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Synopsis of Freddy Krueger from the A Nightmare On Elm Street franchise.

Original Timeline[]

Early Life[]

Freddy Child

Freddy as a child.

Freddy's biological mother, Amanda Krueger (now known as Sister Mary Helena) worked as a nun at the old Hathaway House (once renamed "Fairview Hospital"), an asylum for the criminally insane. In 1942, a few nights before Christmas, she was accidentally locked in a room filled with a hundred psychotic men, who proceeded to repeatedly attack and rape her while at the same time hiding her. When Amanda was finally found, she was barely alive and is pregnant with a child. In September, she gave birth to Freddy Krueger, who was then given away for adoption to Edward Underwood, an abusive alcoholic.

In elementary school, Freddy, in his childhood, engaged in Zoosadism, in which he killed one of the class hamsters. Because he was the son of a hundred maniacs, this made him a target of bullying at the hands of classmates, who would repeatedly chant 'Son of a hundred maniacs' in front of him. In his teenage hood, Freddy became mentally unstable and took pleasure in self-multilation, where he would cut himself with a razor blade. Due to having been abused by his caretaker for many years, Freddy exacts his revenge by brutally beating him before stabbing him in the eye with the razor blade.

Becoming the Springwood Slasher[]

Freddy, in his adulthood, began working at a power plant at an unknown point in time and married a woman named Loretta. Together, they bore a daughter named Katherine. Even though he is kind and loving towards his family, however, deep down, he desired vengeance on those who had bullied in the past. His thirst for revenge, ultimately led him to become a serial killer, in which he would target the children of those who had bullied him in the past. Making his lair in a boiler room of the same power plant he worked at, he eventually created his trademark bladed-glove, which would become his signature weapon. During his killing spree, he would bring his victims to the boiler room and then kill them with the glove he had made. Throughout, he had killed a total of twenty children, earning him the infamous nickname the Springwood Slasher.

When his wife discovered this along with the glove in the basement of their house, she came to the conclusion that her own husband is a child murderer. Even though she promised to not tell anyone, she was strangled to death by Freddy, who was unaware that their daughter, who was six at that time, saw the whole thing. Though he tried to comfort her, Katherine was left with horror that her own father had killed her mother, but she was able to promise not to tell anyone. Despite this, however, Freddy was eventually arrested and put on trial for his killing spree. However, he was let go on a technicality, due to the arresting warrant being assigned in the wrong place. When Freddy's mother Amanda found out on the news, she was greatly distraught, leading her to commit suicide. Meanwhile, the parents of Freddy's victims were infuriated that the Springwood Slasher, the man who had killed their children, was set free and they took the law into their own hands.

Freddy with Dream Demons

Freddy makes the deal with the Dream Demons.

Tracking Freddy to the old power plant, they proceeded to douse his lair with gasoline before setting it alight with Molotov cocktails. As the place burned down, Freddy was visited by three Dream Demons, who deemed him worthy of giving him dark power. Having struck a deal with the three demons to continue his killing spree, Freddy ultimately became a spirit, while his physical body died in the fire. Even though he became a malevolent spirit, his face and body was permanently burnt and scarred from the fire. With the dark powers that were bestowed on him, this allowed Freddy to roam and even manipulate the dream world to represent a person's fears and personality. In addition, this also allowed him to kill his victims in their dreams, which would also kill them in the physical world.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)[]

This... is God.
~ Freddy before chasing after Tina Grey.

Freddy Krueger stalks and chases teenager Tina Gray in a boiler room in the Dream World and left four razor cuts on her nightdress before she woke up. Because of the nightmare she had, Tina became afraid of sleeping. When she told her friend Nancy Thompson of the dream the next night, as well as giving her a description on Freddy, this cause the latter to realize that she also dreamt of him as well. When Tina later fell asleep she suddenly wakes up to the sound of rocks being thrown at her window. After failing to wake her boyfriend Rod Lane, she goes to the window to investigate and another rock hits the window, breaking the glass in the process. When Freddy tries to come through the wall, Nancy wakes up, forcing him to go back into hiding.

Freddy Krueger chasing Tina Gray

Freddy Krueger chasing Tina Gray.

