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How would we explain why we were together at Sweetwater River at 6:00 A.M. on the Fourth of July? And you're right. We didn't have to say anything. We're both going to have to live with that choice. Do you understand? I think you should pursue your music, but not with me.
~ Ms. Grundy to Archie.

Jennifer Gibson, better known as Geraldine Grundy and formerly known as "Miss Grundy", is a supporting character in the first and second seasons of Riverdale.

While teaching music at Riverdale High School, she seduced Archie and began an affair with him despite knowing he was an underage student. After she was exposed by Alice Cooper for her crimes of statutory rape, she decided to pack up her things and leave her teaching job at Riverdale but not before eyeing some young high school boys lecherously through her heart-shaped glasses.

She was portrayed by Sarah Habel.


Season 1[]

Miss Grundy (original)

The original Miss Grundy.

In the pilot episode, she is seen sitting up front of the bleachers watching Cheryl Blossom give her speech about Jason Blossom when she looks to her side and sees that Archie is looking at her. Flashbacks detail their torrid affair during that summer when she met him. While driving her car and slurping a slushie drink, she peers through her heart-shaped glasses and sees Archie working at the construction site. Taking advantage of this, she asks him what he is doing, working so hard in the heat, and offers him a ride home later. Eventually, they're both having sex in the back of her car on a rainy night. 

After the speech, when Archie tries to get her attention, Grundy ignores him continually, brushing past many students. Until he calls out her first name, he stops her and surprises her. When Archie pursues her to help with his music career, she is hesitant. Eventually, when more evidence piles up on Jason Blossom's murder, and Archie remembers he heard a gunshot the day they were both together on the 4th of July, he goes to Grundy's house and begs her to confess. Grundy refuses to confess to the authorities about hearing the gunshot on the 4th of July, expressing her selfish fear of people wondering why she and Archie were together alone on the 4th of July. Despite Archie saying it's the right thing to do and confess, she still refuses, and Grundy is willing to manipulate, seduce, and even blackmail Archie into keeping his mouth shut about their whereabouts on the 4th of July. 

After Archie finds out from Betty and Veronica that she changed her name and that her name isn't really Geraldine Grundy, Archie confronts her with this knowledge, causing her to tear up. She admits that her name isn't Geraldine Grundy but really Jennifer Gibson. She claims she changed her name just to escape an abusive marriage she was previously in, but she could've been lying to Archie. Just as Archie amicably ends his romance with her, Alice Cooper bursts in, accompanied by Fred Andrews and Betty Cooper, with the knowledge of Grundy's inappropriate relationship with Archie as well as her history of committing statutory rape. Rather than letting Archie take the blame for her crimes, Grundy is given a choice to quit her job, pack up her belongings, and move out of Riverdale, or else the authorities will take her. Grundy leaves, and the next day, she is seen packing up her stuff and getting ready to leave in her car. As she does, she sees two boys going for a jog and eyes them through her glasses before leaving.

Season 2[]

After she leaves Riverdale and takes up a new residence, she continues teaching music and starts up another inappropriate relationship with one of her students, a student by the name of Ben Button. After he leaves, she is ambushed by The Black Hood, who had broken into her house, where she is strangled to death by her cello bow, cutting her throat like ribbons.

Season 6[]

Miss Grundy (Ghost)

Miss Grundy's "Ghost".

Geraldine's ghost appears to Archie at Riverdale High School. She sits in the music room while playing the cello as he walks past her. When Archie calls out and approaches her, she snarls in return, thanks to Percival Pickens's plan to make Archie weaker.

Season 7[]

With the gang trapped in 1955, Ms. Grundy replaces her past mentor, Edith Thornton, after she got fired under suspicions of being a communist. She approaches Archie and introduces herself whilst offering to mentor him with his novice poetry skills. Archie asks her if he can keep their poetry sessions a secret because his classmates and his uncle Frank (the basketball coach at his school) do not support his interest. She agrees to these terms and offers Archie a collection of her husband's poems to read.

She is next seen teaching a poetry workshop with Betty, Archie, and Clay attending. Geraldine reads an excerpt from Howl by Allen Ginsberg. Clay and Betty demonstrate their knowledge of the Beat poets; Archie knows nothing of the sort until he is told about how countercultural artists break social norms. After various meetings, Geraldine suggests that Archie tries staying up late with his friends while watching the sunrise as they discuss deep philosophical topics, while Betty feels uncomfortable with Ms. Grundy's questions.

