Gottn Goh is an officer of Axis Zeon serving as the first officer aboard the Endra and an antagonist in Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ.
Gottn Goh served as second-in-command to Mashymre Cello and Chara Soon during their respective tenures as captain of the Endra. Learning that the Argama was in port, Gottn hired a woman named Cecilia to locate the port containing the Argama. However, Cecilia was a childhood friend of Argama crew member Torres, compelling her to lie in her report to Gottn and say that the Argama was in port 32. After receiving the information, Gottn paid Cecilia in gold and even gave her a bonus. Unbeknownst to her, the bonus gold was actually a powerful bomb in disguise, with which Gottn intended to use to destroy the Argama.
Gottn then purchased every freighter in the port and crashed each of them into their respective port to draw out the Argama. After the Cassiopeia disembarked Gottn had his mobile suits to direct the shuttle above the port that the Argama resided in, planning to detonate the bomb once the Argama was in proximity. However, Cecilia discovered the bomb and jumped onto the leg of Gottn's last surviving mobile suit as it retreated back to his ship. Thus, when the bomb went off it caught Gottn's ship in the blast, killing Gottn and his crew and destroying their ship.