Outside, as Tina is trying to find out on who is throwing rocks at her window, Freddy reveals himself and proceeded to chase Tina through an alleyway. Catching up to her, and during an ensuing scuffle, Freddy uses his bladed-glove to slash Tina's chest. Back in the physical world, Tina was dragged out of bed and then onto the ceiling while a horrified Rod helplessly watched on. Because of the wounds Freddy had inflicted on her, Tina was left with a bleeding chest. When she tried to reach out to Rod, she fell onto her bed before tumbling to the floor dead.

Freddy cuts two of his fingers

Freddy torments Nancy by cutting off two of his fingers.

The next day, as a result of Freddy's actions, Rod was believed to be responsible for Tina's death, leading to his arrest by Nancy's father, Lt. Donald Thompson, despite Rod's innocence. Later, at school, when Nancy fell asleep during class, she notices Tina in a bodybag before she disappears out of sight. As Nancy outside, after finding a now dead Tina being dragged away, Freddy takes on the form of a female hall guard and demands Nancy her hall pass in a female voice. After the latter refuses and runs down the hallway, the guised Freddy calls out to Nancy in his normal voice and mockingly reminds tells her to not run in the hallway before laughing evilly. When she enters the Dream World through the High school's basement, she was attacked by Freddy, who only revealed himself as just 'Freddy'. Before he could kill her, Nancy was able to wake herself up by burning her arm on a boiler pipe. Upon awakening, she screams in pain in the classroom, alarming the teacher and her classmates. Embarrassed and scared, Nancy elects to leave class and go home while her arm is still burned in the same spot as in her dream.

Freddy Krueger in the bathtub

Freddy's hand emerging in Nancy's bathtub.

Later, at home, when Nancy fell asleep again while taking a bath in her bathtub, Freddy tries to attack again by having his gloved arm emerge from the tub and attack Nancy but is forced to retreat when Nancy's Mother, Marge. began knocking on the door. After the latter left and Nancy fell back asleep, Freddy drags the latter underwater, causing Nancy to scream which in turn caused her mother to come in running.

When Nancy went to sleep to search for Freddy, she finds him in Springwood 5th Precinct Police Station, walking towards Rod's cell. He begins pulling the bedsheet over Rod, Nancy starts to panic and she began screaming out to her friend Glen Lantz. When she looks back into the window, Freddy had disappeared. Nancy then notices an apparition of Tina, who calls out to Nancy in an eerie tone before she releases a centipede from her mouth. When Nancy calls out to Glen again, she hears Freddy Krueger answering "I'm here." before he suddenly appears from a bush, causing Nancy to run back to her house with Freddy chasing after her.

After going inside and locking the front door, she began going up the staircase to her room only to discover that the carpet on the stairs appears to turn into marshmallow as Freddy Krueger breaks the window on the front door. As Nancy struggles to go up the stairs she hears her mother calling out to her for help. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, she hurries into her room where she find the lights off and a dozing Glen. When Nancy began telling herself in front of a mirror that everything is all a dream and not real, Freddy suddenly bursts through the mirror and pounces on her. During the struggle, Nancy tries to wake Glen up, to no avail. After breaking herself free of Freddy's grasp, she grabs her feather pillow to defend herself, but Freddy slashes it and throws it away, causing lots of feathers to fly everywhere. As Freddy continues to scuffle with her, Nancy's alarm clock goes off causing her to wake up.

When Glen and Nancy went to visit Rod, an invisible Freddy Krueger ties up the bedsheets into a noose and proceeded to quietly wrap it around Rod's neck while he is asleep. After Nancy manages to convince her father Lt. Donald Thompson to let her and Glen visit Rod, Freddy proceeded to drag the latter by the noose and proceeded to hang him from the cell's ceiling, making it look like he committed suicide. When Lt. Thompson and his subordinate noticed Rod being hanged they immediately untied the noose that is wrapped around his neck. Upon checking for a heartbeat they realized that Rod had died which left Nancy devastated. not knowing that Freddy was responsible, Rod's death was deemed a suicide.

The next day, a graveside service is being held for Rod at Evergreen Cemetery. After the funeral, Nancy tells her parents that Rod was not the killer and describes Freddy Krueger to them. This causes the color drains out of both of her parent's faces, indicating recognition. Marge then takes her to the Katja Institute for the Study of Sleep Disorders to ensure she gets some sleep. As Nancy goes through a comprehensive test, she once again went through a nightmare. after Marge and the doctors managed to keep her under control, they discovered a white streak in her hair and her arm badly cut. Nancy then finds that she has brought something out from her dream: Freddy's battered hat. Upon seeing the hat, this arouses concern, but also other feelings, in Marge, who is clearly hiding a secret.

