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Fufu Gauche is a one-shot antagonist of the Twisted Tales of Felix episode, Attack of the Tacky, where he gets revenge on the whole city by forcing people to wear his tacky fish coustumes.
We see Shamus H. Goldcrow in his office and talks about case 986 Atack of the tacky, one day Shamus saw the staute of liberty be zapped with a ray that made her wear a fish coustume. Shamus then gets a newspaper article that said "Fufu Gauche swears revenge." we then get a flashback of a coustume show wear a bunch of ladies are wearing fish coustumes but the people laugh. Fufu Gauche then appears and tells people they can not "appericate true beauty." Felix and Shamus then follow a trail of fish onto a island.
they go inside a factory and see what Fufu Gauche is doing, He's making fish costumes. and putting them into a ray gun, where there the source of the ray gun's power, and we see him zap his robots with the ray which make them wear the fish costumes, one robot finds Shamus and Felix snooping and Fufu tells the robot to throw them into a giant trash can. but the two escape and go into another factory where there is a giant ray gun, Felix then acidentally fires it causing it to hit a whale. the whale doesn't like the fish on his head, and jumps onto fufu's island destroy the whole island, and Felix and Shamus ride the whale back to town and are congratulated as hero's.