and the main antagonist of its sequel, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
She is the SS-Obergruppenführer (Lieutenant General of the SS) and is a high-ranking member of the Nazi Party as well as the director of one of the concentration camps, Camp Belica in northern Croatia. She later returns now a general of the Wehrmacht charged with killing B.J. for his crimes against the Nazi state, and to aid in reinforcing the Nazi-backed occupation of the United States.
She was voiced by Nina Franoszek.
Irene Engel is a high-ranking member of the Nazi Party who's a leading member of the League of German Girls and is in charge of spreading the Nazi ideology to the next generation and to enforce Nazi rule across all of Europe after their victory in World War II thanks to the technological developments from Dr. Wilhelm Strasse. She's fanatically loyal to the Nazi Party, having done her duty by raising six "Aryan" children in service for the fatherland and has dedicated her entire life to serving the Nazi cause. Following the German victory in the war, Engel was sent to annexed Croatia where she was tasked with managing a concentration camp called Camp Belica in the northern parts of the country and has been managing it for an unknown number of years where she aids in the extermination of all groups declared "inferior" by the Nazis.
After the events of Wolfenstein: The New Order, Engel became obsessed with hunting down Blasckowicz and executing him on live television in order to crush Nazi resistance around the globe. While initially successful in decapitating him, his head was saved by Set and given a new body. Blasckowicz would then ambush her during a broadcasted interview which ends with a hatchet driven into her skull.
Not much is known about Engel's past other than that she was born in the year 1905 in Germany during the days of the German Empire. She would witness Germany's defeat in World War I and the collapse of the German Empire not too long after the war and Germany's descent into an economic depression. The depression gave way for the rise of Adolf Hitler who used the conditions to rally many to the cause of the Nazi Party, Frau Engel included, and eventually was elected Chancellor of Germany.
Engel dedicated her life to the party and eventually rose through its ranks throughout the war. By the war's end in 1948, Nazi Germany had reigned victorious and Engel would enjoy an era of prosperity along with the rest of the German people spoiled by their victory in the war. She would later have six children and raise them for the Nazi cause, however the daughter Sigrun would become her most hated as her pacifistic nature, bad habits, and overall nature and especially, her lack of dedication to the Nazi cause, would make Irene hate and fight with Sigrun on many occasions and has been abusing her for a long time before the events of The New Colossus and even the New Order.
Wolfenstein: The New Order[]

Engel's appearance in New Order, also her debut.
Frau Engel is first seen on a night train heading to Berlin along with her younger lover, Hans Winkle, nicknamed Bubi (German for "little boy"), and a small personal escort team when she entered the same compartment as B.J. Blasckowicz. The latter began walking to his room with two cups of coffee, but Engel stopped him to inspect him for traits noticing his strong Aryan traits.
She then had him sit down and take a little test in which Blasckowicz would choose between two pictures to see if he was truely of Aryan descent, but it would be discovered a minute later that it was really just a little game and the pictures were really photos taken from the Second World War, claimed that she could spot an "impure" with her own naked eye, and she let him return to his room with the coffee not knowing who he really was. She never made it to Berlin and instead headed to Croatia to manage Camp Belica.
Frau Engel appeared later on in Camp Belica in Zagreb, Annex Croatia, where she's seen managing the camp and organizes the camp's prisoners for forced labor in support of the Nazi war machine. She's first seen overseeing the arrival of new prisoners into the camp via train and eventually follows them into the camp's interior where she's on a balcony navigating the prisoners to their respective stations. Blazkowicz was in the station as part of an infiltration mission to extract Set Roth from Nazi captivity, when Bubi noticed him and thought he looked familiar, but he didn't know who B.J. was and Engel ended up having him sent to a work station due to his large size and costly nature to feed.
She later appears after B.J. is knocked out trying to grab a Detronic battery for Set's remote controller and recognizes who he is and has him, Set, and the rest of their bloc sentenced to execution as punishment for their actions. During the executions however, Blasckowicz manages to toss the battery over to Set who then activates the remote, causing the machine being used to kill the prisoners to turn on Frau Engel and the Nazis as well as a jailbreak for the prisoners. She manages to survive, albeit horrifically scarred, and gives a threatening speech to Blasckowicz before getting thrown away by the machine. Later, when Blasckowicz, Set and the prisoners have gotten into stolen vehicles, Engel ambushes them with dual Sturmgewehrs. As a last resort, she opens fire on the prisoners in order to make sure they don’t escape, but is unsuccessful and the wounded prisoners were treated at the Kriesau Circle hideout.