Nancy confronts Marge about the hat and points out that Freddy's name is written into the hat. She demanded if she knows who he is. Although Marge reveals almost nothing, she insists to Nancy that no one is trying to kill her and all Nancy needs is to get some sleep. This caused her daughter to argue back at her and this made Marge slap her in the face. When she reassures Nancy that Krueger won't come after her as he is "dead" Nancy confronts her mother over knowing on who he is, Marge insists that she is sick and is just imagining things and that she'll feel better when she gets some sleep. This made Nancy snap, causing her to leave the house.

Upon returning home, Nancy discovered that her mother has installed window bars on all the windows in the house. Enraged by this, Nancy, upon entering the house, proceeded to call out to her mother on why she had installed bars on all the windows. Marge then takes her daughter down to the basement of the house, where she finally reveals her secret; Freddy Krueger was a child murderer who killed at least twenty children over a decade earlier. When he was released from jail on a technicality due to an improperly signed warrant, the parents of the victims, with Marge among them, proceeded to track Krueger down to an abandoned boiler room, where they set the whole place on fire via gasoline and they watched as Freddy was burned alive. When she reassures Nancy that Krueger cannot hurt anyone, she reveals his bladed glove, which she takes from a hiding place in the furnace, as proof.

Later that night, Nancy calls Glen and makes a deal with him. She tells him that he is going to go into her dreams and pull Freddy out. She requests Glen that he be there to knock him out when she pulls Freddy into the physical world When Glen insists that nothing will happen, Nancy assures him that he then has nothing to lose. Finally, before hanging up she instructs him to not fall asleep. A few minutes later, she begins to put her plan into motion. However, she was unaware that Glen's father, Mr. Lantz, is watching her.

Nancy unsuccessfully tries to call Glen and is frustrated that he might fall asleep again. When the phone rings, Nancy proceeded to answer it, and upon hearing nothing but an apparent eerie high -pitch laugh, she screams in frustration and pulls on the phone cord before deciding to go to Glen's house in secrecy. However, before she could fully leave her room, the phone began to ring again. When she picks it up once again, Freddy Krueger's voice tells her "I'm your boyfriend now, Nancy." before his mouth appears in the phone and his tongue began licking her face, causing her to freak out and stomp on the phone. Knowing that Glen is in trouble, she hurries downstairs to go to his house but discovers that the front door is locked. When Marge, who was sleeping on the couch, tells her that it is locked and that she is going to get "some sleep", Nancy demanded the key, but her mother refused, causing a frustrated Nancy to scream in anger.

Death of Glen Lantz

Freddy Krueger pulling Glen Lantz into his bed before killing him.

Meanwhile, in his room of his house, Glen had fallen asleep, causing Freddy's arm to come out of the bed and pull Glen into it, killing him. Krueger then sends a torrent of blood, which shoots out of the bed and drenches the room. Upon discovering this, Mrs. Lantz, who came to check on her son, began screaming in horror. The police, Lt. Thompson among them, and an ambulance were soon called in.

With Glen dead, an emotionally distraught and mentally drained Nancy decides to take on Krueger herself. She calls her father and asks him to be ready when she finds the killer. He tells her he will, making it clear that he is just humoring his overly tired daughter before telling his deputy to watch the house. Nancy then sets her watch, says a prayer and goes to sleep to find Freddy.

Nancy bravely pursues Krueger and goes down the basement, where she finds herself back in the old boiler room. When she encounters Freddy again another chase ensues. As they began scuffling with each other, Nancy's alarm clock goes off, causing her to wake up in her bed, seemingly alone. In frustration and dismay, Nancy assures that she herself is crazy and wrong before Krueger suddenly jumps on her before trying to kill her. Having prepared beforehand, Nancy proves more than a match for Freddy, leading him through a barrage of booby traps.

Freddy Krueger kills Marge Thompson

A burning Freddy Krueger as he kills Marge Thompson.

