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Just wait till' I get out of here, Zelda and Link! You'll pay for this!!
~ Ganon after being defeated in "The Ringer".

Ganon is the main antagonist of The Legend of Zelda TV series. An incarnation of Ganondorf, he is an evil wizard who seeks to conquer Hyrule. He is the archenemy of both Link and Zelda.

He was voiced by the late Len Carlson.


Appearance and Abilities[]

Ganon has a face of a boar with yellow/greenish skin and red eyes. He wears a hat with spikes and a purple cloak around his body.

He has great dark magical powers. He can cast lightning bolts, teleporting, levitating and summon minions from his Evil Jar. However, his power is only great in the underworld, and if he ever leaves, he becomes severely weakened.


Ganon is incredibly power-hungry, underhanded, assertive, strategic and will not tolerate failure. He is also very cruel to both his enemies and his minions, prior to his zeal.

Regardless of his cruelty and intimidating moments, however, most of his plans and schemes tend to be very hare-brained, and his occasional cowardliness and lack of premeditation generally makes him out to be incredibly incompetent at the end of the day.

He can also act like a goofy and childish clown at times, to the point where it's played for the show's comedy. The best and most prominent example of this is the episode "The Ringer"; where he was teaching one of his ineffective swordsmen how to do shadow boxing after Ganon made skeletons charge at Link and Zelda with Ganon's throne chair and then attacking them, Ganon teaches the minion this by punching the air, making silly-sounding laughs, and moving awkwardly like a video game character from a fighting game, and it results in his usual bumbling.

Even though his actions are palpable like teleporting in his lair for his speedy convenience, however, his actions can be rather random at times. A good example is the episode "Underworld Connections", where he was telling his minions why he wants them to bring him the Tri-Force, and he was snapping his fingers constantly to teleport at two multiple areas from four to six feet in his own lair while he was explaining, making him seem eccentric and a little hyperactive.

His failures, overall, are either played for comedic effect to make him look pathetic and awkward, as discussed earlier, or it can also be played for dramatic effect. A decent example of this was his appearance in the crossover episode "Quest for the Potion of Power" from Captain N: The Game Master. Where his defeat came from his own laser he zapped at Link and the latter dodging Ganon's attack with his shield, his backfired attack led to him being defeated and making him brutally skyrocket through the roof, being presumably killed off to say the very least.


At some point in the past, Ganondorf acquired the Triforce of Power, which he used to increase his magic. Now he seeks to obtain the Triforce of Wisdom with the aid of his minions in order to become unstoppable and conquer the kingdom of Hyrule. But he is constantly thwarted by Hyrule's princess, Zelda and her hired hero, Link.


           Legend of Zelda logo Villains

The Demon King's Army
Downfall Timeline | Adult Timeline | Twilight Era | Shadow Era | Era of the Wilds (Calamity Ganon)
Demise | Ghirahim | Phantom Ganon | Koume and Kotake | Vaati | Zant | King Bulblin | Malladus | Chancellor Cole | Yuga | Princess Hilda | Astor
Scaldera | Koloktos | LD-002S Scervo | Tentalus | Bilocyte | LD-003D Dreadfuse | Gohmas (Queen Gohma | Marbled Gohma) | Gleeoks | King Dodongo | Barinade | Volvagia | Dark Link | Morpha | Bongo Bongo | Helmaroc King | Kalle Demos | Jalhalla | Molgera | Lord Bullbo | Diababa | Fyrus | Twilit Bloat | Deku Toad | Morpheel | Stallord | Darkhammer | Blizzeta | Armogohma | Argorok | Phantom Zant | Shadow Link | Moldorm | Blind the Thief | Onox | Veran | Facade | Manhandla | Vire | Smog | Byrne | Blight Ganons | Colgera | Moragia | Sludge Like | Mucktorok | Queen Gibdo | Seized Construct
Minions & Monsters
Demons | Blins | Lizalfos | Gerudo Tribe | Aeralfos | Darknuts | Phantoms | River Zoras | Chain Chomps | Lynels | Cheep Cheeps | Pokeys | Spiked Beetles | Guardians | Hollows

Palace Guardians
Barba | Thunderbird | Link's Shadow

Koholint Island
Nightmares (DethI | Moldorm | Genie | Slime Eye | Angler Fish | Slime Eel | Facade | Grim Creeper and Evil Eagle | Hot Head) | Shadow Link | Moblins (Moblin Chief) | Gohmas | River Zoras | Goombas | Boos | Piranha Plants | Bombites | Mask-Mimics | Cheep Cheeps | Bloopers | Pokeys | Spinies

Majora | Skull Kid | Odolwa | Goht | Gyorg | Twinmold | Sakon | Gorman Brothers | Deku King | "Them" | Dynalfos | Gerudo Pirates (Aveil) | Ikana Royal Family (Igos du Ikana | Captain Keeta | King's Lackeys | Sharp) | Garo (Garo Master) | Gomess

World of the Ocean King
Phantoms (Bellum) | Blaaz | Cyclok | Crayk | Cubus Sisters | Jolene | Gleeok | Miniblins

Lady Maud | Moldorm | Shadow Links | Moblins | Aeralfos

Yiga Clan
Master Kohga | Sooga

Null | Ganon | Tekom
Dark Link | Seismic Talus | Smog | Mogryph | Lord Jabu-Jabu Echo | Vocavor | Bori | Manhandla | Gohma | Volvagia | Volcanic Talus | Slime Eye | Skorchill
Minions & Monsters
Darknuts | Blins | Lizalfos | Lynels

Other Foes
The Magician | Dead Hand | The Interlopers | Death Sword | Uncle Rupee

Hyrule Warriors
Ganondorf's Army (Ganondorf | Zant | Ghirahim | The Imprisoned | Helmaroc King | Phantom Ganon) | Dark Forces (Cia | Wizzro | Volga | Lizalfos | Blins) | Yuga

Cadence of Hyrule
Ganon | Octavo | Shadow Link | Shadow Zelda | Bass Guitarmos Knights | Gleeokenspiel | Gohmaracas | Wizzroboe | King Dobongo | Synthrova | The NecroDancer | Blins | River Zoras | Lynels | Daira

Ganon (Yū Mishōzaki | Ocarina of Time | A Link to the Past | Twilight Princess) | Agahnim (Ataru Cagiva | Shotaro Ishinomori | Akira Himekawa) | Kholdstone | Onox | Bellum | Demise | Zant | King Bulblin

Ganon's Army (CD-I)
Ganon | Gibdo | Iron Knuckle | Three Witches | Wizzrobe | Hektan | Omfak | Goronu | Harlequin | Militron | Glutko | Lupay | Duke Onkled
