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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki

Now what are you gonna do?
~ The Giant Pistachion, after Milo and company escape and being unable to chase them.

The Giant Pistachion is a supporting antagonist of the Milo Murphy's Law episode "Fungus Among Us", and the hour-long special "The Phineas and Ferb Effect". He is a Pistachion who is known for his gargantuan size and his deadshot eyes.

He was voiced by Scott McNeil.


Fungus Among Us[]

Along with his fellow Pistachions, the Giant Pistachion were created by Derek following the latter's travel to the year 1955. Determined to avenge his deceased father King Pistachion, Derek formulated a plot of changing the timeline, allowing the Pistachions to take over the world in the present, rounding up all humans.

The Giant Pistachion was first seen spotting Milo Murphy, Orton Mahlson, Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota and Diogee while hiding under a Cardee Boy mascot statue. After revealing himself, he tries to kill the heroes, but they end up outsmarting him by cuffing him with a barrel and a chain on one of his hands. This allows the heroes to escape, much to the Giant Pistachion's distraught.

The Phineas and Ferb Effect[]

The Giant Pistachion was seen again as he was freed by Derek, who summons him to kill several more of Milo's friends. However, upon witnessing the brutality of the battle between the humans and Pistachions, the Giant Pistachion decides that he has enough and leaves the scene, determined to make himself a better person, much to Derek's annoyance.

The Giant Pistachion is last seen serving a soup kitchen for several people, that is until he realizes too late that he and the other Pistachions are being erased from existence (due to Heinz Doofenshmirtz creating a time machine to transport Orton back to 1955 to kill Derek).


           MiloMurphyLawTitle Villains

King Pistachion | Jerry | Brandy | Derek | Dennis | Giant Pistachion

Octalian Commander | Octalian Pilot | Loab & Khone | Beek | Mantel | Dorsal | Robot Milo

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Norm | Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Turn-Inanimate-Objects-Evil-Inator

V-tech Corp Inc.
Victor Verliezer | V-tech Handlers

Government Agents
Colonel Niblet | Lieutenant Tennant | Cyborg Bear

Fictional Characters
Trashcandroids | The Menninkäinen

Dr. Not Sorry | Zippy the Koala | Igor & Vlad

           Phineas&FerbLogo Villains

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Norm | Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Gelatin Monster | Balloony | Evil Platypus Clones (Jerry the Platypus) | Doofenshmirtz's Mecha | Alien-inator | Rodrigo | Mindless Repulsive Pharmacists

Aloyse von Roddenstein | Dr. Bloodpudding | Dr. Diminutive | Charlie Bainbridge | Orville Von Roddenstein | TV Scientist | David Bringdown | Bannister Evil Enterprises (Professor Bannister, Bannister's Thugs, Me-Positive & Me-Negative) | Chloe | Dr. Killbot | Warehouse Goons

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.-2
Doofenshmirtz Family-2 (Heinz Doofenshmirtz-2, Charlene Doofenshmirtz-2 & Vanessa Doofenshmirtz-2) | Norm Bots | Goozim | Animal-Borgs (Perry the Platyborg, Peter the Pandaborg, Pinky the Chihuahuaborg & Terry the Turtleborg) | Giant Mechanical Ants | Tony Marzulo

Dennis the Rabbit | Evil Carl Karl | Evil O.W.C.A. Robots (Evil Flynn-Fletcher Robots)

Extraterrestrial Beings
Mitch | Zachariah Yore | Morg | Super Super Big Doctor | Braxington-ton | Hermellivue | Stapler-Fist | Shoe-Monkey | Toilet Flower | Sand Blaster | Mama

Red Skull | MODOK | Whiplash | Venom | Darthenshmirtz | Stormtrooper Candace | Candace's C.O. | Norm-3PO | Stormtrooper Baljeet | Stormtrooper Buford Pistachions (Derek, Dennis, Giant Pistachion & King Pistachion)

Time Shift
Jekyll Doofenshmirtz | Doofengung | Mongol Army (Doofus Khan) | Doofenshmirtz (1914) | Corn Colossus of Juatchadoon | Norm (1914) | Doofenshmirtz Evil Amalgamated (Professor Von Doofenshmirtz & Pneumatic Pnorman)

Fictional Characters
Torbo | Control Freak | Smile Away Reformatory School (Drill Sergeant) | Morty Williams | Giant Buford | Shape Shifter | Ninja Vampires | Doofenwarlock | Spider-Monkey | Doofenwarlock Guards | Flying Squirrels | Little Witch Suzy | Jared | Malifishmertz Evil Tradesman Association (Malifishmertz, Meatlings, Lawn Gnorme & Shepherd Spy) | Keeper of the Bridge of Comprehension | Candace's Id | Worthington Dubois | Inner Doofenshmirtz | Professor Nibbles

Mr. and Mrs. Doofenshmirtz | Brobots | Suzy Johnson | Dr. Feelbetter | Lloyd Wexler | Professor Destructicon | Dr. Gevaarlijk | Esmeralda Poofenplotz | The Regurgitator | Biker | Khaka Peü Peü | Busting Candace | Tower | Potato Gremlins | Liam McCracken | Peggy McGee | Random Swimwear (Mittington Random & Klimpalooners) | Professor Mystery | Professor Parenthesis | Mecha-Fleas
