“ | Lifeless shells controlled by my septima, Metallon? Yessir! I command metal. Iron is in the blood. Do the math. It feels so good to turn the tables on these jerks. | „ |
~ Gibril, about the zombies in her manor. |
“ | I've never been hurt this bad before. You're the first. Okay, loser. Here it comes... everything I've got... all of it! Might kill me, but you know what? I don't care! Ah ha ha! | „ |
~ Gibril when using her ultimate skill "Iron Maiden". |
“ | G-Gunvolt! I was hoping to run into you. I realized something about my feelings. ...For you. I think of you killing me before and my insides burn! That's love, right? It sounds like the love Zonda speaks of. Yet all I know is war. And since you're my foe... Come! Fight me! Infect me with pain! Make my blood scream! | „ |
~ Gibril to Gunvolt. |
Gibril, also known as The Full Metal Jacket and formerly known as Blood and Steel Gibril, is a major antagonist in Azure Striker Gunvolt 2. She is a member of The Seven, and a member of Eden as a whole, gladly and loyally following under Zonda.
She is voiced by Maya Enoyoshi in Japanese and Kate Ferrell in English in Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 as an Image Pulse.
Gibril was born to a family in England, having a weak-willed but kind and caring mother who would call her "Little Angel" as well as a strict father who thought very highly of his reputation. Her father abused her mother regularly and often neglected her due to stress and not wanting an Adept daughter, often leaving her in her mother's care and giving violent coaching to his wife. After she graduated from preparatory school, she arrived at home and witnessed her father striking her mother too hard, accidentally killing her mother as a result. Enraged, she created a blade from the blood of her mother and used it to kill her own father.
Sometime later, she was sent to a reception center for counseling, but, using her Septima, escaped and eventually joined a gang of delinquent Adepts and began committing a series of dark crimes, earning the nickname of "Blood and Steel Gibril" during her days in said gang. Then one fateful day, she met Zonda, who was travelling the world in search of Adepts who would join Eden, and challenged her to a fight. Losing to her, she decided to join Eden's cause. It was also notable that she began to laugh for unknown reasons when she was defeated by her, as pointed out by several observers of that fight.
Armed Blue Gunvolt[]
It was some time prior to the events of the first game that Eden launched a terrorist attack to bring down a barrier protecting the nation, with a two-pronged assault launched by Gibril and Teseo on the UTU Media Tower. She would attack the tower itself while he would hack its main computer, in truth using it as a cover so that their spy Zonda could infiltrate Japan.
Despite arriving at the Media Tower, Gibril was confronted by one of Sumeragi's Swordsmen, namely Jota, who expressed his disgust with Eden for sending out child soldiers and at first mistook her for a child and offered to spare her life if she surrendered. This only angered her into activating her Septima and fighting against the Prideful Silhouette, but Nova interrupted the fight with a satellite strike before the victor could be decided, ending the battle in a draw and causing her to retreat on orders from Tenjian.
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2[]
Gunvolt's Story[]
After Eden managed to obtain the power of the Muse, Gibril and her gang of Eden Soldiers took control of a mysterious old mansion in the city that served her as her base of operations. As Gunvolt investigated the manor, he noticed several zombies roaming through the mansion. It turned out that Gibril was kidnapping humans and animals, taking them to the mansion, and draining their blood to fuel and empower her Septima. One of her victims happened to be a friend of Quinn's, which was what prompted Gunvolt's investigation.
Upon finding her lab, Gunvolt was led to believe Gibril to be a child, much to the latter's agitation, leading to her swearing to make him pay for the insult through battle. Revealing to him that she's one of the Seven, she also revealed to him that she was the one who kidnapped all the people and animals that were zombified in her manor. This disgusted him so much that he called her actions despicable. Naturally, she didn't care one bit what he thought about her actions. From there, a battle was fought, ultimately ending when repetitive use of her attacks through her ultimate skill, Iron Maiden, caused her to die from blood loss, enabling Gunvolt to claim her mirror shard.
