“ | And don't apologize! Anytime I try to talk to someone, it's "Sorry!" this, and "Forgive me!" that, and "I'm not worthy!"... | „ |
~ God after King Arthur apologizes to him in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. |
God is a supporting antagonist in the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the 1983 film Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. In his appearances, he is shown to be a rude, egotistical jerk who is disrespectful to everyone he encounters.
He was portrayed by the late Graham Chapman, who also played Mr. Neutron in Monty Python's Flying Circus, the Three Headed Giant in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Biggus Dickus in Monty Python's Life of Brian and Eric in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
In his most well-known appearances, he is shown to be a rude and cynical tyrant who treats people who are below him horribly. In Monty Python and the Holy Grail, he sends the Knights of the Round Table on the search for the Holy Grail and does not help them with their quest whatsoever and also acts like a jerk towards them. In The Meaning of Life, he has changed that much and kills an innocent military sergeant just because he was pro-war.
And Now For Something Completely Different[]
During the sketch, "Marriage Guidance Counselor" God tells Arthur Pewtey to stand up for himself after his wife cheats on him with their guidance counselor. When Arthur does this, the two (now having sex) tell him to go away, to which he does. What's interesting about God's appearance here was that in the original sketch on Monty Python's Flying Circus, God was replaced by a cowboy, both of whom were portrayed by John Cleese.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail[]
After King Arthur and his knights decide to not inhabit Camelot, God encounters them and tells them to search for the Holy Grail while also scolding them for no apparent reason. He also appears a second time when Dingo from Castle Anthrax takes to long talking about how controversial the topic is during the scene, in which God and many other characters from the film tell her to get on with it.
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life[]
During the opening scene, God is shown during the opening credits, destroying a prototype Earth only because it was round. He is then shown smiting an innocent military sergeant after he declares that the only way to make world peace is to fight each other.