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Villains Wiki

Louis Alberni known as Golyat is a minor antagonist and the first boss in the second expansion to the Dark Fantasy Game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt expansion Blood and Wine. He is a former knight of Toussaint turned into a large giant killing sheep and shepherds.



According to legends, Golyat, when he was still human, was a shining knight named Luis Alberni who was famous and extremely talented. However, Luis' fame got out of control causing him to be the perfect knight, falling into pride and egoism. Luis breaking his holy vows was transformed into a great cyclops called Golyat by the Lady of the Lake as a punishment. Although it has not been confirmed whether this legend is actually true or whether it was simply made up for fun at The Cockatrice Inn, the Lady of the Lake really exists, so it is possible that the legend is true.

General information about Golyat is that he lives in the mountain Gorgo, but he comes down to eat some animals in the housewife and people from the village or shepherds. Because of his lifestyle Golyat terrorized many village women in Toussaint for many years, until the young shining knight Guillaume attacked Golyat to gain glory for killing Golyat.

The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine[]

Guillaume, following Golyat, managed to catch up to the windmill in the village of Dulcinea and Guillaume decides to fight Golyat. During the fight Golyat turns out to be more dangerous than he thought because Golyat managed to jump over the windmill causing it to collapse on Guillaume. During the fight Golyat turns out to be more dangerous than he thought because Golyat managed to jump over the windmill causing it to collapse on Guillaume. After Guillaume is buried by the ruins of the windmill his horse runs away from Golyat in panic. Although Guillaume is blocked by the destroyed windmill he was able to free himself then he grabs part of the destroyed windmill serving as a club. Golyat stomps menacingly towards Guillaume to charge at him but is momentarily distracted by Geralt, Milton and Palmerin to support Guillaume in the fight with Golyat.

Geralt and the trio of shining knights from Toussaint rushed into battle with Golyat armed with his great club causing even more destruction in the village. Golyat also uses powerful stomps to create huge shock waves to be able to knock down. However, Golyat's skills were of no use because the witcher and the trio of knights from Toussaint defeat and kill Golyat for good. After Golyat's death, Geralt cuts off his head as a trophy.

Journal Entry[]

According to legend, Golyat had once been a knight who violated his vows, for which he was punished by the Lady of the Lake. Transformed into a giant, he fled into the mountains and would only descend into the inhabited lowlands when hunger forced him to it. There's no knowing how much truth lies in that legend, yet it is incontrovertible fact that this dangerous giant gobbled up shepherds and sheep alike, and was so widely feared, governesses used him to scare children into eating their vegetables.

Though he came across as a wild, unthinking beast, Golyat used simple tools and any item could turn into a deadly weapon in his powerful hands. When fighting Geralt, Golyat wielded a millstone, making his every blow truly crushing. Luckily, Geralt already had some experience slaying giants and made quick work of Golyat as well, with the much appreciated help of three knights - Milton de Peyrac Peyran, Palmerin de Launfal and Guillaume de Launfal.


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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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Blood and Wine
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Sirens of the Deep
