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Villains Wiki

The God of Technique is a major antagonist in the anime/manga series Kinnikuman.

He is one of the Five Evil Gods who act as the main antagonist force in the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne Arc.



The God of Technique was once one of the many Choshin that resided within the Celestial Plane amongst all of the other Gods including The Man. The God of Technique along with the rest of the Evil Gods would agree that they should rule over the Celestial Realm instead of any of the other Gods, to this end, they decided that the Chojin should be protected, viewing them as vital tools in their conquest.

The Five Evil Gods would descend into the moral realm, giving up their bodies and becoming formless ghosts that would try to manipulate the Chojin into working for them.


After watching the match between Kinnikuman and Terryman against Neptune King and Neptuneman, the God of Intelligence became worried that Kinnikuman would eventually grow in power and overthrow the Gods themselves and more importantly, the Five Evil Gods and he would warn the other Evil Gods of his power.

The five of them would agree that Kinnikuman must be killed but they each needed a champion in order to do it. The Evil Gods would be reminded that when Kinnikuman was born, there was a fire at the hospital and Kinnikuman, alongside five other children had to be carried out by their mothers in a panic, a seemingly minor incident which the Evil Gods could use to trick those now adults that they were the real Prince of Planet Kinniku, manipulating them to kill Kinnikuman.

The God of Technique would find one of those adults, Powerfulman and would possess him, transforming him into Kinnikuman Zebra and tricking him into thinking that he was the real Prince of Planet Kinniku.

The God of Technique would continue to possess Kinnikuman Zebra until he was defeated by Kinnikuman. The God of Technique would flee from his body afterwards.

During the final fight between Kinnikuman Super Phoenix and Kinnikuman, all five of the Five Evil Gods would possess him, giving Super Phoenix all of their abilities. When Super Phoenix's mother showed up, all of the Evil Gods besides the God of Intelligence would fly out of Super Phoenix's body and try to kill her, however, they were stopped by the Justice Chojin and would reveal their lies about how they tricked each of the Five Fated Princes.

Kinnikuman (2011)[]

After many years, the Five Evil Gods knew that because The Man was defeated by a Chojin, they would descend so the God of Technique would warn possess Kinnikuman Zebra, warning him about the Omega Centauri's Six Spears and the Choshin who would destroy their world.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Chojin Power Granting: The God of Technique, being a God, naturally has a Chojin Power of 100,000,000, a level of power far above all Chojin, even the immensely strong Perfect Origin. When the God of Technique possesses someone, he can grant said power to them, making them absurdly strong.
  • Chojin Body Creation: All of the Five Evil Gods are able to form a body based on the member of the Five Fated Princes that they possessed, in the God of Technique's case, he can transform into Kinnikuman Zebra. These bodies seem to be weak considering how easily they are defeated.


           Kinnikuman Logo Villains

Time Chojin
God of Time
Five Great Times
Endeman | Excavator | Fanatic | Papillonman | Pessiman
Other Time Chojin
Dominator | El Kite | The Gustman

The One | Rampageman | Bicorn | The Natural | Caucasusman | Ideaman | The Notorious | The Executioner | Leviathan | Onyxman | The Berserker | Magnificent

Perfect Chojin
Perfect Origin
The Man | Silverman | Mirageman | Abyssman | Painman | Justiceman | Ganman | Thingman | Crowman | Psychoman

Perfect Large Numbers
Nemesis | Peek-a-Boo | Polarman | Jak Chi | Marvellous | Marlinman | Crushman | Turboman | Dalmatiman | Max Radial

Perfect Chojin Vanguard
Neptune King | Neptuneman | Kendaman | Screw Kid | Graveyard Demons

Devil Chojin
Satan | Akuma Shogun

Six Devil Knights
Ashuraman | Sunshine | The Ninja | Junkman | Planetman | Sneagator

Seven Devil Chojin
Buffaloman | Springman | Mister Khamen | The Mountain | Atlantis | Black Hole | Stereo-Cassette King

Omega Centauri's Six Spears
Omegaman Aristera | Hailman | Pirateman | Gear Master | Mariquitaman | Lunaight

Five Evil Gods
God of Intelligence | God of Brutality | God of Technique | God of Strength | God of Flight

Five Fated Princes
Team Super Phoenix
Kinnikuman Super Phoenix | Mammothman | Satan Cross | Prisman | Omegaman Dexia
Team Zebra
Kinnikuman Zebra | Parthenon | The Manriki | Motorman | Bikeman
Team Mariposa
Kinnikuman Mariposa | The Hawkman | Mister VTR | King the 100-Ton | Mixer Taitei
Team Big Body
Kinnikuman Big Body | Leopardon | Cannonballer | Golemman | Pinchman
Team Soldier
Kinnikuman Soldier | Heavy Metal | The God Shark | Woolman | Bulldozerman

Brutal Chojin
Ramenman | Warsman | Robin Mask | Brockenman | Curry Cook | Bockman | Booton | Mikhailman | Kommandas | Buki Boy | Black Ship | Higanteman | Cambridgeman | Rollerman | Tyrant | Doguman | Hammerhead

World Supermen Federation
Alien Sheik | Skull Bozu | Devil Magician

Kinkotsuman | Iwao | King Ton | Franky | Abdullah | Brutal Alien | Daibutsura | Dai King | Tigerian | Sprinter Sword | Bottomless Alien | Tendon | Nagaashigon | Bazoogara | Octopus Dragon | Black Shadow | Bullgoras | Monster Turkey

Tag Teams
Rugged Brothers | Monster Master/Student Combo | Blood Illusions | Diabolos | Stray Devil Chojin Combo | Killer Game Combo | Hell Missionaries | Last Intelligence | John Does | Omega Glorious | The Mighty Hercules | Modesties | El Dominoes

Bermuda III | SKGB (Kowalski) | Saizou

See Also
Kinnikuman Anime Villains | Kinnikuman Nisei Villains | Tatakae!! Ramenman Villains