Nancy continuously calls out for her absent father until the officer who was watching her gets Lt. Thompson. Freddy then chases Nancy down to the basement where she sets him on fire.Nancy locks him in the basement and finally gets her father and the rest of the police to help. After discovering that Krueger has escaped and find fiery footsteps leading upstairs, Nancy witnessed Krueger smothering Marge in her bed with his flaming body. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, Nancy takes a wooden chair and knocks Krueger out with it. Upon arriving at the scene, Lt. Thompson immediately uses a blanket to smother Freddy's burning body. Upon taking it off, Freddy had disappeared, with only Marge's charred corpse on the bed. Nancy and her father then watched as the corpse sinks and disappears into the bed. Devastated over the loss of her mother, Nancy embraces her father, who too was heartbroken over Marge's death. After sending her father away, Nancy goes to face Krueger on her own.

As Freddy emerges from the bed, Nancy coldly tells him that she now knows him well, causing Freddy to threateningly tell her that she'll die. Unfazed, she tells him that it is too late for that and that she now knows a secret; everything is just a dream and that he is not alive. Turning towards Freddy, she wishes her mother and friends back, which angers him. Now clearly angry, Nancy declares that she'll take back every energy that she gave him and that he is nothing. When she turns her back on Freddy, he attempts to kill her only to suddenly disappear, seemingly destroyed.

Freddy Krueger's survival

Freddy pulls Marge Thompson through the window, revealing he survived getting destroyed.

When Nancy walks out of her mother's bedroom, the scene outside changes to the next morning and Marge also appears, looking much alive. As Nancy gets in a car with Glen and the rest of her friends, who seemed to have been brought back from the dead, to go to school, Freddy Krueger, who is shown to have survived, immediately possesses the car just before Nancy and her friends could drive off. The car then drives away with Nancy screaming for her mother, who strangely just watched and waved. As the convertible continues to drive away, the same three little girls who were seen earlier, were playing jump-rope, though the fourth girl is not seen, as they sing freddy's song. While Marge was watching them, Freddy grabs and pulls her through the window of the front door while the three girls, who seemed to have switched places and were ignorant of what happened, continued playing.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge[]

We got special work to do, you and me. You've got the body, I've got the brain.
~ Freddy Krueger to Jesse Walsh.
Krueger emerges from Jesse

Freddy emerging from Jesse Walsh.

However, Freddy was unable to return so easily, until he invaded the dreams of Jesse Walsh, who moved into Nancy's house sometime after she left. He possessed Jesse on several occasions, at one point killing his coach, Schneider (whom Jesse disliked) by slashing his back in the shower.

Soon, Jesse went to a sleepover at his friend's house, Ron Grady. But when they fall asleep, Jesse awakens and starts screaming and crying in pain as Krueger gruesomely comes out of him. Ron tries to escape but the door is jammed, leaving Ron to get strangled and then stabbed in the torso as Krueger laughes and waves at him. Freddy then takes full possession of Jesse at his girlfriend, Lisa Webber's, house during a party, killing several of the guests. In the end, Lisa is able to get through to Jesse, who fights Freddy from within and burns him to death using his power, releasing Jesse unharmed. However, the ending of the movie implies that Freddy returns; he is seen stabbing Kerry from behind (or from the inside) while she is on the bus with Jesse and Lisa. Whether this is a dream (and by who), or if he was possessing her, and whether or not Jesse or Lisa survived, is unclear.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors[]

The souls of the children give me strength!
~ Freddy Krueger who collected the souls of all the murdered children of Springwood.

Freddy as a snake-like creature.

Freddy soon returns to his old ways of killing people in their dreams. The surviving teenagers of Springwood - Kristen, Kincaid, Phillip, Taryn, Joey, Will, and Jennifer - were committed to Westin Hills Asylum, as they were trying to avoid falling asleep. Nancy Thompson begins working there, and Dr. Neil Gordon, another worker, was seeing the spirit of Freddy's mother, Amanda Krueger under her alias "Sister Mary Helena". Freddy soon begins killing everyone one by one. First, he uses Phillip's veins to control him like a puppet to make him fall out the window to his death, making it appear as a suicide inside a nightmare Phillip was having. Then he smashes Jennifer's head against the TV, while yelling one of his most famous lines: "This is it, Jennifer, your big break in TV!". When Kristen, Neil, and the others enter the dream world to use their powers and fight Freddy, Joey is attacked and trapped by Freddy, putting him into a coma.

