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“ | Lights! Camera! Kong! | „ |
~ Fred telling both Dwan and Jack about how much of a success Kong would make. |
Fred Wilson is the main antagonist of the 1976 remake of King Kong.
He is an executive who worked for the Petrox Corporation and is described as an extremely small-minded, greedy person who only seemed to care about money. He is also indirectly responsible for Kong's rampage in New York City after capturing him and taking him away from his home, eventually leading to his downfall on the World Trade Center. He is Carl Denham's counterpart.
He was portrayed by the late Charles Grodin, who also played Nicky Holiday in The Great Muppet Caper, and Aarfy in the 1970 film adaptation of Catch-22.
Fred is first shown in the film leaving New York on a ship owned by his company to go onto his expedition to an island which is believed to be located in the middle of a cloud bank somewhere in the Indian Ocean, and Fred believed the island had some sort of special oil which would give him some huge money. Unknown to both Fred and the others on the ship, a paleontological scientist by the name of Jack Prescott, having stowed away on the ship and didn't introduce himself to both Fred and his crew until days later while Fred was giving out a speech to all of his oil discovery teammates about the island and its possible oil, and Jack who knew about the company's journey to the place and their obvious reason and attempts to warn Fred about what's on the island, including its biggest legend, Kong, but Fred ignores him however as he believes he might be a spy working for another oil company who doesn't want him to discover the island, so Fred ordered Jack to be locked up on the ship, but then this was interrupted by both Jack and one of the other crew-mates discovering a raft across by, and once the raft came near them, on abroad is a beautiful blonde woman who is apparently alive but unconscious. Not long after, the woman awakens and introduces herself to both Fred, Jack, and the rest as Dwan, and is an aspiring actress who survived an explosion that the film crew she was with suddenly had. Not long after, Fred soon receives a background check on Jack and learns he was telling the truth of what he is and decides to appoint him as the expedition's photographer.
A few weeks go by, and the crew finally discover the clouds located on the Indian Ocean and both Fred, Jack, Dwan, and a few others leave the ship on a speed boat raft into the cloud to the island that is finally proven to them to exist. At first, Fred thought that the island was uninhabited, but much to his surprise, they then discovered a native tribe that have a huge wooden wall built to protect themselves among them from the one God they all worship, Kong. Jack then discovered the oil he desperately wants was within the natives' village, but it wouldn't be long before their tribal leader spotted them while they were performing a usual ritual which was sacrificing one of their women to Kong, and told them to leave according to Jack who understands their tribal language, but soon the natives took a look at Dwan who looks completely different from their dark-skinned women and think she would be right for Kong, but Jack and Fred refuse to give her to them even after the natives offered six of their women for Dwan and as they come closer to the crew, they started firing and scaring the natives away and soon get back to their ship. By that following night, the natives who still haven't wanted to accept their response, traveled their way to the ship and kidnapped Dwan and took her to their island.
Fred, Jack, and the other men realize her kidnapping by the natives as a piece of their clothing is left on the ship and there wasn't any sign of Dwan anywhere, but once the crew arrived to the village, they were already too late as the natives already sacrificed Dwan to Kong who has taken her away into the jungle. After scaring the natives off with their weapons and realizing Dwan was kidnapped, Jack and some of the other crewmates decide to travel into the jungle to find both Dwan and Kong by following Kong's footprints, and Fred decides to stay behind with the rest to find all the oil he needed and studied on it as that what he seemed to care more about. It wasn't too long until one of Fred's teammates, who is a scientist, stated to him that the oil is in low quality and would more likely be useless, but then Fred decides to take his mind on Kong and decides to capture him and take him off of the island to make a name for himself, but when attempting to contact Jack and the others to tell them not to harm Kong when they find Dwan, he couldn't get a signal, but then one of the crewmates, Boan, made it back to the wall and brought attention to both Fred and the others and told them the rest are dead (this is however somewhat a lie, as he and Jack are the only ones who survived and Jack is the only one continuing to search for Dwan after the team's encounter on a log that Kong knocks over into an abyss). After spending hours of setting up traps for the beast around the wall on the village's side, Fred and the others then discovered Jack, who is apparently still alive, along with a rescued but yet stripped Dwan. Soon the one thing Fred wants, Kong, has arrived at the other side of the wall to get Dawn back and once Kong managed to break through the wooden door and is about to make his turn on the group, he then fell into the trap they made and passes out.
They all managed to go back on the ship with Kong that they have locked away. Fred explains to both Jack and Dawn what his plans are with Kong, and decides to have Dwan be the star of his planned tour across America, and despite being both approved and excited upon hearing it, Dwan however felt sorry for Kong as he didn't mean any harm to her on the island and doesn't need to be taken away from his home, but the less sympathetic Fred argues and claims that Kong is nothing more than just a cold-hearted monster who only wants to rape her, which Dwan still denies.
Upon finally reaching New York, Fred started his tour and had Kong put on display in a Beauty and the Beast farce at a stadium in the city, and performed as Emcee, while wearing a jungle explorer outfit. Everything seems fine as both Fred, Jack, and Dwan hope until reporters started to push and shove Dwan around for interviews, which Kong believes her to be in danger, and soon went on a rage and breaks his chains, worrying the audience, but soon Fred orders them to calm down as Kong is trapped inside an escape-proof cage specially made by the government, only for him to bend it successfully and started to make his turn on the frightened audience that began running for their lives. Fred is one of the frightened people but was then knocked over and laid frozen with fear when he sees Kong standing above him, and it is shown that Kong possibly has some opinion of Fred as he growls before stepping on him. Fred was killed after being stepped on by Kong as there was nothing but his clothes after Kong's foot moved up, as this was karma for bringing Kong into the city with great danger to the citizens without any regard for them due to his greed and publicity hunger.
- Originally, Fred Wilson survived and Kong only stomped on Fred's hat, but the filmmakers changed it to him getting stomped on.
- Fred Wilson is considered an evil version of Carl Denham as both set out to find an island never before seen by man and bring a creature to the city. However, there's a difference between the two:
- Fred works for the oil company while Denham is a nature cameraman.
- Fred went to the island to search for Oil while Denham went there to film Skull Island to prove its existence.
- The major difference between the two is Fred is killed by Kong during Kong's rampage while Denham lives in the end but had the 1996 draft been made Denham would've met a similar to fate to Wilson's.
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