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Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality!

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The Frog is the main antagonist of the 2022 indie horror game Iron Lung. It lives within the bloody ocean of the moon AT-5 and will stalk the player's submarine throughout the playthrough.


During gameplay, something can be often heard bumping into the ship, which could possibly be the Frog. Eventually, when taking a photo, the player can see the Frog lingering in the background, presumably stalking the Iron Lung. If the player attempts to take another photo, the creature is nowhere to be seen. Throughout the game, the submarine will suffer from unexplainable bashings, teleporting the submarine from hundreds of meters away from their previous location. With such tremendous force, it can be possible for the Frog to be the main culprit of this.

Once the player reaches their final point of interest and go to take a photo, the Frog busts through the back of the submarine with a loud roar, killing the player.



The Frog as seen in-game. Trying to take a second picture is impossible in this location unless you don't trigger the game's mechanic.

Despite its name, the Frog's facial structures is akin to an angler fish in appearance, having orange-brown skin, two small, pupilless eyes, and multiple rows of sharp teeth. While its exact size in unknown, seeing how it's face alone dwarfs the player and their ship, they are assumingly massive in size but not much bigger than the submarine itself.

The Frog's face is the only part of it's entire anatomy that can be seen, in the form of a flat image/png but stretches from behind to give the impression it has a "body".


  • the frog's nickname is Mr. Frog.
    • Because of it's name and appearance, it is most likely based on a frogfish.

The eye of the Frog or possibly another creature stalking the player's submarine.

  • When exploring the points of interest, a creature with striking similarities can be seen lurking behind one of them in the distance. This creature is in fact the Frog but in the form of a flat image/png, without any animations. Since it's a flat image, it shows no threat and will not attack the player. Even colliding into the creature will make the player pass through it.
  • Despite having blank, white pupilless eyes, the Frog does possess pupils in it's eyes when the player takes the last photo: the photo reveals the eye of the Frog at very close range, staring at the camera with it's enormous eye.
    • However, many fans theorized it is possible the eye is from another creature on the moon, as the flesh around the eye being far different from the Frog's skin and looks rather reptilian in nature. The shape of the eye is also different from the Frog's.
  • Frog makes a small cameo appearance in Ultrakill, in the secret level 5-S: I ONLY SAY GOOD MORNING, being one of the many fish that V1 can catch.


           Ultrakill Logo Villains

V1 | V2 | Swordsmachines | 1000-THR "Earthmover" (1000-THR Defense System)

Malicious Faces | Cerberi | Hideous Masses | Leviathan | Minotaur

Corpse of King Minos | Ferrymen

Gabriel | God | The Council

Prime Souls
Sisyphus Prime

Hell | Something Wicked | Cancerous Rodent | Mysterious Druid Knight & Owl | Big Johninator | Jakito | Frog