Freddy's Revenge

Freddy fatally wounding Nancy Thompson, finally exacting vengeance.

The Dream Warriors (Kristen Parker, Taryn White, Will Stanton, and Roland Kincaid) fight Freddy alongside Nancy while Neil and Donald went to the Penny Bros. Auto Salvage junkyard to bury Freddy's bones on "hallowed" ground using holy water, a cross, and prayers to lay his unquiet spirit to rest. Freddy kills Taryn by injecting her with heroin in a knife fight, and then murder Will by stabbing him, as he was unaffected by Will's magic. Kristen, Nancy, and Kincaid manage to rescue Joey, but Freddy is much stronger than before, as it is revealed, he takes the souls of his victims to give him power. When Neil and Donald find the bones, Freddy takes control of them and kills Donald by throwing him onto the tail fin of a car. He then enters the dream world, disguised as Donald, and stabs Nancy to death. However, he is destroyed when Neil buries the bones and throws holy water and a cross on them.

Later that night, after Nancy Thompson's funeral, Dr. Gordon sleeps peacefully in his bed with Nancy's Malaysian dream doll on a dresser next to a dollhouse made by Kristen which frighteningly resembles Freddy's house. One of the dollhouse's windows lights up mysteriously, indicating Freddy's return and the uncertain fate of Dr. Gordon.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master[]

I... Am... Eternal!
~ Freddy Krueger

Freddy was able to resurrect himself in Roland Kincaid's dream, reemerging from the ground in the junkyard and returning to power. He kills Kincaid by stabbing him, and then pulls Joey Crusel into his waterbed and drowns him. Kristen Parker tries to stay awake, but her mother gave her sleeping pills, so she fell asleep. Freddy throws her into the furnace, but before her death, her power to pull people into the dream world was transferred to Alice Johnson.

Krueger kills cockroach Debbie

From here, Alice begins unintentionally pulling people into the dream world, where Freddy kills them. First, he kills Sheila by sucking the life out of her with a kiss, making it appear as an asthma attack. Then he kills Rick in martial arts combat by stabbing him with his clawed glove (which was being controlled by an invisible Freddy). Whenever Freddy killed someone, although he took their souls, Alice got their power and characteristics. As Alice and her boyfriend Dan attempt to get to Debbie, Freddy gets to her first, turning her into a cockroach and crushing her inside a roach motel-given her worse fear was bugs.

Alice and Dan chase Freddy down (while he delightfully gives them the middle finger gesture), which causes them to crash their car in the real world, nearly killing Dan. He is forced to leave the dream world when the doctors wake him up after he got cut, leaving Alice to fight Freddy alone. As the Dream Master and part of an old rhyme, Alice holds a shard of stained glass window in front of him "Evil will see itself and it shall die". Freddy is destroyed, torn apart by the souls of his victims, which are then released.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child[]

Hi Alice! Wanna make babies? Hahahaha!
~ Freddy Krueger to Alice after he killed Dan.

However, Freddy was reborn through the pregnant Sister Amanda Krueger's spirit in Alice's dream. Using Alice's unborn son Jacob to pull victims into the dream world, he kills Dan by fusing him with a motorcycle so he crashes his truck, and then kills Greta by stuffing food in her mouth to make her suffocate, and then kills Mark by sucking him into his comic book, turning him to paper, and hacking him up. Alice fights Freddy again in the dream world, where Jacob informs her that Freddy is hiding inside her. She drives him out, but is unable to defeat him, until Yvonne releases Sister Amanda's spirit from the tower of the abandoned Hathaway House (once renamed as "Fairview Hospital" after Sister Amanda's torturous rape), and she gives Jacob his power, which he uses to revert Freddy back into an infant, which is absorbed by Amanda. Freddy is last seen clawing his way out as Sister Amanda walks through doors into a light.

Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare[]

In dreams, I am forever! Too bad you're not!
~ Freddy Krueger
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The opening dialogue detailing Freddy Krueger's latest killing spree.

Set "ten years from now", Freddy Krueger managed to return through unknown means and proceeded to go on another killing spree, in which he murdered any child or teenager he can find, though this time without anyone stopping him. Because of this, other children and teens chose to commit suicide rather than be killed at Krueger's hands. Consequently, this resulted in the annihilation of the entire population of children and teenagers in Springwood, Ohio, leaving all of them dead. Using his influence, Freddy places all of the adults in the town under mass psychosis, making them lose contact with reality; Some imagine invisible children and they along with the rest thought that everything is normal.

