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The Crystalia hero known as Galza is now dead. From this day forward, I'm Galza, the Demon General of Yodonheim. Henceforth, I'll stain the Earth. Emperor Yodon won't allow any beautiful things to exist!
~ Galza as he prepared to attack the Earth.
I had always intended for this moment to come! As of now, this body belongs to me. Emperor Yodon is dead. His power... is now mine. I have been reborn, and am the new emperor... Lord Galza!
~ Galza becomes Lord Galza and declares himself the new ruler of Yodonheim.
Demonic General of Betrayal Galza is the secondary antagonist of Mashin Sentai Kiramager. He was the younger brother of King Oradin of Crystalia, the uncle of Princess Mabushina, until he betrayed them to Yodonheim and helped cause Crystalia's destruction.
Prior to his corruption by Emperor Yodon, Galza was no different to Oradin, Juuru and Mabushina; being a creative and passionate child. He got along well with his brother Oradin and enjoyed drawing and using his imagination with him. However, after Emperor Yodon's corrupting influence on him, Galza grew arrogant, cruel and abrasive, believing himself to be stronger than Oradin and being jealous of his brother being the king, which drove his treachery against his brother. Galza was shown to be manipulative, treacherous and cruel such as when he pretended to be brainwashed and manipulated Juuru and Mabushina into trusting him, and manipulating Freezer Jamen into having a conflict with Oven Jamen, which only ended up having the former killed. He also looked down on anyone he considered as weak, and had zero hesitation to kill even his own minion if they failed him, stepped in his way or merely out of usefulness for him.
In most conversations, Galza is posh and eerily cool, coldly conspiring with Carantula to concoct new ways to corrupt the Earth and destroy the Kiramagers. Beneath this however, Galza is incredibly wrathful, not tolerating any inconveniences. He frequently reacts with fury whenever something gets in his way, such as destroying Paleolith Basra when he got in the way of his fight with Kiramaizin in Smog Jouki, something which shocked even Carantula. Despite this, Galza frequently plays the "straight man" between himself and Carantula, often looking down at Carantula's childish antics. There are times when it's the other way around however, such as when Carantula left Galza alone after he got caught up in playing the electric guitar.
In addition, Galza can be very haughty and often sneers at the Kiramagers, seeing them as beneath him. He has a special hatred for Juru in particular, as his Kiramental reminds him of his brother Oradin. His haughtiness is not limited to his enemies however as he later begins mocking Carantula when his plans for Jamenshi continuously fail. On the other end, Galza seems to respect others who are also shown to be cool. He took an interest in Yodonna after witnessing how ruthless and sadistic she was and was eager to work together with her. Despite all this, Galza's loyalty is not to Crystalia or Yodonheim but to himself, and he will seize on any opportunity to obtain more power as soon as it presents himself. He is also quite effective at coming up with such plans on the fly, taking advantage of Shadon's death and Carantula's exile to usurp Emperor Yodon as the ruler of Yodonheim.
Powers and Abilities[]
Strength: In all of his battles, Galza was strong enough to take out the Kiramagers with overwhelming assaults and sword slashes.
Durability: Galza's default form was essentially just his past self in a protective suit of armor which was strong enough to withstand the power of the Kiraful Go Arrow without a scratch.
Skilled Manipulator: Galza could manipulate people for his own means, which he did to Mabushina, Takamichi, and later Emperor Yodon.
Extraordinary Leaper: Galza could leap incredible distance.
Enhanced Speed: Galza possessed augmented speed which allowed him to sneak up behind on Juru.
Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Galza was a master hand-to-hand combatant, being able to overwhelm the Kiramagers with his bare hands and even Miki when she was using her Leopard Beast Style.
Imagination Manifestation: Like Juru and King Oradin, Galza possessed a strong imagination which allowed him to transform the Dark Kiramai Stone into Mashin Jouki.
Armor Manifestation: Galza could manifest his armor from his body and place it on himself with his mind.
Dark Fire Projection: Galza could shoot out a stream of dark fire from his hand as seen in his first battle with Juru.
Jamental: Uncommon among Crystalians, Galza possessed Jamental, the dark equivalent of Kiramental, which utilized his anger and rage to increase his power.
Dark Energy Generation: Through his Jamental, Galza could generate dark energy to empower himself.
Monster Reviving/Enlarging: Galza revived and enlarged the Jaaku Monstone using his Jamental powers.
