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Giygas is the overarching antagonist of Mother 2, a novelization of EarthBound for the SNES by Saori Kumi. Like his original counterpart, he is an alien set to destroy the Earth. In this version, he is a sadistic parasite who possesses Ness R.'s neighbor, Pokey Minch and gradually takes over his body to enact his plans.


The part of Giygas that was shown featured several spider-like legs, suggesting the entity to be an arachnid-based creature.


Giygas utilized a highly destructive force across the entire galaxy to bring forth everything into his personal hellscape, having used eggs to travel across the realms of space and time to bring his vicious and cosmic terror in his invasions. Buzz Buzz, plotted to use a time machine created with the help of other scientists to travel back ten years before Giygas reigned the destruction.

However, thanks to improper calculation, he was never able to destroy the egg Giygas arrived to earth on, therefore he was unleashed on the planet where he in a larval state proceeded to possess Pokey who was on Mt. Onett, which prompts Buzz Buzz to seek out who became the current host of Giygas.

As Ness was heading home with Picky and King, he was confronted by a possessed Pokey whom Giygas uses to call the group foolish kids and summoned a Starman Junior to deal with the group with the Starman recognizing Buzz Buzz and telling him to give up or be stomped.

However, Buzz Buzz shielded the group from the Starman and they defeated it, Giygas through Pokey proceeded to taunt the heroes with Buzz Buzz noticing how out of focus the eyes were. Buzz Buzz later explains that the entire planet was in danger along with its population of 6 billion people.


            Mother Logo Villains

Giygas's Army
Giygas (2 Novelization | Manga) | Starmen (Starman Junior | Starman Deluxe) | Mooks (Dept. Store Spook) | Evil Mani Mani | Master Belch | Mini Barf | Octobots

Pigmask Army
Porky Minch (Novelization) | Masked Man | Fassad | Pigmasks | Natural Killer Cyborg | Pork Trooper | Li'l Miss Marshmallow | Mr. Genetor | King Statue | Mecha-Drago | Claymen | Chimeras (Ultimate Chimera)

Minch Family
Aloysius Minch (Novelization) | Lardna Minch

Giygas's Race | Sharks (Frank Fly) | Onett Police Force (Captain Strong) | Everdred | Happy Happyists (Mr. Carpainter) | Mr. Poochyfud | Ms. Fake | Guardian Diggers | Geldegarde Monotoli | Krakens | Sanctuary Guardians | Jealous Bass | Mr. Passion | Oh-So-Snake
