The Gig Fighters are the mechanical footsoldiers of Warp Monarch and antagonists in Chouseishin Gransazer and later Chousei Kantai Sazer-X. They are spawned from devices carried by Warp Monarch's higher-ranking members and appear in groups of five. They typically perform duties such as guarding prisoners or holding off the Gransazers.
Several Gig Fighters were brought along by Radia and Lucia to assist them in their mission to destroy the Earth. They were first used to attack a JSDF base to draw out the Gransazers so Radia could observe their power.
The Gig Fighters would go on to be used by several other Warp Monarch agents such as Sturcus and Gorfinian as extra muscle in their operations.
They would later be used as minions by the Space Pirate Fleet Descal when they came to Earth seeking to conquer it. They were typically assigned to assist higher-ranking pirates in missions to retrieve the Cosmo-Capsules.