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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Ga'aoqi: Do whatever you want. I don’t need that little one. What I want is a Mesgi’gwa’qan.
Unnamed Native:
This house doesn’t have one… maybe not many of them exist.
Ga'aoqi :
Hey, Nord! Do any houses have big knives? Tell me which one! A big knife, like… made of metal, and long. Something awesome that can cut right through a person’s wrist!
~ Ga'aoqi trying to find a Nordic sword.

Ga'aoqi is a character from the manga series, Vinland Saga, appearing in the Vinland Arc. He is a Native American warrior who presumably lives somewhere on the island of Epekwitk, (now Nova Scotia). His and all the other indigenous tribes were brought together in order to discuss how to properly get rid of the Nordic people from their land. But Ga'aoqi exploits the current situation by raiding the Nordic homes in hopes of finding a sword, so he can get an upper hand in battle.


Ga'aoqi is an adolescent Native American man of short height and a slender stature. He has long black hair that waves to the back of his head, with his hairline parting in a sharp way on his forehead. He has tense facial features, his face is long and slim, with small sharp eyes that lack eyebrows, while also having a refined jawline.

Ga'aoqi wears a long fur coat with the standard Native American buckskin jacket and trousers under it. He also wears a headband that on the left and right side have three feathers sticking out of it. Being a warrior, he also wears face paint, with five stripes on his cheeks and two long one's going vertically from his forehead to his nose, and one from his chin to his mouth.


Ga'aoqi appears to be a coldblooded and stern warrior whose attentions go to whatever gains him the most power. He acts very detached around others, not showing much emotion and generally appears to rather aloof to the suffering around him. Like many other warriors in the series, Ga'aoqi takes great joy in battle, and pillages the Nordic homes in order to find a sword, hoping to make him an even greater warrior.



Ga'aoqi was born probably around the year 990-1000, somewhere surrounding or in the island of Epekwitk, (Nova Scotia), belonging to an unknown tribe. Ga'aoqi would at some point in his life become a warrior, presumably due to his combat-loving nature.

Vinland Arc[]

When a group of Nordic settlers arrive and create a few communities within the areas of Vinland and Markland. Interactions between them and the Native populations start to occur. While the interactions themselves are peaceful, due to the Nords carrying pathogens that the Native aren’t immune to, many start dying in droves. Although its unknown if Ga'aoqi’s tribe were also troubled by this.

A shaman named Miskwekepu'j who is from the tribe that is the closest to the Nordic community of Vinland. Decides to bring all the warriors from nearby tribes together in order to drive the Nordic people out of Vinland. While Miskwekepu'j gathers them together in order to discuss the best course of action, Ga'aoqi decides to use this opportunity to his advantage.

He begins pillaging some of the Nordic homes while leading a group of his fellow tribe members, all in hopes of finding a sword, which Ga'aoqi has heard rumors and wishes to wield one for himself.

Ga'aoqi can be seen inspecting one of the Nordic homes. A fellow tribesman asks if he can keep a small metal knife, which Ga'aoqi agrees on, as he’s trying to find a much larger one. His partner tells him that the house doesn’t have one, and that there’s a possibility of swords in general being rather rare. Ga'aoqi then asks a dying pregnant woman if they have any “big knives”. While Ga'aoqi tries to give a description, the woman is incapable of giving a response due to them not speaking the same language. Ga'aoqi’s partner tells him not to get too close to the Nords, as he might get sick. But Ga'aoqi believes that sickness won’t be an issue as long as he obtains a sword. Believing that one's the tribal meeting is over, all the different warriors won’t be too peaceful towards one another anyway, therefore, Ga'aoqi and his tribe need to have the upper hand. His partner responds with saying that they don’t have enough time to look more thoroughly, and that he himself isn’t able to find what Ga'aoqi is looking for. Ga'aoqi gives a rather laidback response and then orders the home to be burned down. They watch the burning wreckage and when he’s asked if he could have possibly burned the sword, Ga'aoqi simply retorts by saying, “Ah… that would suck”. But Ga'aoqi supports his order, hoping that more Nords will come to their location, yet in the meantime, he wants to do more “treasure hunting”. Choosing the most nearby house as his next target.


           Vinland Saga logo.svg Villains

Floki | Thorkell | Drott

Askeladd's Band of Vikings
Thorfinn | Bjorn | Ear

Sweyn | Canute

Ketil's Farm
Ketil | Thorgil | Snake | Fox

Miskwekepu'j | Ga'aoqi

Gardar | Garm | Gorm | Halfdan