Frau Engel is later sent somewhere, presumably Deathshead's compound, after the riot and is surgically repaired, but has glaring visible scars. She later finds the location of the Kriesau Circle hideout in Berlin and leads a raid on the compound where she and her subordinates successfully capture most of the group's members and kill the rest, sending those captured to Deathshead’s compound as test subjects, after that she returns to Berlin while her lover, Bubi, ambushes and successfully drug Blasckowicz at the compound who was trying to free those captured. He brings him over to a video camera to show Engel his death, but B.J.’s previous head injury allowed him to quickly recover from the drug’s effects and kill Bubi, much to Engel’s horror.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus[]
Frau Engel appears once again in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, serving as the game's main antagonist. She's first seen in the beginning where she leads an attack against the Eva's Hammer, the largest submarine in the Nazi fleet, which was taken over by the Kreisau Circle and was used as their mobile headquarters. She finds the submarine's location and travels to it via the Ausmerzer, a giant floating fortress, and commands her forces from the ship.
After some time, Caroline Baker is subdued and captured by the raiding party along with either Fergus Reid or Private Wyatt (either one survives depending on the choices of the player) and has them taken prisoner to be used as leverage to lure B.J. out. During this time, Irene is arguing with one of her daughters, Sigrun Engel, over her pacifistic nature and lack of loyalty towards the Nazi ideology or regime and berates her for her habits and lack of dedication to the Nazi cause. A wheelchair-bound B.J. would eventually turn himself in and was dragged onto the Ausmerzer where he was forced to the ground alongside Caroline.
Onboard the ship, Irene berates B.J. by saying that he isn't a hero and that only the "degenerate rats of the slums" admire him and mocks him to the point of suggesting that he be broadcasted on live international TV for the whole world to see. She then prepares to behead Caroline with a fire axe, when Sigrun intervenes trying to convince her mother not to kill Caroline, but ends up being forced to kill Caroline instead. Being a pacifist, Sigrun couldn't bring herself to do so and Irene takes over once again and has Caroline beheaded and killed after calling her subhuman. She then takes Caroline's head and swings it near Sigrun and B.J. in a psychotic act and is about to behead Fergus/Wyatt when Sigrun intervenes once again causing her to miss the neck and instead chopping off the right arm (for Fergus) or ear (for Wyatt). Sigrun then grabs a Pistole off a soldier and passes it to Fergus/Wyatt which they use to kill the soldiers while Sigrun herself strangles her mother. B.J. then dons Caroline’s power suit which enables him to move normally again, but by then Engel has escaped.
Sigrun now assists B.J. and Fergus/Wyatt in escaping from the Ausmerzer by telling B.J. how to disable the magnets preventing the U-boat from leaving, and the trio flee back to the submarine in an escape pod with Caroline’s corpse. Despite losing her chance to kill Blazkowicz, Engel has the Ausmerzer follow the Eva's Hammer and attack it with depth charges. Back on the U-boat Sigrun reveals that the Ausmerzer tracked them down due to signals being transmitted by someone in the U-boat. It is revealed that B.J. Did not fully clear the submarine of Nazi personnel five months earlier; commander Christoph Fischer and the surviving personnel went into hiding in the hidden Sektion F where they managed to radio for backup. The Ausmerzer would lose the U-boat’s trail as Fischer was killed by Blazkowicz, who was given directions to enter the section by his allies.
Later on, after B.J. successfully nukes the Oberkommando, he returns to his childhood home in Roswell to retrieve his mother’s heirloom where he meets his cruel father after several years. Having worked with the Nazi authorities, Rip had sold his wife out for being a Jew, as well as his business partners Frank and Archibald which the Nazis rewarded him for. He attempts to kill his son due to the fact that Rip himself was a Nazi loyalist and his son is ruining his reputation by carrying his name, but ends up getting a hatchet to the chest. Unbeknownst to B.J., Rip was in contact with Frau Engel and the Ausmerzer the whole time, which gave away B.J.’s location. The ship uses massive claws to rip the house out of the foundations, which B.J. disables but ends up plummeting into the ground. Engel successfully captures Blazkowicz and takes the ring, taunting him by asking if he was going to propose to her. She plans to execute him in live television, having him be presented to the public to be humiliated for his crimes. During his capture, resistance member Grace Walker hatches an escape plan and sends Norman "Super Spesh" Caldwell to try to break him free from the prison only to be shot by Frau Engel as she takes the opportunity to place her handgun into his mouth before going down to the garage to attack B.J.'s allies.
After he is convinced of his crimes by a judge, Engel executes B.J. herself at the Lincoln Memorial on live-television, attempting to break the resistance's fight against the Nazi regime. Despite succeeding in killing B.J., his head is saved by Set Roth, who manages to keep him alive via the use of Da’at Yichud technology, allowing Blazkowicz's head to fit onto a bio-engineered super soldier's body. After ‘killing’ the resistance's greatest asset, Engel goes on to attack all parts of America to destroy the resistance. She would go to Jimmy Carver to speak on his show to speak of the recent events, but is horrified upon seeing an alive Blazkowicz approach the stage. A hysterical Engel pulls out her gun and fires at him, but her arm gets chopped off by B.J. with a hatchet which is then driven into her skull. Shocked and unable to speak, B.J. gives her a short speech and then finishes her off by splitting her skull in half. He then takes back the ring from Engel and uses it to propose to his lover Anya instead.