Object Transformation: Galza was able to transform a series of karuta cards into Yodonheim specific ones for his scheme with the Hyakunin Isshu Jamen.
Lightning Effect: Galza could power up his dark energy with gold lightning that were strong enough to cause explosions for additional damage.
Shockwave Kicks: Galza could kick with enough force to generate shockwaves.
Corruption: Galza could corrupt an opponent's heart, and with the help of a Monstone, turn them into unwilling puppets of evil. The victims' minds were still intact but they had no control over their actions.
Mashin Control: Galza gained the ability to brainwash a Mashin which he demonstrated by mind-controlling Mashin Hakobu by firing a gigantic purple laser into it from his hand.
Shadow Absorption: Galza was shown to have the ability to absorb dark energy into himself for an increase in power.
Teleportation: Galza could teleport by vanishing in a burst of dark energy.
Telepathy: Galza was able to talk with Emperor Yodon mentally.
Mist Generation: Galza had the ability to unleash a dark mist
Bechat Conversion: With his mist, Galza could cause his victims to act like Bechats.
Fourth Wall Awareness-Galza broke the fourth wall in Episode 29 since he turned to the camera and demanded to know "what kind of miracle trash this is?!"
Self-Growth: After taking out Emperor Yodon within his mind, Galza was able to appear giant at will.
Transformation: After taking out Emperor Yodon within his mind, Galza was also able to transform into his Lord form at will.
Consciousness Transference: Galza was able to transfer his consciousness into Mashin Jouki in order to survive temporarily.
Communication: Galza was able to communicate with Yodonna by touching the side of his helmet.
Crash End: Galza wielded a hook-bladed sword that resembled a crescent moon on top in combat.
Spark Wave Generation: Galza could draw the tip of his hook sword along the ground in a straight line to generate a large wave of sparks.
Energy Empowerment: Galza could charge up the blade of his sword with violet and magenta energies to slash at full force.
Dark Energy Slash: Galza's strongest attack where he channeled an immense amount of dark energy into his sword, making it appear much larger than it really is and then unleash a massive energy slash that would cleave down the center of his enemy, immediately killing them. This killed his brother, the Freezer Jamen, and the Reset Button Jamen.
Jaaku Monstone Conversion: With his sword's dark energy slash, Galza was able to awaken the Monstone within Takamichi and later turn it into a Jaaku Monstone.
Crescent Cuts: After being empowered by Yodon, Galza could charge his sword up with purple energy and flick it forward to unleash purple and red energy cuts in the shape of a crescent blade. They could cut into his enemies with enough force and one was strong enough to take down Juru with one hit.
Lightning Energy Slash: Galza could channel pink and yellow lightning into his hook sword to perform an almighty diagonal energy slash strong enough to seemingly kill Emperor Yodon with one hit.
Ultimate Energy Stab: Galza's ultimate move where he channeled light blue energy into his sword and leapt high into the air in an attempt to strike Emperor Yodon, although Yodon swatted him aside. Unlike his prior attacks, this final move was charged with Kiramental energy.
Insparklenation! Insparklenation can save the world! Brother! Look! I was drawing a picture of my new special technique.
~ Galza's first known words as a child to the future King Oradin during a flashback.
My brother... Thinks I'm a fool. I hate him! I hate him!
The Crystalia hero known as Galza is now dead. From this day forward, I'm Galza, the Demon General of Yodonheim. Henceforth, I'll stain the Earth. Emperor Yodon won't allow any beautiful things to exist!
~ Galza as he prepared to attack the Earth.
I remember now... He acknowledged me. I... I had imagination. But then... How did I come to resent him? To hate him? Make peace? Don't be ridiculous. I killed him once already. I already destroyed Crystalia!
~ Galza's redemption.
What memories are you talking about?! The reason I came to hate my brother was because of your scheming?! My entire life... has been nothing but a pathetic lie!
~ Galza after realising that Emperor Yodon had manipulated him.
The purpose of my life... I will forge it, here and now!
He is clearly based on Darth Vader from the Star Wars franchise, being a black armored warrior who was once the Chosen One of his people until he was corrupted into turning to the Dark Side. Both also intend to betray their boss and redeem themselves in the end.
He also combines elements of Scar and Blackfire, both being envious of their siblings and betrayed them while siding with their families' enemies in the process.