“ | You fools... are finished!! | „ |
~ Goldar's most famous quote. |
Goldar is the Gorilla and Griffin-themed warrior of the Evil Space Aliens and the secondary antagonist in the Power Rangers franchise.
He was originally voiced by Kerrigan Mahan who also voices the Monitor Org in Power Rangers Wild Force. In Power Rangers Beast Morphers, he is voiced by Adrian Smith who also voiced Redker in Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
Goldar's origins are unknown but he came to serve Lord Zedd at some point and was assigned to help his servant Rita Repulsa. Sometime during his service, he failed Zedd and was stripped of his wings until he could prove himself to be worthy. After many years of conflict, Rita lured her foe to a supposed peace talk where she managed to trap him in an other dimensional time warp. However she and her minions were trapped themselves by Zordon in a Space Dumpster.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]
After 10,000 years of imprisonment, the Evil Space Aliens are freed by a pair of astronauts who find her dumpster on the Moon in 1993. Now free to take control of Earth, Rita re-establishes herself on the forgotten Moon Palace where Finster begins making new Putties. Whilst the first batch are sent to harass five teenagers summoned by Zordon, Goldar sends another army to attack Angel Grove but the five teenagers become the new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and repel the initial attack. From this point onwards, Rita begins sending down monsters to attack the planet and Goldar often accompanies them but this fails every time. Unlike many other henchmen, Goldar is capable of fighting the Power Rangers but is often forced to retreat when the Dino Megazord summons the Power Sword and continues to battle them many times after that, facing defeat each time. He develops a particular hatred for Jason and eventually, Tommy since they are the ones that usually defeat him. After Scorpina arrives, Goldar fights alongside her and he later pilots his own Zord, Cyclopsis.
After Lord Zedd comes to the Moon and banishes Rita, Goldar eagerly accepts his new master and receives the restoration of his wings. He leads many missions in Zedd's name and often faces Tommy, now the White Ranger, but is always defeated each time and sent back to his master in disgrace. Goldar is aghast when Lord Zedd marries Rita and wonders what could have made his master do something completely out of his mind. He later discovers that Rita used a love potion and gives Zedd an antidote only to be floored by finding out Zedd still loved Rita. After Rito Revolto comes to the moon, Goldar often works with him but detests his stupidity and stench though they later become friends of sorts. Goldar manages to prove quite useful in Zedd's plan to activate the Shogunzords since he defeats Ninjor, allowing his master to capture him.
Goldar and Rito are later sent to the Command Center to destroy it with an implosion generator and the two spend a great amount of time arguing, lost in the tunnels below but manage to find the Command Center and steal the Zeo Crystal before their bomb destroys it.
Rito and Goldar successfully steal the Zeo Crystal but are caught up in the Command Center's blast and lose both thier memories and the Crystal in the process. Rito and Goldar end up living with Bulk and Skull but eventually regain their memories back and rejoin Zedd and Rita in their attempts to destroy the Machine Empire. After the Royal House of Gadgetry is destroyed by a bomb, Rito goes on holiday with his allies before returning at some point in the future to destroy the Power Rangers. However, he never did this because Rita gets pregnant and the Evil Space Aliens are forced to retire from villainy in the process.
In Space[]
After blowing up the Royal House of Gadgetry, Goldar accompanies Zedd and Rita to the meeting of the United Alliance of Evil on the Cimmerian Planet. When Andros is revealed as having spied on the meeting, he attacks the Red Ranger but is kicked down and Andros escapes.
A few months later, Goldar participates in Dark Specter's galactic invasion, helping his masters' attack on a planet in the Vica Galaxy and subduing the Gold Ranger by blasting him with flames. Although the invasion is successful, Zordon's Energy Wave washes over the planet and vaporizes the entire army including Goldar although this isn't confirmed for another twenty-two years.
Beast Morphers[]
Twenty two years after his death, Goldar's sword is one of the many villain relics in Ryjack's collection that are acquired by Evox and his minions (what exactly killed Goldar is not made clear but he was most likely a victim of Zordon's energy wave). On Evox's orders, Scrozzle uses Ryjack's reanimizer powered up by diamonds on Goldar's sword, reviving Goldar as an even more powerful version of the original known as Goldar Maximus. Upon learning that Evox is the one who resurrected him, Goldar Maximus pledges his loyalty to Evox and kills Sledge.
