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Genbu is an enemy in the manga/anime Yu Yu Hakusho, and a member of the Four Saint Beasts. He's also known as; The Stone Beast.

He was voiced by Yutaka Shimaka in the Japanese version, and by Chris Forbis (who also voiced Captain Dark and the Pirate Android in Dragon Ball and Dodoria in Dragon Ball Z) in the English version.


Genbu is a golem-like demon that somewhat resembles a tortoise with a scorpion's tail.

Yu Yu Hakusho[]

Genbu was the first Saint Beast that Yusuke and his allies first encountered. He was challenged by Kurama. Because of his power of becoming one with any rock and bieng able to reassemble himself, he believed he would have the advantage. But in the end, Kurama manage to find Genbu's weak spot and destroyed it, killing Genbu.



  • When Yusuke and his friends/allies encountered the second Saint Beast, Byakko, he claimed that Genbu was the weakest of the Saint Beasts.


           Yuyuhakushologo Villains

Saint Beasts
Suzaku | Seiryu | Byakko | Genbu

Team Toguro
Younger Toguro | Elder Toguro | Sakyo | Karasu | Bui

Sensui Seven
Shinobu Sensui
The Doctor | Gourmet | Sniper | Seaman | Gamemaster | Gatekeeper | Elder Toguro

Black Book Club
Sakyo | Gonzo Tarukane | Butajiri

Meikai Gods
Yakumo | Raigo | Kaiki | Majari

Sei-Sei Shinto
Sei-Sei Shinto Leader | Ootake

Chikou | Hiei | Great King Enma | Mr. Akashi | Rando | Roto | Dr. Ichigaki | Bakken | Risho | Kuro Momotaro | Yasha | Koashura | Yomi
