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The U.S. Government claims that Project GIza Guardian was shut down in 1969. However, sightings of swordsmen in the Grand Canyon continue to this day.
~ Doctor Disturbing on the shutdown of Project Giza Guardian.

The Giza Guardians are major antagonists in Seasons 1 and 2 of the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS, the first installment in the franchise of the same name.

They are shown as talented and powerful swordsmen used to protect the Grand Canyon using swords made out of a mythical material, Giza Glass, forged from lightning striking the sand around the Pyramids of Giza.


The Giza Guardians appear as Greco-Egyptian stone statues that were built around the second century CE, often depicted as tall, shirtless men wearing nemes and loincloths, with no eyes to speak of. They stand at around seven to ten feet tall, and are seen in the Grand Canyon carrying swords made out of a darkened glass, more notably called Giza Glass.


The Original Guardians[]

In Ancient Egypt, pharaohs would appoint men called Guardians in order to strike Special Trees for several years using Giza Glass blades. They also used substances to inhibit their need to sleep or rest in any capacity for several days. These Guardians would strike them in this way to stop them from growing upward, and focus on healing themselves, so that the empires of Egypt could construct the Pyramids of Giza in order to contain the Trees.

This story is later revealed to be a hoax perpetuated by Leonard Morlin.

Discovery of Giza Glass[]

In the nineteenth century, several English archaeologists would hear many stories of mysterious lightning strikes near the Pyramids of Giza, and they wanted to attempt to figure out where the strikes would occur. Only one Egyptian tribe, called the Bedouins, knew of a constellation that would help foreshadow the coming of the lightning, and would collect a mineral that would arise from the strikes on the sand called Giza Glass, which them and many tribes use as black market currency. English Egyptologists and archaeologists wanted to collect the glass for historical, and possibly monetary purposes. Eventually, in the late 1870s, a British Egyptologist named Flinders Petrie discovered the constellation, and set up an expedition in 1880 to collect samples of the glass for the British Museum. With the help of the British military, they secured a site of Giza Glass.

They split the glass into smaller planes due to how the glass layered itself for easier transport. After this, though, Petrie slipped and was decapitated by one of the pieces of glass, but was somehow still alive after the matter. His head began to swell and discolor after this, and it is not explicitly stated, but Petrie becomes a Crown, as being decapitated by Giza Glass is how a human becomes one.

The glass was later shipped to the British Museum in 1891, and it becomes known as "Petrie's Lot". Sadly, it was decided to be worthless by the museum's standards due to the poor handling during transport.

President Rockefeller's Applications and Project Giza Guardian[]

As a show of their diplomacy, the British Museum splits Petrie's Lot between themselves and American Ambassadors passing through Britain. When they returned, President J. D. Rockefeller ordered the immediate confiscation of all Giza Glass from the ambassadors, and began discussing with his administration what the glass could be used for. Most suggest warfare, but Rockefeller denies this and decides to have meetings with the Head of The Department of the Interior, and decide on another use for the glass.

They craft and sharpen the glass into sharp swords and give them to a series of Greco-Egyptian statues, and place them in restricted areas of the Grand Canyon, protecting them from trespassers, inspired by the old Guardians of Ancient Egypt. This was dubbed "Project Giza Guardian", and ran protected under federal law until 1969, when the last Guardian was decommissioned. Although, according to Dr. Disturbing, the swordsmen still lurk around the canyon.

The Guardians Replacement[]

In 1977, the role of the swordsmen are replaced by Freedom after an Anti-Dean Association attack on the capitol.





  • Project Giza Guardian was most likely continued until 1977 at the very least, due to the replacement of their role by Freedom.
  • The constellation that the Bedouins and the British use to track down Giza Glass is never actually mentioned.
  • The fate of Petrie in this universe is similar to that of our universe, as Flinders Petrie preserved his own head due to donating it to the Royal College of Surgeons of London.
    • The label of his preserved head kept in a jar fell off, and for a while, no one knew whos it was, until it was eventually reidentified. It is now stored in the same Royal College.


           THE MONUMENT MYTHOS logo Villains

Alcatraz | Air Force One Angel | Freedom | The Liberty Lurker | Special Trees | Giza Guardians | Canyon Crowns | Serpents | The Horned Serpent | The Martian Serpent | The Debate Demon | The Monument Monster | The Croatoan | America's True Self

GOD and His Extensions
The Queen of The Lunarians | The Last Son of Alcatraz | The D-Day Knight

Villainous Groups (Deanverse)
ADA | Maize

Villainous Groups (Nixonverse)

ADA Fabrications
The Starry Sphinx | True Force of Mass Destruction | Lincolnlookers

John D. Rockefeller | George Washington | Thomas Crawford | John Glenn | Elon Musk | James Dean | Donald Trump

The House In The Ocean
The House in the Ocean | The Crescent King | Chase