Goldar accompanies Snide to the Dino Charge dimension and fights the Dino Charge Rangers, quickly overwhelming them and the newly arrived Beast Morphers Rangers. He easily took Koda down and stole his Energem before fighting off Ravi, Nate, Steel and Zoey. He easily overwhelms them, demorphs them and destroys their Morphers off-screen before going to find Scrozzle who is assembling a secret weapon (which is soon revealed to be the Chimera Zord) to use against the Rangers and Goldar cut open a geode for him. Goldar and Snide later appeared alongside some Putties, Triptoids and Vivix to attack Jason, Zoey and Ravi when they tried to ambush Evox and Scrozzle from behind. He, Roxy, Snide and the army attack but Ivan's Lightning Final Strike takes out Roxy and the Z-Rex Blaster destroy Snide with Tyler taking down Goldar. He refuses to surrender but the Rangers combine the Ptera Saber, Dino Spike, Power Blaster, and Z-Rex Blaster into the Dino Power Ultra Blaster which takes Goldar down once and for all.
Once and Always[]
Although Goldar doesn't appear in person, he is imagined by Minh as she is dying; remembering Trini defeating him during the Mighty Minotaur battle. Such memories inspire her into becoming the Yellow Ranger and helping to finally bring down Rita Repulsa for good.
“ | You are only a human, and no mere human is a match for GOLDAR! | „ |
~ Goldar's pompous and slightly bigoted attitude in quote said to Jason in "Jason's Battle." |
Unlike many other henchmen, Goldar is one of the few who is capable of holding his own against the entire Power Ranger team. As time went by in the series, Goldar's character becomes less threatening and more comical, especially in the first feature film. He is a dangerous fighter initially, being able to defeat the original team in battle single-handedly. Later, however, he begins to lose his edge, with Jason handing him his first major defeat in the episode "Missing Green." After this point, he is apparently less powerful, losing to the Rangers more and more in combat and eventually abandons all pretense of a serious threat to become overly comedic.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Power Level: Goldar was the fourth most powerful member of the Evil Space Aliens, stronger than Squatt, Baboo, and Finster and roughly on par with Rito Revolto. However, Rita, Zedd, and Master Vile were all still much stronger than him.
- Strength: Goldar seriously shook up the Dino Megazord's cockpit with a single slash and an extremely powerful double kick was enough to knock back the Dino Megazord. Later on, in episodes such as "Eclipsing Megazord" and "Crystal of Nightmares", he was strong enough to take down the Megazord with Scorpina's help.
- Durability: Goldar was struck by the energised Power Sword and Thunder Saber and a fireball from the White Tigerzord in Warrior Mode only made him and Scorpina fall down.
- Agility: Whilst fighting the Dino Megazord for the first time, Goldar was able to quickly dodge around the Megazord and land some blows without being hit.
- Longevity: Goldar lived for at least 10,000 years without any negative side effects.
- Teleportation: Goldar can make himself vanish into thin air so that he can avoid attacks. Starting with Season 2, he always left in a large cloud of orange flame although he vanished in the same way as Season 1 in the episode "Goldar's Vice-Versa."
- Putty Summoning: Goldar can summon both versions of the Putty Patrol to aid him in fighting the Rangers.
- Tenga Summoning: After the Tenga Warriors replace the Putties as the foot soldiers of Rita and Zedd, Goldar is able to freely summon them as well.
- Eye Fireballs: Goldar can shoot fireball blasts from his eyes which are powerful enough to cause massive explosions around Jason whilst fleeing from him and King Sphinx. When combined with Scorpina's claw barrage, it took down the Thunder Megazord and forced the White Tigerzord back into its default Tiger Mode.
- Self Growth: In the episode "A Star is Born," Goldar and Scorpina clearly enlarge themselves to aid Babe Ruthless given Rita being under the weather.
- Master Hand to Hand Combatant: Goldar is not as good at hand to hand combat as he is at swordsmanship but is still easily able to take down all five Rangers (although Tommy was almost always able to overpower him).