As time passes by, Archie develops his skills in poetry. Mrs. Grundy is fascinated by Archie's latest poem. When she asks him what was the source of his supposed maturity, he replies he took her advice to see the sunrise with his friend, Reggie Mantle. Archie invites Geraldine to the Dark Room, which is a local beatnik bar, where he will read a poem. The teacher accepts both the invitation and the apple he was given, whom he calls her favorite student. At the bar, Geraldine is embarrassed by the poem, which is clearly about her, and she abruptly leaves the venue before Archie can talk to her. The next morning in class, before classes are about to start, Geraldine explains that she went home for a late-night dinner with her husband. She strongly suggests that Archie drop the love poems and shift his focus to writing about physical and psychological pain. She assigns him to write about his most painful experience, with teenage angst being out of the question.

Mrs. Grundy is last seen when she teaches Driver's Ed. Lessons to an all-girls class. The following day, she tells her class that they will have their first lesson driving a working automobile. Ethel Muggs passes her first parallel parking test in front of the school entrance. With all the girls passing their tests as well, Mrs. Grundy takes them to Mantle Motors. Before they can obtain their legal driving permits, they have to bring their birth certificates to prove they are not Russian spies.



           Archie-logoverse Villains

Archie & Riverdale
Aliens | Betsy | Coach Clyde | Chuck Orgle | Dr. Arachnid | Dorsa Finn | Glebo | Maladonia Demon | Medlock | Maria Naut | Mr. Avericci | Nilnewz | Potato Aliens | Prad and Whitney | Queen Cockroach | Riverdale Reaper | Scarlet Helsing | Stanley 9000 | The Genie | The Great Potato | Vampronica | Vinnie Wells | Alice Cooper | Archie Andrews | Andre | Arthur Adams | Black Hood | Blossom Family | Bret Weston Wallis | Cassidy Bullock | Chad Gekko | Charles Smith | Chic Cooper | Chuck Clayton | Claudius Blossom | Clifford Blossom | Darla Dickenson | Dodger Dickenson | Donna Sweett | Dreyfus Starkweather | Edgar Evernever | Elio Grande | Evelyn Evernever | FP Jones | Francis DuPont | Fredreich Werthers | Gargoyle Gang | Gargoyle King | Geraldine Grundy | Ghoulies | Gladys Jones | Hermione Lodge | Hermosa Lodge | Hiram Lodge | Holden Honey | Joan Berkeley | Jonathan | Julian Blossom | Kurtz | La Llorona | Malachai | Marty Mantle | Michael Matthews | Mustang | Nick St. Clair | Paul Boucher | Penny Peabody | Penelope Blossom | Percival Pickens | Reggie Mantle | Rose Blossom | Sheriff Michael Minetta | Sister Woodhouse | Small Fry Boucher | Southside Serpents | Sugarman | Sweet Pea | Tall Boy | The Milkman | Trash Bag Killer | Warden Norton

Sabrina the Teenage Witch & Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Satan (Netflix) | Father Blackwood | Billy Marlin | Madame Satan (Netflix) | Weird Sisters (Prudence Blackwood, Agatha Night, Dorcas Night) | Batibat | Dorian Gray | Constance Blackwood | Dezmelda | Gryla | Pesta | Shirley Jackson | Sycorax | Judith Blackwood | Judas Blackwood | Anti-Pope | Crimson Avenger | Plague Kings (Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Purson) | Demons (Aphophis, Bartel, Volac)| Jerathmiel | Mehitable | Gideon | The Pagans (Pan, Circe, Nagaina) | Caliban | Jimmy Platt | Metatron | Green Man | Katrina Spellman | Anirbas | Libby Chessler | Jezebelda Spellman | Drell | Irma Spellman | Brad Alcero | Tim the Witchsmeller | Gem Stone | Slugloafe | Lord of the Dance | Malissa Forethought | Dawson and Felicity | Tiffany Torry and Margaux Lee | Cassandra Troublefield | Wish Spirit | Olivia | Enchantra Yagami | Shinji Yagami | Spella Yagami | Charles MBA

Katy Keene
Alexander Cabot | Alexandra Cabot | Mr Cabot

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Villains