Though it is believed that all children and teens are dead, however, there is one survivor, John Doe, as he managed to flee Springwood. While he is flying on a passenger plane, which was flying through a heavy rainstorm, he noticed a strange supernatural phenomenon, a little girl appears in front of John in the front-seat. telling him that Krueger is going to make him help him (though she didn't actually say his name) before going out of his sight.

When John's seat goes through the bottom of the plane, which caused John to fall through the sky while screaming, he was about to crash into the roof of his house when he suddenly wakes up in bed. Thinking it was only a dream, he gets up and opens a window only to discovered that his house is now plummeting from the sky. John then hears a witch's cackle and looks out the window to see where it is coming from. The cackle turns out to be coming from Freddy Krueger himself, who is riding on a broomstick while wearing a witch hat and cape. He tells John through a Wicked Witch of the West quote, that he is coming for him along with his soul before flying off.

Just as John's house was about to crash, John tumbles out of the window as the house makes contact with the ground. Finding himself in Springwood, John finds a ticket booth where a creepy-looking conductor gives him a bus ticket and then warns him to not miss the bus before letting out a creepy laugh. John was then hit by an approaching bus, which is being driven by Freddy, and it sends him outside of Springwood (a barrier that Freddy cannot cross). As John crashes through the barrier, he hits his head hard on a rock which knocks him out unconscious. Freddy, upon approaching the hole that John made, proceeded to closes the hole in the barrier and orders the latter to go "fetch" for him. When John regains consciousness, he was rendered amnesiac, due to his head injury, and he couldn't remember his own identity. He then starts walking away from Springwood and toward Central City.

Later at Nancy Thompson's abandoned house 1428 Elm Street, Carlos Rodriguez, a teen from the Recovery House Youth Shelter, falls asleep and dreams of encountering his cruel and abusive mother, who reveals herself as Freddy Krueger. He brutally took Carlos' hearing aid (which he uses because his mother physically damaged his hearing ability), before starting to play on Carlos' inability to hear anything. When the latter begged Freddy to give him back his hearing aid, the latter did so without hesitation. When Carlos puts it it back on his ear, the hearing aid suddenly becomes a parasite and it latches itself onto Carlos. It turns out, Freddy had magnified the hearing aid so that every noise/sound Carlos hears will become extremely loud. After tormenting him by dropping pins on the ground, Freddy began scratching a chalkboard with his bladed-glove, which emitted an ear-screeching sound that causes Carlos' eyes, nose, and left ear to start bleeding until Carlos' head eventually exploded, allowing Freddy to absorb his soul.

In the meantime, John Doe and Maggie Burroughs, who works at the Recovery House Youth Shelter arrives at an orphanage whose director, like the rest of the people, is insane and seeing invisible children. She says she knows Maggie and John and when the latter asks her to tell her who he himself is, the director reminds them that it is 'against the rules of the orphanage to give out information on the children.' Maggie shows John some kid drawings that were signed by a child with the name K. Krueger. John deduces that it must be Freddy's son and that the K might go from Kevin to Kyle. Maggie and John then left the orphanage to return to Elm Street.

Meanwhile in the living room of 1428 Elm Street, Spencer Lewis, another teen from the Youth Shelter, gets high on smoking and falls into a dreaming hallucination. His friend, Tracy Swan, who also from the shelter, goes to get Maggie and John as Spencer is sucked into the television by Freddy where he finds himself in a video game and is being attacked by Krueger's in-game sprite and game enemies that resemble Spencer's abusive father. When Maggie, Tracy, and John get back, they tried to look for Spencer until John finds the latter being controlled by an unseen force. They tried to get Spencer out of his nightmare but since he was still under the control of the unseen force, he began to run amok throughout the house. While Maggie goes after Spencer, Tracy and John entered the dream world in an attempt to stop Freddy. Though Tracy was able to disconnect Freddy's controller, which Freddy uses to torment Spencer in the game, this attempt backfires when he uses a power glove to kill Spencer, both in the video game and in the physical world.