- Master Swordsman: Goldar is better than any other villain at combat with a weapon, perhaps even more than Rita but excluding Zedd. Goldar constantly failed to beat Tommy in his Green Ranger form whilst Zedd could overpower him in his more powerful White Ranger form without breaking a sweat.
- Expert Zord Pilot: Goldar is able to expertly pilot both Cyclopsis and Serpentera with no assistance and overwhelm the Zords easily in both as well as piloting the Dragonzord to victory in the first part of the two-part episode "Return of an Old Friend."
- Chemistry Set-Up:Goldar is able to set-up a lot of chemistry equipment and similar equipment for Zedd’s bicentennial Sleep of Oblivion as seen in the first part of “The Wedding”, where he was given comments by Zedd.
- Wedding Planning:Goldar is able to expertly plan out Rita and Zedd’s wedding (much to his own outrage).
- Sword: Goldar wielded a large golden sword to aid him in combat. It was sharp enough to take down Rangers with one hit each and cleave straight through the middle of a building.
- Flame Waves: Goldar could engulf his sword in flames and fling a large horizontal wave of fire at his enemies strong enough to seriously shake up the Dino Megazord in Tank Mode and knock around the Mastodon, Triceratops, and Sabertooth Tiger Dinozords with one hit.
- Teleportation Waves: The flame waves from Goldar's sword could also teleport his enemies to any location at will as seen in "Missing Green."
- Fireballs: Goldar could fire blue energy from his sword that turned into orange fireballs capable of causing massive explosions and knocking down all five Rangers with one hit.
- Homing Fireballs:As seen during the battle with King Sphinx, Goldar could fire fireballs that homed in on his enemies and forced them to dodge towards his allies.
- Teleportation Stab: When charged up with dark gold energy, and stabbed into the ground, Goldar's sword could unleash a wave of the same golden energy to teleport beings away. He did this to Tommy and some Putties in "The Green Candle."
- Energy Chain Generation: Goldar could fire golden energy from his sword's tip that formed energy chains strong enough to restrain Tommy. He only did this in "The Green Candle."
- Flamethrower: Goldar was able to release a stream of flame from the tip of his sword to disintegrate a clumsy Putty in "Mighty Morphin Mutants".
- Lightning Channelling: Goldar could channel blue lightning into his sword and fire them from the tip. Instead of being used as an attack, it was instead used to power up the Crystal of Nightmares.
- Fire Channelling: Goldar was able to channel fire into his sword at will for a variety of attacks and special moves.
- Fire Ropes: By channelling fire into his sword, Goldar could release long yellow streamer-like ropes from the tip of his sword. He only did this in the episode "The Ninja Encounter Part I" to kidnap the future Power Rangers.
- Lightning Strike: When combined with Scorpina's fin blade, Goldar could fire forth blue lightning from his sword with enough power to take down all five Rangers.
- Teleportation Beams:Goldar could fire golden-white energy beams from his sword to teleport beings to any location he chose as seen with Kimberly and Shawna.
- Flame Waves: Goldar could engulf his sword in flames and fling a large horizontal wave of fire at his enemies strong enough to seriously shake up the Dino Megazord in Tank Mode and knock around the Mastodon, Triceratops, and Sabertooth Tiger Dinozords with one hit.
- Cyclopsis: Goldar's personal War Zord that he had for at least 10,000 years.
- Dragon Dagger: Temporarily stolen from the Command Center by Billy (who was under the Dramole's spell) who gave it to Goldar who used it to use the Dragonzord against the Rangers. It was later retrieved by Tommy along with the Power Coins.
- Z-Staff: Goldar borrowed Lord Zedd's staff to brainwash Tommy to get the Sword of Light in the episode "The Green Dream."
- Serpentera: Goldar was the pilot for Serpentera whereas Zedd just sat back and watched.
- Mirror of Regret: A mirror that showed someone their greatest failures which was used to try and destroy Adam's self-confidence. It was only used in the episode of the same name.
- Saba-Goldar stole Saba from Tommy in the episode "Best Man For The Job" for Rita to use to summon the White Tigerzord.
