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Villains Wiki

I'll take it from here. As Master Shuten ordered, I'll freeze the Gaorangers!
~ Freezer Org's first words.
Master Shuten!
~ Freezer Org's last words before his initial death.
Master Shuten... I'm filled with power!
~ Freezer Org's first words upon being enlarged.

The Freezer Org is a freezer-themed Baron Org and a minor antagonist in Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger, appearing as the main antagonist in Episode 13.

He was voiced by the late Kazunari Tanaka, who previously voiced Hitman Mad Blast from 2000 TV series called Mirai Sentai Timeranger.


The Freezer Org made its first appearance during the fight between the Gaorangers and Shuten as he was found by the duke orgs off-screen and he was brought in to aid Shuten in the fight. As this goes on, the Freezer Org used his ability and froze the Gaorangers and everything around him except for his fellow Orgs.

As this goes on, he managed to freeze the men in the warehouse, but they use a trick to fool the Freezer Org as he was sent out of the warehouse. After that, he was then destroyed by the Gaomane Buster.

However, on Shuten's orders, Tsuetsue used her spell to revive and enlarge the Freezer Org, prompting the team to bring out GaoGorilla, Bison, Eagle, Bear, and Polar to battle him as the GaoMuscle. After another fight, he was destroyed by GaoMuscle's Muscle Lariat, but he endured thanks to Shuten transferring a bit of his power to him.

With his new power, the Freezer Org grappled GaoMuscle and sacrifices himself to place the giant into a deep freeze as part of Shuten's master plan to wipeout the GaoSoul.


Freezer Org was a loud and arrogant and took great pleasure in freezing the things with his icy mist and destroying the Gaorangers. But he is loyal to Shuten, Yabaiba and TsueTsue.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Forehead Icy Mist: By opening up a compartment on his forehead, Freezer Org can fire an icy mist at his enemies.


  • Claws: Freezer Org has claws for combat.
    • Icy Grip: Freezer Org's strongest but dangerous ability where he grabs a victim with his claws and freeze himself to freeze his enemy. While using this attack will freeze and destroy himself, it will cause an icy mist to be fired from around his body that is so cold, it is powerful enough to freeze the entire GaoGorilla Robo and the Rangers' Morphers.


  • Freezer Org was designed by character designer Keiichi Sato.
  • Freezer Org is Kazunari Tanaka's final Super Sentai role.

See Also[]


           Logo-gaoranger Villains

Ogre Tribe Org
Org Master | Orgettes
Ultimate Org: Hyakkimaru | Senki
Highness Org: Rakushaasa | Shuten | Ura | Rasetsu
Duke Orgs: TsueTsue | Yabaiba | Rouki | Kyurara & Propla | DoroDoro | Three Org Brothers
Baron Orgs: Turbine Org | Plugma Org | Wire Org | Camera Org | Temple Bell Org | Tire Org | Wedding Dress Org | Boat Org | Signal Org | Cell Phone Org | Bulldozer Org | SamuraiDoll Org | Copy Org | Freezer Org | Vacuum Cleaner Org | Bus Org | Clock Org | Glasses Org | Bike Org | Human Body Specimen Org | Lawnmower Org | Chimera Org | Karaoke Org | Vase Org | Bowling Org | Tombstone Org | Charcoal Grill Org | Blacksmith Org | Magic-Flute Org | Juggling Org | Animal Tamer Org | Monitor Org | Tinplate Org | Kurushimemasu Org | New Year's Org | Steam Engine Org

Cooyranger | Shaderanger