After the resistance starts the second American revolution, Grace has B.J. eliminate all of Engel's Übercommanders across the states, which cripples the Nazis' control in the United States. Her ship, the Ausmerzer, is used by the resistance to aid the revolution in crushing Nazi rule.
“ | You can put the coffee on the table. He's harmless. Put the coffee on the table. | „ |
~ Frau Engel to B.J. - her first words in The New Order. |
“ | No one leaves my camp. | „ |
~ A disfigured Engel to the resistance before their escape. |
“ | Stupid girl. You disgrace your blood line, your race. What will they say when you are sent to work that fat off at the health facility? The daughter of a general. What a disgrace! Show me your cheeks, girl. You're not even worth the slap. He is up there. I'm sure of it. Fall back inside. I will lure him out. | „ |
~ Engel criticizing her daughter. |
“ | You think you're a hero? William Joseph Blazkowicz? Pull the cripple up! Let me tell you...you're not. Only the degenerates rats of the slum admire you. The filthy dregs festering in the ghetto. But once they see you...this will change. I shall put you on international television. Look everybody...Is...is this how a hero looks like? A crippled wretch of a man...peeing in a tube? Everyone will see what a useless joke you are. Drop him! | „ |
~ Engel to B.J. on the Ausmerzer. |
“ | And you said you would do your exercises and lay off the sugar...but what did my men find when they searched your room? Chocolate, cookies, lemonade, candy! Not to mention the sick things you wrote in your diary. You want to set her free? Okay...Take this. Take it! Go on there. Set her head free from her body. | „ |
~ Irene attempting to persuade Sigrun to kill Caroline Becker. |
“ | But what you can do...is fill a diary...full of perversions and words of treason. Some of them even in English! Page up and page down...your dirty mind pouring out...while your body swells up with disgusting blubber like a sea cow. Don't you understand the position you've put me in? I'm compelled by law to report you. | „ |
~ Engel continuing to argue with Sigrun. |
“ | Caroline Becker. Leader of the Kreisau Circle. The criminal mastermind. {...} I think not. I think...You're just another...subhuman! | „ |
~ Frau Engel upon executing Caroline. |
“ | Did you see that? Well, I've had a lot of practice. Look at this. How strange. One moment she was here. And now she's gone. Were these eyes ever filled with a lover's gaze...do you think? Kiss, kiss, kiss, hm? | „ |
~ Frau taunting B.J. with Caroline's head. |
“ | You want some kisses too? Like it said in your diary? On your plump cheeks. What about down there? Sigrun, do not make me choose...between you...and the strength of my beliefs...because you will lose. | „ |
~ Frau taunting Sigrun with Caroline's head. |
“ | Blazkowicz...Really? Do you want to love and cherish me...til death do us part? {...} Would you like to kiss the bride now? But not before the wedding. Put him to sleep. I need you to rest now...while I prepare...the ceremony. | „ |
~ Engel upon capturing B.J. at the estate. |
“ | Cut, cut! Zimmermann...You are talented. You should be in the movies - audition for Helene. Idiot! He was dead as soon as he walked into the building. Brave little darling, I am yours and you are mine. Darling, so lovely and...Open your mouth. Open. Open it! That's it. How does it taste? Shhh. How does it taste...the gunpowder...of the bullet that killed your friend. How does it feel? Do you love the taste? Oh...You hear that? It's my attack force...moving in on your friends in the garage. You're so boring. I gonna go down there now and...join in on the fun. | „ |
~ Engel to B.J. upon killing Super Spesh. |
“ | Citizens of the glorious Reich. This is a day of triumph. A week ago, our brave forces captured...William Joseph Blazkowicz alive. He was found in a farmhouse outside the city of Dallas...in a swift raid conducted without casualties. And now the dangerous criminal leader...will face the justice he denied...to all of his victims. The glorious Reich will not relent until this war is won! Sieg Heil! | „ |
~ Engel to the crowd for B.J.'s execution. |
“ | We would have been...so good together. Darling...you're breaking my heart. | „ |
~ Engel to B.J. before executing him. |
“ | You're dead! I severed your head from your shoulders! I killed you! | „ |
~ Irene Engel's last words before her death. |
- Engel in German means "Angel".
- Her first name Irene means "peace" in Greek, which is ironic due to her violent and destructive nature.
- Her death is ironic in its own, as she is executed on public television just like Blazkowicz.
- She is similar to Rip Blazkowicz from the same game:
- Both mistreated their children (B.J. Blazkowicz and Sigrun Engel).
- Both are killed in a similar manner by B.J., being mutilated with a hatchet.
- Though she doesn't physically appear in The Freedom Chronicles, she is seen on propaganda and is on the front cover of a book titled "Irene Engel: Victory".
- It's implied that Engel is sexually attracted toward B.J., as she prefers to him as "darling" before executing him, and puts her handgun in his mouth with BDSM inferences. This is further implied with a promotional picture of Engel licking B.J.'s face.
External Links[]
- Frau Engel on the Wolfenstein Wiki.
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