- Lightning Blasts: Goldar forced Saba to fire white lightning beams from his eyes strong enough to take down all six Rangers with one hit.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Strength: Goldar was much stronger as Goldar Maximus as shown when he sent Koda flying with a single sword slash which de-morphed him and knocked him unconscious.
- Shockwave Kick: Goldar can unleash a yellow shock-wave with his kicks as shown when he attacked Sledge upon his resurrection.
- Master Hand to Hand Combatant: Goldar is more skilled in hand to hand combat in his Maximus form as he was able to take on Ravi, Nate, Steel and Zoey at the same time without breaking a sweat.
- Broadsword: Goldar Maximus wields a massive golden broadsword.
- Lightning Bolt: Goldar Maximus can engulf his sword in blue lightning to fire a devastating lightning bolt from the tip which is strong enough to destroy Sledge with one hit.
- Energy Empowerment: Goldar can charge up his broadsword with blue energy to strike at full force. It is only used to slice open a geode for Scrozzle.
- Energy Waves: Goldar Maximus can fire a gigantic blue energy wave from his broadsword which is his most powerful attack since it was strong enough to de-morph Zoey, Nate, Steel and Ravi with one hit as well as knock all of them out cold.
- Zordon
- Alpha 5
- Jason Lee Scott (main Nemesis until his departure, returned as nemesis in Beast Morphers)
- Zachary "Zack" Taylor
- Billy Cranston
- Trini Kwan
- Kimberly Ann Hart
- Thomas "Tommy" Oliver (Arch Nemesis after Jason's departure)
- Adam Park
- Rocky DeSantos
- Aisha Campbell
- Katherine Hillard
- Tanya Sloan
- Delphine
- Aurico
- Crocus
- Cestro
- Tideus
- Andros
- Trey of Triforia
- Conner McKnight
- Ethan James
- Kira Ford
- Tyler Navarro
- Chase Randall
- Koda
- Riley Griffin
- Shelby Watkins
- Sir Ivan of Zandar
- Devon Daniels
- Ravi Shaw
- Zoey Reeves
- Nate Silva
- Steel
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]
“ | Good. | „ |
~ Goldar's first word when Rita Repulsa announced her scheme. |
“ | This isn't over! I'll be back! | „ |
~ Goldar escaping his first battle. |
“ | Greetings Power Rangers! I just thought I'd stop by and say hello! Ha ha ha ha ha! Before I say goodbye forever! It's been nice knowin' ya! | „ |
~ Goldar after defeating the Power Rangers in "Return Of An Old Friend." |
“ | Goldar: This can only mean one thing. Lord Zedd, the true emperor, has returned. Lord Zedd has returned. Rita: Uggggggggh! i have such a headache! Goldar: Deal with it. I’m going to meet my Emperor. I welcome you back, my Emperor. Excellency, surely you remember me. Goldar, your fateful servant. I surrender my self to serve and obey you only. It is good to have you back Lord Zedd. |
„ |
~ Goldar when Lord Zedd returned. |
“ | Goldar: Right away my lord. Yes, your majesty- What?! Rita? Have no fear, my lord. I shall summon the Putties to seize her. Zedd: Don’t you dare lay a paw on my bride to be. Goldar: But sire, she cannot be trusted. Noooooo. |
„ |
~ Goldar when he found that Zedd loved Rita. |
Beast Morphers[]
“ | I have returned! Who is it that has given me new life? | „ |
~ Goldar Maximus' first words upon being created by Scrozzle. |
~ Goldar to all 14 Dino Rangers after the Putties, Vivix, Triptoids and Tronics were destroyed and his last words before his ultimate death. |
- Goldar shared his name with a heroic giant warrior from the Tokusatsu series The Space Giants. Like this Goldar for Grifforzer, the heroic Goldar was renamed for the American dub, his original name being Magma. The heroic Goldar fought an evil overlord who used giant monsters, much like this Goldar's masters.
See Also[]
Villains | ||
Evil Space Aliens Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie 2016 Comics Lord Drakkon's Forces Empyreals Crossover Villains: Shredder | General Krang | Brainiac | Lord Zedd | Rita Repulsa Other |
Villains | ||
Machine Empire Evil Space Aliens Other |
Villains | ||
United Alliance of Evil Divatox's Crew |
Villains | ||
Evox's Army |