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Villains Wiki

Follow my every command or else perish again. Come. The Triforce shall be MINE!
~ Ganondirf beginning his crusade to rule Hyrule.
I... am... GANON!
~ Ganondorf unleashing his full power and transforming into Ganon.

Ganondorf is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Cia) of the video game series Hyrule Warriors, a spin-off of The Legend of Zelda franchise.

The Great King of Evil, he is wielder of the Triforce of Power and the eternal archenemy of Link and Princess Zelda. Originally sealed away, he manipulates Cia into unleashing darkness upon not just Hyrule, but across several timelines and realities of it. After he becomes free, he takes his rightful place as leader of the army of monsters and sets out to rule Hyrule once and for all, or see it burned to ashes.

He was voiced by Taiten Kusunoki, who also voiced Rokuro in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, M. Bison in Street Fighter 6, Heihachi Mishima in Tekken 8, Zommari Rureaux in Bleach and Burning Spice Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom.


This incarnation of Ganondorf is one of his most aggressive and violent. By his actions, death and destruction is unleashed on several timelines, not caring how many realities are potentially ruined or destroyed so long as it means he can achieve victory in his own. Exceptionally cruel and cunning, he manipulated Cia to his own ends and casually discarded her once her usefulness ran out, and expected absolute loyalty from both Ghirahim and Zant less he murders them for their failure, showing that every one of his minions was expendable. Obsessed with gaining the Triforce and taking its power for himself, when he succeeds his evil increased dramatically, and when his back is to the wall, he demonstrates how far he's willing to go; After the forces of Hyrule force him into his last stand, he no longer cares about ruling Hyrule, and would rather see it reduced to nothingness by his own hand.


  • This is the first playable version of Ganondorf within the Zelda universe.
  • He is the first and only incarnation of Ganondorf so far to have threatened multiple different timelines simultaneously.
  • He is possibly the inspiration for the design of Calamity Ganon, as he summons a manifestation of Ganon that looks nearly identical to it despite Hyrule Warriors being released 3 years before Breath of the Wild.
           Legend of Zelda logo Villains

The Demon King's Army
Downfall Timeline | Adult Timeline | Twilight Era | Shadow Era | Hyrule Warriors | Era of the Wilds (Calamity Ganon)
Demise | Ghirahim | Phantom Ganon | Twinrova | Vaati | Zant | King Bulblin | Malladus | Chancellor Cole | Yuga | Princess Hilda | Astor
Scaldera | Koloktos | LD-002S Scervo | Tentalus | Bilocyte | LD-003D Dreadfuse | Gohmas (Queen Gohma | Marbled Gohma) | Gleeoks | King Dodongo | Barinade | Volvagia | Dark Link | Morpha | Bongo Bongo | Helmaroc King | Kalle Demos | Jalhalla | Molgera | Lord Bullbo | Diababa | Fyrus | Twilit Bloat | Deku Toad | Morpheel | Stallord | Darkhammer | Blizzeta | Armogohma | Argorok | Phantom Zant | Shadow Link | Moldorm | Blind the Thief | Onox | Veran | Facade | Manhandla | Vire | Smog | Byrne | Blight Ganons | Colgera | Moragia | Sludge Like | Mucktorok | Queen Gibdo | Seized Construct
Minions & Monsters
Demons | Blins | Lizalfos | Gerudo Tribe | Aeralfos | Darknuts | Phantoms | River Zoras | Chain Chomps | Lynels | Cheep Cheeps | Pokeys | Spiked Beetles | Guardians | Hollows

Palace Guardians
Barba | Thunderbird | Link's Shadow

Koholint Island
Nightmares (DethI | Moldorm | Genie | Slime Eye | Angler Fish | Slime Eel | Facade | Grim Creeper and Evil Eagle | Hot Head) | Shadow Link | Moblins (Moblin Chief) | Gohmas | River Zoras | Goombas | Boos | Piranha Plants | Bombites | Mask-Mimics | Cheep Cheeps | Bloopers | Pokeys | Spinies

Majora | Skull Kid | Odolwa | Goht | Gyorg | Twinmold | Sakon | Gorman Brothers | Deku King | "Them" | Dynalfos | Gerudo Pirates (Aveil) | Ikana Royal Family (Igos du Ikana | Captain Keeta | King's Lackeys | Sharp) | Garo (Garo Master) | Gomess

World of the Ocean King
Phantoms (Bellum) | Blaaz | Cyclok | Crayk | Cubus Sisters | Jolene | Gleeok | Miniblins

Lady Maud | Moldorm | Shadow Links | Moblins | Aeralfos

Yiga Clan
Master Kohga | Sooga

Null | Ganon | Tekom
Dark Link | Seismic Talus | Smog | Mogryph | Lord Jabu-Jabu Echo | Vocavor | Bori | Manhandla | Gohma | Volvagia | Volcanic Talus | Slime Eye | Skorchill
Minions & Monsters
Darknuts | Blins | Lizalfos | Lynels

Other Foes
The Magician | Dead Hand | The Interlopers | Death Sword | Uncle Rupee

Hyrule Warriors
Ganondorf's Army (Ganondorf | Zant | Ghirahim | The Imprisoned | Helmaroc King | Phantom Ganon) | Dark Forces (Cia | Wizzro | Volga | Lizalfos | Blins) | Yuga

Cadence of Hyrule
Ganon | Octavo | Shadow Link | Shadow Zelda | Bass Guitarmos Knights | Gleeokenspiel | Gohmaracas | Wizzroboe | King Dobongo | Synthrova | The NecroDancer | Blins | River Zoras | Lynels | Daira

Ganon (Yū Mishōzaki | Ocarina of Time | A Link to the Past | Twilight Princess) | Agahnim (Ataru Cagiva | Shotaro Ishinomori | Akira Himekawa) | Kholdstone | Onox | Bellum | Demise | Zant | King Bulblin

Ganon's Army (CD-I)
Ganon | Gibdo | Iron Knuckle | Three Witches | Wizzrobe | Hektan | Omfak | Goronu | Harlequin | Militron | Glutko | Lupay | Duke Onkled