Maggie wakes Tracy up before Freddy can kill her and they take John away from Springwood in Maggie's van. John, still asleep, finds himself back in his house, which begins to burn away in flames, and this forces him to jump out of the same window from before. As he was once again falling through the sky, he notices a string on his shirt with a tag saying "In case of emergency pull string". Upon pulling it, his shirt instantly turned into a big white parachute. The parachute bump affected John in real life, as he is thrown out of the van through the roof, causing Maggie to stop the vehicle. Back in the Dream World, while he is now floating down, John suddenly hears Freddy calling out to him. Looking up, he saw the latter in his parachute. As Freddy came down towards him, John tells him that he now knows on why he didn't kill him, but Freddy mockingly asks him if he is "daddy" and reveals to John that he is wrong before cutting one of the static lines of the parachute.

Freddy Krueger parachute

Freddy about to kill John Doe.

When John reminds him that he had let him live, Freddy reveals that he is only using him to get to his daughter before severing the other static line of the parachute, causing John to once again fall through the sky. As he continues to plummet to the ground, Freddy places a bed of spikes directly below, causing John to fall on top of them, leaving him critically wounded back in the physical world.

He tells Maggie that Freddy's child is not a boy, but before he could reveal to her that Freddy has a daughter, he, unfortunately, succumbed to his wounds and died, and his body vanishes shortly after. Because of John's accidental efforts, this inadvertently broke Springwood's barrier, which allows Freddy to enter Maggie's mind, allowing him to kill more victims outside his hometown.

Tracy's Father

Freddy posing as Tracy's late father, Mr. Swan.

When Maggie returns to the Recovery House Youth Shelter and meets with Kelly, one of the epmployees working in the facility, she discovers that neither he nor anyone else remembers Carlos, Spencer, or John. However, Doc, a therapist who is able to control his dreams, tells Maggie that Freddy didn't just kill them but rather erased them from most of everyone's memories. Later, Maggie, Tracy, and Doc each have separate nightmares; Maggie discovers her true identity as Katherine Krueger, Freddy's daughter, while Tracy, in her dream, finds herself back in her old home where she has a run-in with her sexually-abusive father, who died a long time ago. Always knowing that her father is dead, Tracy began beating him with a tea kettle, leaving him with a disfigured face before he reveals himself as Freddy. After a brief fight with him, Tracy forced herself to wake up by placing her wrists over a burning stove. Maggie hears her screaming and rushes into Tracy's room, where she saw the burns on her wrists. Tracy, finally knowing that Freddy Krueger is real, immediately goes to warn Doc, who learns from Freddy that the dream demons gave him his power, before Doc tears off a shred of Freddy's sweater and waking up from his dream.

Realizing that Freddy can be pulled out of the dream world, Katherine, Tracy, and Doc set up a plan to defeat Freddy. Katherine enters the dream world with a pair of 3D glasses, allowing her to enter Freddy's mind as well as access his memories. Entering Freddy's past, she sees him, as a boy, killing one of the class hamsters in school before being made fun of by his classmates for being the son of a hundred maniacs; Katherine then sees a teenage Freddy practicing self-mutilation as he suffers from physical abuse at the hands of his alcoholic foster father Edward Underwood before Freddy kills him with a razor blade in act of vengeance. Katherine then saw her father, now an adult, just before his death where he was met by the three dream demons who then entered his body, after they found him worthy of giving him power. In one final memory, she witnesses her mother Loretta being choked to death by Freddy prior to his death for finding out that he had killed the children of Springwood. Katherine then pulls Freddy out of the Dream World, and a fight ensues. They appeared to be evenly matched (though Katherine knocks off Freddy's glove, and later breaks his hand) until Tracy and Doc gave several weapons, such as knives, daggers, nunchucks, a crossbow, and a crowbar, to Katherine, which she uses to pin her father to a steel support beam and a wooden crate, causing him to lose his glove in the process.

Freddy Krueger’s apparent death

Freddy's body gets destroyed in a powerful explosion.

Under Freddy's urging, she puts on his glove and, to his horror, uses it to stab him in the chest, embedding the glove's blades into the support beam. Tracy then throws a pipe bomb to Katherine, which she then sticks into her his chest. After she greets her father a Happy Father's Day as well as giving him a kiss, Katherine escapes with Tracy and Doc. As the pipe bomb is about to blow up, a defeated Freddy Krueger mutters "Kids..." before the device explodes, which instantly kills him. As his body is destroyed in the explosion, causing the dream demons inside. Unable to revive Freddy in the physical world, they flew away to parts unknown.

