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Villains Wiki

Admiral Gerard DuGalle is a military leader in the United Earth Directorate, serving as the commanding officer of the UED Expeditionary Fleet and the main antagonist of the StarCraft expansion Brood War.


Gerard DuGalle originally lived on Earth with his wife and children, serving as an influential admiral in the United Powers League Armed Forces. When the United Powers League was reorganized into the United Earth Directorate following the discovery of the existence of the Protoss and the Zerg, DuGalle was called to lead an Expeditionary Fleet into the Koprulu Sector with the goal of asserting UED control over the Terrans living there, who had previously been banished by the UPL, and with eliminating the Zerg and Protoss before either of them could reach Earth. DuGalle commanded the fleet alongside Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov.

DuGalle also received a secondary objective from the UED Council, to capture the second Zerg Overmind being created by Daggoth and use it to control the Zerg Swarm against the UED's enemies. However, DuGalle was uncomfortable with the prospect of incorporating the Zerg in the campaign against the UED's enemies, seeing the race as too unpredictable and dangerous to rely upon, and instead sought to achieve victory through conventional tactics.

The UED fleet under DuGalle and Stukov achieved many early victories against the Terrans. During this time, the UED allied with a group of Terran Confederacy remnants led by Lieutenant Samir Duran in fighting against the Terran Dominion. The expeditionary fleet and Confederate Resistance Forces later discovered a Psi Disruptor on the planet Tarsonis, the former capital planet of the Terran Confederacy, and sent a force down to recover it. Duran convinced DuGalle to destroy the device and DuGalle gave the order to do so, but Stukov secretly had his men disassemble the device and then reassemble it behind DuGalle and Duran's backs.

DuGalle's forces later launched a successful invasion of the Terran Dominion capital planet of Korhal, but Dominion Emperor Arcturus Mengsk was rescued by Raynor's Raiders before the UED could capture him and brought to join the alliance formed between the Terrans, Protoss and Zerg to oppose the UED.

After DuGalle and Duran discovered that Stukov had recreated the Psi Disruptor, DuGalle reluctantly ordered Duran to execute Stukov for insubordination. However, Stukov informed DuGalle of a new development, that he had discovered Duran was infested by Zerg. Duran attempted to set the Disruptor self destruct but DuGalle was able to save it just in time. After Duran disappeared, DuGalle set out to use the Disruptor to take control of the Zerg Overmind as he had originally been ordered to.

The UED Expeditionary Fleet invaded Char and captured the second Overmind, which they used to enslave the Zerg broods under its control. However, DuGalle's forces, who were using drugs to control the Overmind, were not able to control as much of the Zerg as they hoped. Still the Zerg they had under their command were invaluable to their military campaign in the sector.

However, the UED fleet soon faced a counterattack from a united alliance of Protoss, Terran Dominion forces, the Terran rebels and the Zerg Swarm under the command of Sarah Kerrigan. The combined forces of the Protoss, Terrans and Zerg overwhelmed the UED and allowed Kerrigan to go in and slay the second Overmind, along with the scientists influencing it, bringing all of the Zerg under her control. After his forces were crushed by the Zerg, DuGalle attempted to surrender to Kerrigan, but received only a "head start" from her back to Earth.

As the UED Expeditionary Fleet was overwhelmed by the Zerg, DuGalle wrote a final letter to his wife Helena expressing guilt over his good friend Stukov's death before committing suicide by shooting himself in the head.


           StarCraft LogoVillains

Terran Confederacy
Edmund Duke | Magistrate Collins | Samir Duran | Lieutenant Rumm

Terran Dominion
Arcturus Mengsk | Edmund Duke | Nova | Emil Narud | Carolina Davis | Defenders of Man

United Earth Directorate
Gerard DuGalle | Alexei Stukov | Samir Duran

Overmind | Sarah Kerrigan | Daggoth | Zasz | Zagara | Abathur | The Cerebrate | Alexei Stukov

Ma'lash | Alarak | Nyon

Forces of Amon
Amon | Samir Duran | Hybrids | Maar