Later, as he fought his way through the heart of the Garden, Zonda called upon mirror copies of the Seven to keep him busy, with Gibril being one of them. Proposing her feeling to him due to his victory over her, she felt the only way to show her love for him was through battle due to only knowing war, fighting him once again and ultimately losing to him again as well.
Copen's Story[]
As Copen made his way through the sewers after having gotten his urgent message from Nowi about Mytyl's situation, he eventually stumbled upon Gibril and fellow bishop Teseo. As Teseo told Copen that he was in love with his sister and used his "Hack the Planet" Septima to transport her to the Garden, Gibril angrily demanded for him to leave and let her handle him like they discussed. Much to her annoyance, he called her a Tsundere and left, leaving her to engage Copen in battle. Hearing him mock her for her height and age over and over again was much to her growing anger, but she was ultimately defeated by him in the end, leaving her Mirror Shard for him to claim.
Regardless of whether Gunvolt or Copen was chosen, illusions of Eden's Seven would aid Zonda during the final battle against her, with Gibril being one of them.
Mighty Gunvolt Burst[]
Gibril makes a cameo appearance as a collectible sticker that can be found in Dynatron's stage, the Power Plant.
Out of the members of Eden's Seven, Gibril is the most violent and unhinged and has the least qualms about the sins she commits against humans and animals alike. She is a cruel and destructive Adept who takes great pleasure in enjoying the suffering of others, even going so far as to kidnap humans and animals to drain their blood so she can use it to empower her Septima. But more than that, she is also masochistic, enjoying the pain inflicted upon her as well. She is also known for her short temper, and has her own fair share of insecurities about her height, leading her to lose her temper when she gets insulted for her small stature. Her anger is capable of rivaling even the likes of Viper.
Gibril enjoys a good fight and lives for the thrill of chaos, destruction and battles, showing great amounts of enthusiasm for whatever involves violence, death, and fighting. After being killed by Gunvolt and resurrected, she also falls completely in love with him due to the pain inflicted on her by him and claims for him to feel something for her as well, which is what leads her to beg him to inflict more pain on her while she attacks him at the same time as well during their second face-off against one another.
Like the rest of the Seven, Gibril, deep down, is willingly loyal to Eden and its leader, Zonda, and will do whatever it takes to help them create a paradise for Adepts, even if it means killing all non-Adept humans in the world to do so.
Official Description[]
“ | Gibril is an Adept whose “Metallon” Septima gives her the ability to control metal. She has a cruel, yet sadistic personality, but more than either of those her true nature is quite masochistic. She harbors great insecurities about her height, and she tends to express those insecurities by acting out in fits of pure rage. So, within the ranks of Eden, it is quite taboo to say words like “small” or “tiny” when she is around. During battle, she can create metal-based weapons while in her “Alchemist Mode”, utilize her high-speed “Beast Mode” form, and her most powerful form, “Crisis Beast Mode”. | „ |
~ The creator describing Gibril. |
- Following the fairy tale and chess motifs the rest of the Seven have, Gibril is based on Little Red Riding Hood as well as Beauty and the Beast, and represents one of the Bishops, with the other Bishop representative being Teseo.
- She is named after the missile called the Israeli Gabrieli, similarly to the other members of The Seven, with "Gibril" being the Egyptian Arabic variant of Gabriel, respectively.
- The names of all of her attacks are based on those of songs from the musical band Iron Maiden. Her ultimate skill is even named after the band itself.
- Her T-shirt is literally named "T-satsu". This is actually a pun between "shirt" and "satsu", the latter of which is Japanese for "kill".
- Gibril was using an assault rifle during the events of the Armed Blue Gunvolt Limited Edition Drama CD, meaning she has a proficiency with firearms.
- Her title of "The Full Metal Jacket" references a type of bullet.
- She is the only boss that Gunvolt doesn't say "Oversurge! Azure Striker! ___" to when he faces her.