Golden Axe Plan Private Army is an organization featured in the video game Ace Combat: Joint Assault, serving as its major antagonistic faction. It is a private military company run by the insurance businessman Andre Olivieri in his scheme to take over the world's insurance industry, which he used to attack the United States after Valahia's defeat.
It's unknown when exactly the Golden Axe Plan Private Army was formed, but it first saw action soon after Antares Squadron eliminated Valahia leadership, who had earlier betrayed Andre Olivieri. Several members of the fallen terrorist organization, including Varcolac Squadron, joined Olivieri's private army. Golden Axe Plan forces mounted an attack on the USA, taking over an abandoned base in Nevada and preparing an attack on San Francisco. The end goal of such an attack would be massive war damage too much for insurance organizations to cover, which would lead to Andre buying said organizations out. While Martinez Security and United States Armed Forces defeated some of the army units and took down the new model of Spiridus flying fortress, the army retained significant manpower to assault San Francisco. Nevertheless, the battle for the city was won by the American forces thanks to the efforts of Antares Squadron, and with the death of Varcolac Squadron members and the army's benefactor Olivieri himself, the Golden Axe Plan Private Army was eventually dismantled.
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