After escaping, Katherine, in her triumph, happily tells Doc and Tracy that "Freddy's dead".

Freddy and Jason[]

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday[]

Freddy's Glove is Back

Freddy's hand, still attached to his infamous razor-sharped glove, grabs Jason's hockey mask.

After Jason Voorhees is sent to Hell by his own niece Jessica Kimble, his hockey mask was left behind, following. Seconds later, after Jessica departs with her husband Steven and their baby daughter, Freddy's gloved hand emerges from the ground and grabs Jason's mask before dragging it off. At the same time, Freddy can be heard laughing.

Freddy vs. Jason[]

Until they figured out a way to forget about me, to erase me completely. Being dead wasn't a problem, but being forgotten, now that's a bitch! I can't come back if no one remembers me, I can't come back if nobody's afraid! I had to search the bowels of Hell, but I found someone, someone who'll make 'em remember. He may get the blood, but I'll get the glory, and that fear is my ticket home.
~ Freddy Krueger
Welcome to my nightmare.
~ Freddy Krueger as he battles Jason Voorhees in the dream world.

Although Freddy was killed and is sent to Hell, he could still return if he was remembered and feared by the people of Springwood. However, as they now took extreme measures to ensure Freddy's existence is forgotten, this caused Freddy to remain stuck in the deepest parts of Hell. At some point between the two films, when Springwood was populated with more people, he came back and killed Lori Campbell's mother and drove Mark Davis' brother, Bobby, to suicide by haunting him in his dreams. However, knowing he could return from Hell if anyone remembered him, the town of Springwood went through a process to forget about him, keeping him from coming back. So Freddy searched through Hell until he found Jason Voorhees. After pulling his hockey mask into Hell and giving it to him (as seen at the end of Jason Goes to Hell), Freddy disguises himself as Jason's mother Pamela Voorhees and brings him back to life-convincing him to kill the people of Springwood, so Jason' killings will be mistaken for those of his, which will make him remembered. Three murders by Jason lead people to believe that Freddy has returned, and if that was never enough, Mark Davis tells everyone at Lori Campbell's school all about Freddy. With enough fear spread around, Freddy was able to come back from Hell, and stalked Gibb in her dreams, but before he can kill her, she is killed by Jason, and Freddy realizes that Jason will not stop killing. Freddy's only victim in Freddy vs. Jason is Mark, whom he sets on fire and slashed in the face.


Freddy vs. Jason.

Freddy possesses Bill Freeburg when he gets high, and injects Jason with tranquilizers to put him to sleep (Freeburg is killed by Jason in the process). Freddy tried to kill Jason in the dream world, but as Jason was almost impossible to kill, this proved to be quite difficult, until Freddy nearly succeeds in drowning him, but he wakes up at the last second. Lori, Will, Kia, and Linderman take Jason to Camp Crystal Lake to fight Freddy, and after discovering that Freddy killed her mother, Lori pulls him into the real world where he fights Jason in a bloody and epic final battle. Jason is able to get some shots in before Freddy gains the advantage; cutting off Jason's fingers, Freddy takes Jason's machete and slashes him with both machete and clawed glove. When Lori sets the docks and some propane tanks on fire to get her revenge, Jason stabs Freddy with his fingerless hand and then tears off his arm whilst Freddy is distracted. When the tanks exploded, both slashers are set on fire and sent flying into Camp Crystal Lake.

Freddy survives, however, and then turns his attention to Lori and Will. As he attempts to kill them on the pier, he was stabbed from behind by Jason with his own severed arm, causing Freddy to let go of Jason's machete. Jason then falls and sinks in the lake. Lori then grabs Jason's machete and decapitates Freddy. Freddy's body and severed head then too fall in the lake with Jason and his machete.

The next morning after the two left the two demonic murderers for dead, Jason rises up from the lake, indicating that he survived and regenerated. Freddy's head is seen being carried out of the lake by Jason, winking to the audience, followed by his laughter-leaving it up to debate as to whether or not he was truly killed, and what will become of Springwood's fate.

Freddy, Jason, and Ash[]

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash[]

Coming Soon!
