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Villains Wiki


Time to die, Ghostbusters!
~ Gozo seeking revenge against the Ghostbuster for destroying his father Gozer.

Gozo is the long-forgotten son of Gozer the Destructor. He is the main antagonist of the comic story "Stonehenge Revenge!" published in Marvel UK's The Real Ghostbusters 1990 Annual.

This demonic warlord wanted revenge against the Ghostbusters for destroying his "father". He came through an inter-dimensional portal at Stonehenge and, like his "father", he made the Ghostbusters team choose the form of the avenger. This time, Egon Spengler accidentally thought of a mushroom as Gozo immediately chose that as it's physical manifestation.

In order to beat Gozo now powered by England's legendary Stonehenge, the Ghostbusters destroyed the stone structure, then captured him.

Later, in the story "Equal Frights!", Gozo is released when the Ghostbusters learn that the ghosts they captured in the United Kingdom were a major part of a tourist economy. Yet, Gozo was defeated and capture again.



  • Like his father, Gozo is part of the same progeny of his grandather known as Koza'Rai.


           GhostbustersTitle Villains

Ghostbusters (1984): Gozer | Terror Dogs (Zuul & Vinz Clortho) | Slimer | Library Ghost | Subway Ghost | Zombie Taxi Driver | Walter Peck
Ghostbusters II: Vigo | Janosz Poha | Scoleri Brothers | Jogger Ghost | Theatre Ghost | Mink Coat | Washington Square Ghost | Slimer | Jack Hardemeyer
Ghostbusters (2016): Rowan North | Marshmallow Man | Mayhem | Flasher Ghost | Electrocuted Ghost | Gertrude Aldridge
Ghostbusters: Afterlife: Gozer | Ivo Shandor | Terror Dogs (Zuul & Vinz Clortho) | Muncher | Mini-Pufts | Miner Ghost | Bug-Eye Ghost | Flaming Phantasm
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire: Garraka | Sewer Dragon | Mini-Pufts | Pukey | Melody | Slimer | Walter Peck | Possessor

The Real Ghostbusters: Stay Puft Marshmallow Man | Grundel | Samhain | Cathulhu | Cult of Cathulhu (Spawn of Cathulhu & Clark Ashton) | Tiamat | Old One | Old One Cult (Dmitri Smerdyakov) | Wat | Quetzalcoatl | Spectral Mass | Winchester Wolf | Apshai | Anshar | Kishnar
Extreme Ghostbusters: Achira | The Ringleader | Demonic Clowns | Tempus | Mistress | Demi-Dog | Cohila | Harasvelg | Shanbahac | Leprechaun | Mirror Demon

Tiamat | Senta | Morgan Le Fay | Idulnas | Gozerian Terror Bear | Gozo | Koza'Rai

Video Games
Cult of Gozer (Ivo Shandor, Black Slime Behemoth, Azetlor, Spider Witch & Chairman) | Chef Ghost | Sloars | Juvenile Sloar | Gozerian Servitors | Cult of Dumazu (Dumazu & Ismael McEnthol) | Janna | Ghost Abby

