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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki

A world where all who live know pain... It is indisputable that every creature yearns to be liberated from this senseless suffering. Why do you fight back, Shepherd?
~ Heldalf

Georg Heldalf is the main antagonist in the video game Tales of Zestiria, and its anime adaptation Tales of Zestiria: The X.

He is the world's most powerful Hellion who seeks nothing but Malevolence by harnessing it from the war between Hyland and Rolance.

He was voiced by Takayuki Sugō in the Japanese version and by Patrick Seitz in the English dub.


In the past, Heldalf was a general in Rolance back when he was a human. The kingdom he was in was being taken over by Camlann. In order to avoid losses, Heldalf fled the scene while Hyland was attacking Origin Village. Michael, the previous shepard, had sent him to a life of solitude by sacrificing Mikleo at Maotelus' altar. After seeing his family dying, Heldalf attempted to commit suicide, but the curse had made him immortal and eventually accepted his Malevolence. He vowed to end pain and suffering for all humans and seraphim in the entire world.

In the game, he was first encountered by Sorey in the battlefield known as Glaivend Basin and later at Aifread's Hunting Ground. It was also revealed that he had Lady Maltran drive the events that have led to those wars between the two nations before Lunarre started the war up again and made it worst.

During the final battle, it had consisted of three phases. First, it was shown that Heldalf had absorbed Seraph Zenrus, which had angered Sorey and Mikleo into "settling things alone". Second, he had armatized with Maoteras into a full-scale monster, which had required power blasts from Mikleo (Luzrov Rulay), Edna (Hephsin Yulind), Zaveid (Wirukun Zavie), and Lailah (Fethmus Mioma) into stopping even his most devastating artes. Third, after falling downwards, he and Sorey had a final one-on-one match. While they clashed their mystic artes, Sorey's had outbested Heldalf and was eventually turned back into his human form.

In the end, Heldalf informed Sorey that other Lords of Calamity would be born even if he dies and tells Sorey to kill him. After Sorey stabbed through him with his sword, Heldalf grinned and told Sorey his opinion of him just before he died off. In the anime adaptation however, Sorey spent several decades trapped under the earth with Heldalf, and gradually purified him, restoring him to his original human form and ridding him of all Malevolence.


Heldalf as he appears in Tales of Zestiria the X

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Tales of Phantasia/Narikiri Dungeon series

Tales of Destiny 1 & 2
Barbatos Goetia

Tales of Eternia/Online

Tales of Symphonia/Dawn of the New World
Cruxis (Mithos Yggdrasill | Kratos Aurion | Yuan Ka-Fai | Magnius | Kvar | Rodyle | Forcystus | Pronyma | Remiel | Kilia | Zelos Wilder) | Kuchinawa Azumi | Vharley | Pope of Tethe'alla | Abyssion | Vanguard (Commander Brute | Richter Abend | Lady Alice | Decus | Hawk | Magnar) Centurion Aqua | Pronyma

Tales of the Abyss
Grand Maestro Mohs | Six-God Generals | Arietta | Largo | Dist | Legretta | Sync | Asch) | Van Grants | Mohs | Gelda Nebilim

Radiant Mythology series

Tales of Vesperia
Duke Pantarei | Alexei Dinoia | Schwann Oltorain | Garista Luodur | Blood Alliance (Barbos) | Leviathan's Claw (Yeager | Gauche | Droite | Zagi) | Alexander von Cumore | Ragou | Ohma | Spiral Draco

Tales of Graces (F)
Archduke Cedric | Emeraude | Fendel Army | Lambda | Little Queen | Richard

Tales of Xillia 1 & 2
Alfred Vint Svent | Bisley Karcsi Bakur | Chimeriad (Jiao | Presa) | Agria | Wingul) | Exodus | Gilland | Ivar | King Gaius | King Nachtigal | Rideaux Zek Rugievit Muzét | Gaius | Chronos) | Victor

Tales of Zestiria
Heldalf | Lunarre | Symonne | Maltran | Eizen
Tales of Zestiria X: Lord Bartlow | Prince Konan | Gasparo Reno | Pope Masedra | Gouldman

Tales of Berseria
Innominat the Suppressor | Artorius Collbrande | Teresa Linares | Shigure Rangetsu | Melchior Mayvin | Oscar Dragonia

Tales of Crestoria
Cody Hjuger | Makina

Tales of Arise
Great Spirit of Rena | Helganquil | Vholran Igniseri | Balseph Erwolsey Teldilys | Ganabelt Valkyris | Almeidrea Kaineris
